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  1. Participants: JR Leery Question: If D-class has regenerative cancer can they survive SCP-173's attack Hypothesis: I think he will survive because the body continues working for a few minutes after death so he might survive Test: The D-Class did not survive he died immediately like any other D-class.
  2. Question: How durable is SCP-999 Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that he will survive most anything being that he Jello Test: I required no D-Class for my test because there was no danger that came with handling SCP-999. I wiped out my pistol and shot it a few times as i expected there was no effect but it bled Red Blood which is surprising to me since SCP-999 is already a gelatinus mass it doesn't make sense for it to have blood. That is the end of my test this is my first one by the way please don't be to harsh
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