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Posts posted by Keltor

  1. Yes i am retiring this is goodbye. I might come back we will see but for now its goodbye. I dont need 48hours your good to take my takes and let me go now. I may or may not have raided the evidence locker  and taken several pounds of weed as my goodbye present to myself but thats for u to find out. thank u for this awesome trip and now i say goodbye.

  2. I’ve been fbi since the beginning of my journey on gaminglight rp and that journey in this department been a year long. In fact it was my first department over all others. I know a year isn’t that long compared to other ppl but still long to me. Anyways I love fbi and it will always be my department but my work schedule isn’t making be able to be involved as I like and it’s unfair to hold my positions and for that I say goodbye. I will still be around and maybe I can come back if my work schedule changes for now I pull out a guitar and play carry on my wayward son by Kansas and walk off in the sunset. I’m not going to do any special notes or tag anyone cause it’s not my style. Peace.

    • Sad 1
  3. On 7/19/2023 at 12:11 PM, HuntR said:



    I would be willing to change to a plus support if people like me who have purchased that whitelist get a refund through credits rather then losing our investment in the job.


  4. What you want to see? - I want to see the wording change in capture points so u must be standing at all times or no sitting in capture points when capturing points. certain weapons like throwing weapons cant hit ppl sitting. also even with guns u have a smaller hitbox and there is no reason for that in a capture point. or make throwing weapons able to hit ppl who are sitting.

    Why should we add it? -  the wording needs to be more clear so its not taken advantage of in the interests of fairness.

    What are the advantages of having this? -  when contested in a sit this would make it easier to make a ruling of someone using the sit to avoid damage. 

    Who is it mainly for? - crime families.

    Links to any content - 

  5. Your in game name: Keltor

    The player's in game name: Nathan the goat 

    The player's steam ID (required):  STEAM_0:1:609540761

    What did the player do: Failrp. didnt drop 30k when mugged. didnt follow fearrp

    Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1iuwikIK1Skkd1/d1337iv1ccII?invite=cr-MSx2c2wsNjk5MTM2MjUs

    What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn

    Any extra information: no non sl staff members were on to deal with sit.

  6. i can confirm his rdming. He was warned for it by me. He said he was going to rdm the afk's. i was watching logs and he did it shortly after. while i was checking logs to confirm everything he dced, before I could make a sit with him or talk to him so i didnt label it as ltap because of that.
    I don't think he should be banned I feel the warning is enough but up to you guys.

  7. 1: What is your in-game name?:

    2: What is your steam name?:
    [GL] Keltor

    3: What is your steam ID?:

    4: Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)
    Yes. i was staff on TTT server, Super admin, Darkrp server. I was an admin on that server right under the super admin, minecraft servers. I was a part of a clone wars server that I worked up the ranks and earned the rank of head admin. I held that rank for over 8 months. 

    5: What date did you start playing in the community? (roughly)
    Around  the same time as i joined the forums so maybe April 27th, 2022

    6: What date did you make your forums account?
    April 30th, 2022

    7: Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?
    Senior Moderator/Platinum

    8: How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)
    0  https://gyazo.com/c5d0db3567fc4c940062eb26ca795605

    9: What rank are you applying for?

    10: Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?

    11: Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it:

    12: Timezone:

    13: Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):
    Manager: Drippy
    Head Of Staff: Seb

    Lead Admin:


    Super Admin:

    Zoeyplaysgames, Ridgeland 

    14: Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    I want the rank of admin to better help the server and it would greatly help when it comes to dealing with prop minges and staff members that need people banned. I have a good amount of experience as a staff member of other servers. Having the rank of admin would better assist the server for I feel that I am responsible and I take the job of staff very seriously. I have been on the server for very close to a year with 0 warns. If that doesn't say I respect the rules I don't know what would. The goal of the server is to have a gaming experience that is fun and safe. To keep the players interested in the server. As an admin, it would better help me with my interest to make sure the server is running smoothly and efficiently. With great power comes great responsibility and I am ready to step up to that plate to that responsibility as an admin.

    15: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    I would explain to them that cursing at people is player disrespect and it's against the rules and not very nice. If they talk over me so i can't speak or say it, i would type that what they're doing is player disrespect and I will gag them if  they continue then gag them for a short time if they dont stop. Once that is dealt with I would explain to them why they are in a staff sit for mass rdm. I will inform them that I'm going to check their warns, if they don't have previous warns, I would explain to them that they can't mass rdm and shoot ppl for no reason. I would give them jail time and tell them to do !motd to read the rules. If they have priors then I would inform them that they are going to be warned and be dealt a jail time to calm down and read the rules.

          These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin:

              -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account?
    I would look in connections in the logs to see if there is a different message for when they connected. If I interact due to a rule break with them I would clip it to have their voice recorded. Chances are that they might have been dealt with before in another situation and recognize their voice.I would ask in the staff discord or in game if someone of proper rank to see if they could check and confirm that it is an alt account. The thing I wouldn't do is accuse them of being a alt. I would let the proper rank confirm it and they would deal with it. I would watch as the proper rank deals with it because I like to follow through with being professional and giving info on if they feel that it is wrong on where they could attempt to appeal it.


              -What would you do if a player is threatening to chargeback?
    I would advise against it and inform the player that chargeback will result in a blacklist from the community. Charging back is a very serious thing and asking questions to see if I could maybe calm down the player or give other alternatives, give suggestions about the positives about what they bought and how they could use that item and it will always be there. To change the person's mind about committing the chargeback so they could still be part of the community.


              -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging?

    I would pull that family to the roof in a sit and talk to them as a group that they can't be minging and that the server is supposed to be a fun place  to play. Would inform them of the rule breaks. Also if it continues then the ones breaking the rules will be pulled into a sit, warned and jailed. I don't want to have to do that and it's important for them to follow the rules so everyone can have fun.



              -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!") I would ask in admin chat in game if anyone else is around. I would ask for advice in that channel and update them with the situation and get their side of what to do. If no one responds I would ask in the discord staff channel and do the same to try to get an answer before going forwarded.



  8. +support 

    5 hours ago, [GL]MyanDaBeast said:



    -Friendly & Patient


    -Neutral and good judgment on situations

    -Extremely experienced in staff & command

    -Amazing application

    -Active on forums

    -Good relationship with most people in the community

    -Little warns

    Overall you are ready for admin, goodluck!


  9. - Support.

    I agree with the above with what was said about rushing the application, and the other things said by Hunt. From what I have seen of u I don't think u have the understanding of the responsibility that comes with being staff. Regardless if your on the staff job doing tickets or doing roleplay, your still staff and u must be mature at all times. 

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