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Posts posted by JackForPrez

  1. 18 hours ago, Frosty_ said:


    Unfortunately in my eyes I feel you are not ready for this position.

    I have seen many moments where you have gone to far messing around with your powers for example constantly spawning in weapons and killing people or encouraging people to do so, etc.

    As well there have been plenty of times where I have seen you act like you are above command. For example today I witnessed you go on radio and attempt to tell people to not listen to Senior Commander Grizzly's order when you have no power to so. And even then immediately then and I'm hoping this was a joke you told everyone on radio if they don't show up at DB they would be marked as traitors and executed which you have no authority to do so. Even after I noticed you interfering with shock as a ST PVT tried RDM'ing and instead of sending shock or calling for a staff you decided to handle it yourself by chasing him down and physgunning him to have shock then arrest them.

    I just feel you do not set a proper example for GM's to be placed as one of the heads. 

    Though I will admit you do put in a lot of work and my judgement is purely based on how you carry yourself not your effort.


    17 hours ago, GrizzlyGames said:


    Take this with a grain of salt but I personally do not think you are ready for the next step of GMs, and there are times when I believe you interfere with the flow of Rp.  Some of these examples would be interfering and dictating with the interrogations of those qualified. Along with overstepping boundaries by trying to give troops orders and threatening players when they don't want to show up to events. One thing you should also learn is how to do some of the lightsaber actors you need to remember to go after Purge and the lightsaber users. This can be easily fixed but you need to start showing more of an appropriate standard for the GM team. What you need to do is remember some of the rules of the GM job. 

    Unfortunately, I see you on the GM job a lot as well when there are no events even going on and passively dictating other's RP across the ship, again this can easily be fixed by just leading by example. There is also a certain way that you talk to people that can be seen as hostile which can turn some away from wanting to join the GM team. I also do think the usage of some overpowered weapons like the turbo laser should be dialed back because in my opinion it should not be spammed publicly for no reason.

    There are certainly some good events that you host and I thank you for what you are doing for the community I just think you still have much to work on. Disclaimer: I do not know all the GM rules and etc this is just an opinion.

    AHGM cannot be applied for, it is a promoted to position, if im not mistaken. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Anomaly said:

    JackforPrez: My guy, a great DT and an amazing JMT. We held the GM team together for as long as we could together.

    I was pretty good. GM Team. Was good you were hella inactive sorry I was involved in your removal. Jokes aside best of luck

  3. Link to new pack(s):

    How would this benefit the server (will it help events or is it purely for decorations and how?): 

    • The Skiff will allow for more RP with Criminals, allowing for effective hit and Run Attacks. It will allow GMs to use it for a greater range of RP.
    • The T-c3 is a Shuttle that can be used for Imperial VIPs, particularly Krennic. It will allow for Death Troopers and Dark Troopers to go on Deployments with Krennic allowing for greater immersion, also its just kinda cool.
    • Gozanti Freighter has several models so it can be used by the Pykes to Transport Spice, allowing for defense sims when loaded etc… Also, it can be used by SF to have as a destructible ship for them to defend in Sims or in events. 

    Do you believe the benefits exceeds the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?:

    Overall, I think they are relatively small packs and wouldn’t make much of a difference. Personally, I think they are worth it allowing for more RP on Tatooine and in the Stars.

    Whatever your thoughts thank you for reading, and feedback of any kind is appreciated 

  4. Denied

    At this moment in time we do not think you are fit for the GM Team, thank you for your interest you may reapply in 2 Weeks.

    I recommend putting more effort into your applications in the Future.

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