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Everything posted by FloraFawna

  1. 1. What is your in-game name?: Fawna 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:65558566 3. Current Rank in Security: MSGT 4. Time on the server: 1 Week Total Playtime [2 Months Active] 5. On a scale from 1 (the minimum 30 min per day) - 10 (6+ hours Daily), how active are you?: 10 6. Do you have any active strikes on the roster? (This includes other branches): No 7. Which Juggernaut members recommended you to apply?: All of Them (They don't stop) 8. What is your current level in game?: 46 9. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes 10. Why do you think you deserve to join the Security Juggernaut Sub-Branch? (100+ WORDS): I feel like I would be useful as a juggernaut in assisting hold down d-class during riots and general every day protocols. Generally from experience I have seen Juggernauts last longer than regular security and tend to be more useful in terms of survivability. I would love to be of further use in GENSEC and by taking on more sub branch responsibilities I have a wider variety of options available to handle different situations. With access to Juggernaut I would aspire to climb the ranks and make the most out of it, like I do with Security as a whole. 11. As a member of the Juggernaut Sub-Branch, do you have the right to give orders to people above your standard Security Rank? Why or why not?: No, you re unable to give orders to those above you standard security rank as juggernauts is a subbranch. Those in higher rankings have more experience and more permissions than you would at a lower rank.
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