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Posts posted by Dareth

  1. GRADING -- 5.5/10

    Lore: 9/10 - spot on lore

    Format/Layout: 5/10 -  Has room for improvement.

    test Idea: 6/10 -  Nice and simple test idea but could have been done better.

    Grammar: 8/10 -  I saw 2 grammar mistakes  " SCP-049's body over time1" and "Let’s put this too" it should have been to instead of too

  2. GRADING -- 6.5/10

    Lore: 7/10 -  Could have had some more info on the scps.

    Format/Layout: 5/10 -  It's very barren could use some more work.

    test Idea: 7/10 -  It's a creative idea.

    Grammar: 10/10 -  No spelling mistakes .


    Notes: Good test but the format could be better.

  3. GRADING -- 7/10

    Lore: 9/10 - spot on lore

    Format/Layout: 7/10 -  I like the layout but it has room for improvement.

    test Idea: 6/10 -  It's a creative idea but the execution leaves it lacking.

    Grammar: 10/10 -  No grammar mistakes that I could spot good work.


    Notes: It's very short. For something like this I'd say it's better for it to be an activity log but I like the effort

  4. Name: dareth
    SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:440803200
    Current Rank: Executive Researcher

    Time in Research (Estimate): 1 week (joined in mid November 2021)

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): 

    I've spent my time in enlisted and now I want to give back to the branch that has given me many memories by helping the next batch of researchers. I am active most days of the week usually in off-hours because of my time zone. Most of the time that I spend on off-hours are as rig patrolling lcz for any stray d-class that may have escaped d-block and on other occasions, I'll just be afk. I am very dedicated to research it's the only branch on the server that I enjoy and have fun on and I'm always happy to train future researchers even if either of us crash in the middle of trainings. I also love helping new researchers or even some more experienced members with any problems that they have even if I can only help just a little bit. 

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):

    As someone with a crappy pc and internet, I have developed a lot of patience and am very good at listening to people and discussing things with them. I also have experience in many leadership roles in school and have also helped supervised several groups of junior and associate researchers at the request of command memeber.  Since I am in the GMT+8 time zone I can oversee any research-related problems that may occur while other members might be asleep or doing something else. That also means I can do events such as pt's for those night owls in research or even train someone for research. 

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

    I would want to make research an easier branch to get started in. For most new people to the server that join research, they have no idea what to test on or how to test and what rules there are to testing. If I were made a command member I would go out of my way and do the best that I can to guide new researchers and make sure they have a fun and enjoyable time in the branch. Another way I would increase activity is by hosting a lot of mass tests. I always found testing in groups much more fun than testing alone and being given the opportunity to test on scps that are usually out of your range will always be great no matter your rank. Pts are great too, though they don't happen quite as much currently I would love to host some and have a fun time with enlisted.

    That's all I got to say about that goodbye.

  5. 28 minutes ago, The Real Slim Nova said:

    I see, the logs show you killing a D-Class, but it could have been glitched. For know I am +support.

    that was a self defense he was hitting me with a bat

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  6. 41 minutes ago, The Real Slim Nova said:

    My side: I was being shadowed by Lafleur for an RDM sit. We found out that you LTAP'd, and I was told to warn you, and Kevlar later banned

    I was doing what I was specifically told to do by an higher-up. 

    Although, if this is true, and you did NOT LTAP, and you did not understand that you were getting punished, than +Support.

    I dont think I killed anyone I was on research and the I was on CI then I left


    Steam Name: dareth

    SteamID:   Steam_0:0:440803200

    Ingame Name: dareth

    Ban Length:  2 days and 23 hours

    Admin that Banned you: kevlar

    Reason for Ban: LTAP - On behalf of Nova

    dispute: I was banned for LTAP but I didn't know what I was gonna be punished for. I got off to play foxhole with friends after a bit. But if I was told what I was gonna be punished for I would be happy to wait out my ban.

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