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  1. +support -was a former purge vice commander
  2. Hello All, I regret to inform you all that i am stepping down from command. I will be still on gl but not as much. Needing a break for irl stuff @Ghoul Sadly havent seen him since he left for his last trip to walmart. @GrizzlyGames Glizzy gang leader-ed shearan. @parlolmlglove ya @Caliber Ben lover @JacsturBen hater I wanted to mention a few others but i couldn't find there acct's here. I hope everyone has a good gl experience. been a blast!
  3. https://tenor.com/view/back-off-this-is-my-swamp-shrek-shreks-swamp-gif-12025865
  4. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Chronos 2. What Regiment are you applying for? IQ, Ninth Sister 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? Since I joined Purge and IQ over a year ago I have strived to make sure that all in the battalion are enjoying it and the server as a whole. I believe i would make a good command member seeing i have been an officer for 9+ months and have a good feel of what is expected of troopers. Since I have joined IQ I have strived to maintain a positive and entertaining atmosphere that is welcoming to everyone, new and old. As the Ninth Sister, I would like to create and maintain the best image for IQ and purge. I would like to increase the amount of sims and quality RP (missions/inter battalion relationships). I personally think that the IQ need to be feared and respected more. I would also like to give enlisted more encouragement to stay. I think making sims and missions more enticing for ncos/officer to do would attract people to the battalion. I would also wish to make sure troopers do not make the same mistakes i have made in the past by setting and upholding high standers. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 781:48 https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/910714366 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The purpose of a commander for a/the branch is to be the prime example of what a rp'er needed to be a great trooper within that branch should be. They need the seriousness, dedication and willingness to answer any question that any of there troopers (no matter the person) may ask of them. A commander will need the the strength/respect to never treat or make anyone feel less for there choice. They also should be pushing others to be/do as best as they can. They should always be professional and should be trusted by members of all battalions to come to for any type of situation. They will also need to be able to command there troopers with respect whilst following the sop/rules to the letter. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I have LOTS OF LOVE for the branch. I also have been a known and trusted Community Member, Purge trooper and Inquisitorious for over a year now. As such, I am very dedicated to this to this branch. I do my best to assist every trooper no matter what rank, battalion, branch or community status they may be. Every day I will do my best to bring the branch to the top of its game. I will be doing sims and trainings that keep troopers on there toes because they need to stay alert at all times. I have made mistakes along the way to COL/Overseer. Every time i have made a mistake i have learned from it to the best of my ability. As Ninth sister i wish to show the true potential of the Inquisitors! 7. How often can you be Online? : Sunday-thursday: after 7pm EST Friday/saturday: usually anytime throughout the day. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I currently do not have any warns.
  5. 1: What is your IGN? Lord X Chronos STEAM_0:1:95526614 2: What Regiment are you applying for? Inquisitorius | (Ninth sister) 3: Why do you want to become a vice commander of this branch? I would love to become Ninth Sister because i am dedicated to the branch. I want to inspire people to be great role models like I was inspired by command such as Kashak, Jax, and Iceberk. I would also like to make sure that the battalion is as enjoyable as possible for everyone even for those who are not in the battalion itself. I enjoy assisting new players to gaming light and or to the battalion itself as much as possible. I want to also be able to maintain the positive reputation of IQ and hopefully make it even better. 4: How much time do you have on the server? I currently have dedicated 392 hours to gaming light. 5: What is the main purpose of the vice commanders of this branch? The main Purpose of the vice commander's are to assist all in the battalion by answering questions, promoting those who are doing good and punish those who are not maintaining the sop and standards of that rank. Make sure nco+ are knowledgeable on things such as interrogations, sims, missions and etc. Make sure to do trainings on things such as Interrogation's, lightsaber and force discipline. Encourage everyone to go above and beyond in there duties. To maintain a positive atmosphere. 6: Why should we trust you to be a vice commander? I believe you should trust me as a vice commander because I have dedicated my time on GL as Iq/Purge. I always do my best to jump onto the job even if I am sick. I enjoy assisting people as much as possible. If someone needs help even if I am not on the server at that moment I am willing to assist them as much as I could at the time. If I make a mistake or don’t know something I am willing to learn from said scenario. I am easy to talk to and I tend to be trusted by many of the NCO+'s. 7: How often can you be online? 5-6 hours on weekdays and 7+ on the weekends 8: Do you have any warnings? I do not have any.
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