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Posts posted by Keltor

  1. your friend reported u for harassing him. following him around saying let me help u get off repeatedly. I responded and pulled him into a sit. there was no clip of evidence so I informed him to carry on to see if u did that again and followed him. u did and I pulled u into a sit for it. your on gov and gov are suppose to be professional at all times while on gov. with no context that u knew each other specially since your reporting each other, there is no way from me to know that u are joking. staff is expected to take sits seriously and professionally. u were being unprofessional on gov and i do plan to tell my superiors so that way its noted that this happened.

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  2. In-Game Name:
    Keltor when staff and when on criminal, or Sanchez when on Government job.

    Steam Name:
    [GL] Keltor


    What is your discord username (Ex: Bon#1922):

    What is your staff rank in Gaminglight?
    Senior Moderator

    How often are you on TeamSpeak?
    Whenever I am on the server or at work when there is a meeting for a department, I use my phone to connect to TeamSpeak.

    How often do you use Discord?
    Every day I am on discord. when I am on the server, when I am home, on my phone at work I constantly check throughout the day for new messages on discord when I can and am not too busy at work to see what's going on.

    Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?
    I would like to be a member of your support team to help others that might have questions or problems that need to be fixed so it can be resolved so they can get back to playing on gaminglight servers having fun. I want to take the next step to moving forward to moving up ranks on my server and helping out to be a better asset to gaminglight. I am very active and dedicated to not only doing my job properly but also being professional at all times. If there ever is a task, I am not sure of, my instinct is to ask someone with more experience to make sure mistakes are avoided at all costs and the person asking for help is getting the greatest value of assistance possible. Then to ask the more experienced member advice of how I could have done or handled it better so next time I have the knowledge to correctly handle the situation.

    Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team?
    You should trust me to be a member of your support team because I have experience with being staff not just from gaming light but from other servers and helping ppl with their problems. I am responsible and take my duties seriously.

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?
    Hello, I am Keltor of the support team, how can I help you today. Or Hello I am Keltor and I am with the support team. What seems to be the problem today that I can help you with.

  3. Rank You are Applying For: Major


    In-Game Name: Sanchez

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15446554

    Current Rank: Captain

    How long have you been in your current rank?:  6 weeks

    What timezone are you in?:  EST

    How many Warns do you have?:  0 https://gyazo.com/f8776e20be2fcefb77232321f7e0ce0c

    Permission: Bruceboyo, Solomon

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): 

    I want to be a Major to further myself in the police department for one day I want to be PD high command. When I am on, I am always watching the lower ranks. I am always responsible and professional on the job. I try to be as active as possible whenever I am on. I try to dedicate time to the Police department. Even when I am on staff or another job I am watching what is going on for our department. I want to Have PD be one of the main departments next to the FBI that I am a part of and the PD department means a lot to me. I know what it means to be a professional on PD and I try to show it and teach it to the lower ranks whenever I can or notice a fault. I am an experienced command member and think I can be a great value to PD just like I feel I am to the other departments. A great Police department would be a department without officers who break the law or rules and decide to goof off and do what they want. That's what i want to see.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

  4. Your In-game: Sanchez

    The admin's name in-game: Miniepic


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:1:195322115


    What warning did you receive: ARDM


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): file added


    Why do you think this warn was false: because i was ARDMed and mini warned me instead of the person who ARDM

    Any extra information: wrong person, no worries. please remove.

    mini warn.png

  5. What you want to see? - mentioning of grenades in rules restrictions to when and what situations they can use it.

    Why should we add it? -  because it does a lot of damage and a lot of the general stores that get robbed are really small and it hits a bunch of criminals. gov throws 2 or 3 grenades in a store before running in if it doesn't outright kill us, on top of having to afterwards deal with shooting at gov who already has a lot of armor and strong guns to counter criminals and out number criminals greatly. Its not fair.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Fairness to criminals because grenades are overpowered and abused by being overly thrown into a scene.

    Who is it mainly for? -Criminals robbing stores

    Links to any content - N/A

  6. On 1/3/2023 at 1:00 PM, scor said:

    Jay, I admire your determination and motivation for becoming a staff member. However, I strongly believe that you're not ready yet. This is due to the lack of maturity. You have long ways to go. Good luck!!! 

    I agree with this

    - support. Also agree with comment about chain of command statement made by another player.

  7. In-Game Name: Sanchez

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15446554

    Current Rank: Lieutenant

    How long have you been in your current rank?: Over 3 weeks. I think I got trained for LT on the 7th of December.

    What timezone are you in?:  EST

    How many Warns do you have?: O

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):  I think I should be promoted to Captain because there is a lot I can teach the lower ranks. I have shown that I know how to handle myself when it comes to what my responsibilities are and how to deal with a lower rank messing around. I had to deal with a couple of situations and I handled it very professionally. I am actively on PD and trying to make it better through guiding the current officers and training new ones that are cadets. When I see that a cadet needs training I try to go there myself or get someone who's online if I can't to make sure the cadet is swiftly taken care of. I feel I would make a great captain since I am very experienced when it comes to command positions and also when it comes to playing government jobs. I am someone who takes the rules very seriously and my job very seriously.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

    warns for staff 12-31.png

  8. What is your in-game name?: Keltor on criminal/Sanchez on gov

    What is your steam name?: Keltor

    What is your steam ID?:  STEAM_0:0:15446554

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) on Gmod, I was  a staff member of Doug's TTT server, I think I was a admin. I worked my way up and was a super admin on a darkrp server called vitality. I was staff on a server with a big community called synergy roleplay. it was a star wars clone wars server. Over the couple years I was apart of it I worked and in time, earned the rank of head admin. and I held that rank for 7 months before leaving the community.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) April, 2022

    What date did you make your forums account? April, 30th

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? platinum 

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot) 0

    What rank are you applying for? trial mod

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? no

    Have you read the staff guidelines at link below: Yes

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I think I deserve the rank and the opportunity to be a staff member of this server because I am an experienced staff member of other communities and I understand what it takes to be staff and handle situations appropriately. I want to be staff to help the server during the late night minges and to make sure the server is safe from the people who don't intend to roleplay and hurt the server and the community or to help the players who have questions on how the server works or need assistance with something. I work full time and work during the active hours of the server but when I'm not working I'm on the server. Either morning up to noon to late night. I want to help  the community grow. That is why I think I deserve to be a staff member of the server and thank you for your time.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?  my first action would do a jailtp because if he already doesn't care and only wants to mass rdm there is a chance he will shoot at me in the sit.  if all he's doing is cursing or talking over me I would mute him so I can talk. Explain to him why he's in the sit and that he has been muted. If he calms down I will unmute him so he can give he's side but in till then inform him that I'm going to be checking logs. after checking logs ask if he's calm and ready to talk. to type or give confirmation. unmute. if he good,  get his side use logs to inform him that he's being warned. inform him of how to check rules and to read them. try to get him to understand and follow rules because its better to get someone to change then to lose a potential community member.


    Keltor warns.png

  9. Your in game name: Sanchez

    The player's in game name: Foolio

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:649376826

    What did the player do: Rdm me 6+ times

    Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/KFarwMI8XRvNO/d1337OUWqNOh?invite=cr-MSxwNzgsNjk5MTM2MjUs also Ardm me everytime i went pass spawn and hide in his flashing prop base so cop bait but dont have video of that.  as soon as the first time he ardm me i made a ticket for long for the several times he killed me but staff were not active to take sits

    What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban

    Any extra information: this person had no intent to rp. also after he shot me passing spawn he hide in his seizure prop flashing base so u could call that cop baiting.

  10. Rank You are Applying For: LT


    In-Game Name: Sanchez

    SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:15446554

    Current Rank: Sergeant Major

    How long have you been in your current rank?:  3 weeks

    What timezone are you in?:  Eastern Standard Time

    How many Warns do you have?:  0

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):  I think I should be promoted to LT because I am active and I am dedicated to proper training for pd. Not just going over the FTO doc for training cadets but actively going over the sop and covering most of it to make sure they have all the info they need to not say I didn't know. I am actively fbi high command and ems low command. I was a USMS command I stepped down to make room for other departments but I have experience in being a command member. I am always very professional in all government jobs. Even before I started maining gov again, I would be watching PD enlisted and making reports to make sure errors of bad character were corrected properly. PD is the heart of this server and I only want the best for it. I want to be a LT of PD to be able to do more and have better responsibility to be able to help or manage PD. I work full time but when I'm not at work I am on the server maining gov for the most part trying to do my best for all departments including pd to assist in proper Roleplay and proper procedure.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

  11. Your in game name: Keltor/Sanchez

    The player's in game name: Chip Chrome

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:709833625

    What did the player do: prop block spawn, prop block car dealer, prop block tunnel to state.

    Evidence (required):   

    What do you believe should happen to the player: I would like to see him banned. I had to trick him by trapping him  just to convince him remove all the props he had on the map. even then he got out and I had to trap him again to control the server so I could guard the door of spawn to let out the ppl who were not him. he had no intent to rp or be part of the server he took advantage of the late night  and the knowledge of lack of active staff to make the server unplayable.

    Any extra information: he rdmed me on ems but didnt clip properly so no evidence.


    chip 2.jpg

    chip 3.jpg

  12. Your in game name: Sanchez/Keltor

    The player's in game name:  Tritex

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:508179172

    What did the player do: Spawned in a custom car that doesnt belong to his cc

    Evidence (required):  https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/CrQH4ioLgYdCu/d1337WU7JuUh?invite=cr-MSxOUlEsNjk5MTM2MjUs

    What do you believe should happen to the player:  removed from cc with a blacklist for set time from joining cc and a warn. new territory so not sure what appropriate punishment should be. 

    Any extra information: i used search on the forums for dozer the custom class name and only the main post to create cc showed with no mention of adding go kart. also person lied about it being added to  his class. also said the person who owned the class dissapeared months ago, kart was added to nuke 2 months ago july 22 


  13. Hey so with work and all the jobs I am a part of I want to be able to make sure I’m active in all of them and it’s a hard decision for me because swat was a lot of fun but unfortunately I am goin to have to resign so I can give give my time to the departments and my family. Not gonna work with my full time work schedule. I don’t want to be inactive in any department and be fair to All

  14. Your in game name: Keltor/Sanchez

    The player's in game name: placebo gg

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:156040669

    What did the player do: player raided base without adverting with his 2 friends and he was warned for raiding without adverting and walked up to me after the sit and called me the slur with the f word that ends with t with 2 gg's in the middle.

    Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/t5S7sx8MoLWIZ/d1337l5AdNXo?invite=cr-MSxTbDMsNjk5MTM2MjUs

    What do you believe should happen to the player: i want this person banned please for the proper punishment time.

    Any extra information: zoeyplaysgames already warned him for the slur but cannot ban. Thank u

  15. Hi keltor here I’m the skeleton that walked up and said that’s my car. It was in fact my car, So my side of this is we were all driving around together it was late night and at suburbs me and the other sl members and 1 of them stole my car either I got out and they drove off or was kicked out and they drove off with it. so I told them on voice chat out of bitterness and for the meme I’m gonna call the police on u for stealing my car. A person in voice chat  said I wish u would call the police. So I did /911 help car is stolen. No one responded to 911 so I chased on foot in ther genera direction and saw them pulled over and saw the ppl in the car in front was police so I said help my car is stolen that’s my car. Then the ppl in my car took off.

  16. Can I know through dm on discord why it was denied I have 0 warns on the server I’m aotw 2 weeks  straight for usms. I’m currently aotw I’ve been aotw for fbi I have no strikes on usms ppd or fbi. I have a solid record of excellence on gov. I’m active. Only thing I can think of is me missing something on the app a link of some sort. If all is right I have no problem waiting the 2 weeks.

  17. In game name: Sanchez, ASAIC FBI,HO heavy, SSA USMS.

    Discord: Gaenry#5028

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15446554

    Rate your activity 1-10 (1 being lowest 10 being highest): 9. I’m on either early morning or late night couple hours  before everyone goes to bed and server pop dies.

    Anything we should know?(If your activity is below a 5 this is a good place to explain why): 

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