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Posts posted by Dareth

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tamamo Nugs said:

    Not really here to grade your test, but the formatting is pretty rough.  Having a white paper with colored text is harder to read than with a black paper with colored text.  Also, I'm not really sure what your coloring is for when it comes to the relationship between the thing you colored and the color.

    In one of my text logs, the colors were coordinated: D-Class were colored orange, SCP's were colored based off their class, and MTF/GenSec/Other personnel were colored based off their color in-game.  I also colored based off of good outcomes and bad outcomes (green being good, red being bad, yellow being meh).  Green and yellow also referred to ideas I had (yellow being an idea, green being the actual outcome I expected.)

    However, when I look at this doc, I dont see any coordination in the coloring.  Researcher is green, SCP is red, the word "it" was red, you made every "I" and "Me" green, and you made GenSec blue?  I mean, typing it out like that made it easier to understand.  SCP is red cause its the SCP you're testing on, "I", "Me", and Researcher was green because that was you, and Gensec was colored in blue cause it was your escort, but that doesn't really work out.  The one part about the color coding that works out, though, is D class, but that's about it.

    TL;DR, If you're gonna color code, try to do it in a way that's more descriptive instead of in a way for identification.  We know who you are, we know who the escort was, and we know what the SCP is.

    thanks for the feedback  

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