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Sgt. Salvador

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Posts posted by Sgt. Salvador

  1. Alright this is my first grade since getting off of LOA and... 173 ate a pickle. What?

    No color coding for you, because formatting is hard and I'm lazy right now.
    ok maybe a little.

    Grammar & Spelling - 9/10 - Very minor grammar errors. No spelling errors were seen if there were any.

    Format & Length - 6/10 - Format is a bit clunky but it has a nice fit to it. I like the style, but it needs a little bit of rearrangement and polishing. Space some information out a bit but keep relevant bits grouped together. Try to make it look more professional. Could also use some extra visual stimuli outside of the kill agent.

    Test Idea & Lore - 8/10 - Can't really fault you for SCP-173 eating a pickle because eh... I don't think it can eat but, who knows if it can or not. Neat idea I suppose just... a bit off-putting at first because "SCP-173 Pickle Test Log" is a very menacing test log name.

    Overall - 6/10 - Well-written but your format and such need work. Take a peek at other test logs that have received high grades, see how they're set up. Keep up the great work Doggo.

  2. Grammar & Spelling: 10/10 - Little to no grammatical errors or spelling errors, very nice.

    Lore/Idea: 9/10 - IIRC, the only thing anomalous about 527 is the fish head. Other than that, there's nothing else. I won't take off more than a point due to the fact that nothing says it can't steal souls either.

    Length & Format: 8/10 - Nice format n a good length. I'd say needs a little more though, on both. The format was a little hard to read and kind of hurt my eyes though that might just be me, so I won't be too harsh on this. Just find a better font that isn't so rough I suppose. Remember -- Feel free to add details that didn't happen! Tests don't need to be word-for-word on in-game events.

    Overall Grade: 9/10 - A very interesting concept of SCP-527 being able to 'steal souls'. I like the idea. Keep up the great work Lobster! 

  3. Grammar & Spelling: 8/10 - Grammatical errors and spelling errors are present, though can read past them without thought. Though, for the length, these were pretty easy to spot for me. 

    Lore: 9.5/10 - Nothing that I cannot point out that isn't lore-friendly, besides maybe SCP-079 being turned off at all.

    Length & Format: 7/10 - Extremely short, but the format holds it up a bit more. Details are always a nice touch.

    Overall Grade: 7/10 - Nice log, though its length prevents it from being higher. Make sure you read through your document a few times before posting so you catch any grammatical errors. It can also help you think of more stuff to put in, to increase the length a little.

  4. Grammar & Spelling9/10 - Little to no errors, the only thing that bothers me is the lack of the - in the SCP names, such as SCP-173, SCP-513-1. There's always a - after SCP, when referring to an object.

    Lore: 8.5/10 - The SCP descriptions and explanations were precise, though SCP-173 kills by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation. 

    Length & Format7/10 - The length could've been better, a lot of it was spacing. Like I always say on this section when I grade- details, details, details. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate to the test that happened in-game. You can add extra details, that didn't really happen, to spice up the document and make it a better read. On the format side, the format was a bit basic, though the images were a nice touch. That font hurts my eyes.

    Overall Grade8/10 - A nice document though it needs some work. A few changes to details, the format, and some refreshing on lore, and you could easily make a 10/10 document. Keep up the great work, can't wait to see your next few! Good luck! 

  5. Grammar & Spelling9/10 - Did not notice any spelling errors, only minor grammatical errors.

    Lore8/10 - Giving this some leniency due to it being an in-game test as well as there being little information on SCP-343. SCP-343 does show some suspicious behavior and can easily be guided to a "Cure for the Scarlet King"-type deal. Though SCP-343 does not show any 'ill' feelings toward humans, which is the reason for this score.

    Idea: 9/10 - Always nice having a little interview with an SCP. Personally, 343 interviews are my favorite due to the freedom you can have with it. Interesting about asking 343 if they're from the Abrahamic religions. Not a 10, due to it only being an interview. Maybe you could've added some more, perhaps utilizing items from each faith, to see if 343 has an odd reaction to any of them?

    Length & Format5/10 - Simply could've been longer. More details, such as how 343 moved, the tones of his voice, etc. It doesn't have to be a word-for-word, action-by-action recreation of the in-game test. You can add some extra details that didn't happen, just to make it a better read. Just remember though, quality over quantity. As for the format, it's rather basic. Look at some of the other test logs, especially the highly graded ones, and take notes of those formats. Obviously don't just plagiarize them. Feel free to ask to use another's format if you want to.

    Overall Grade: 7/10. Length & format are the deciding factor for this grade. Details are a great way to add length and more for the reader to imagine. Rather good though, just some details and a better format! Great job overall though! Keep it up!

  6. In Game Name: Sgt. Salvador - RAS Salvador

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27835911

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Analyst

    Current RP Ranks Held: Research Assistant Supervisor

    If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: N/A

    If applying for Analyst, please link notable test-logs here: 

    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 0 image.png.9f9836898341d9f4e2dff7b1a422d4e5.png

    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team?: I wish to join the RRH because I want to expand my testing capabilities even more, as well as expand the analyst squadron. I've been asked a few times to apply, but I've always been hesitant because of a few reasons. Since then, things have changed and I am more interested in RRH and being a part of it. Becoming part of the analyst squadron will help me develop new ideas and new RP experiences for both Research, RRH, and those affiliated. 

    Why should we accept you?: I should be accepted because I have experience in testing as well as experience out of GL in positions of importance, things equivalent to Guardians, and those they protect. I understand the importance of RRH and each of their squadrons, and I want to be a part of the ones that specialize in the testing and understanding of SCPs. I feel I should be accepted because the analyst squad needs more Research members, and an experienced Research Command member would be a great addition. 

  7. GRADING -- 7/10

    Lore: ???/10 - Um... hm... okay.

    Layout: 8/10 - Like the layout, a bit short though. Cutting off in the top, could be fixed by adding extra spaces. Could use some more images, more details on what was said, etc. It doesn't have to be exactly with what happened in the game. You can be creative with it.

    Idea: 6/10 - Mhm... giving cocaine to a hyper-lethal, unpredictable entity doesn't seem like the best idea to me, but at least it went well. I don't think we'll be giving cocaine to 049 to try and restrain him though. Interesting idea. Ethical? Who am I to say?

    Grammar: 8/10 - Minor grammar mistakes, no visible spelling mistakes.


    Notes: Try to keep the tests ethical. Don't just drug up the SCP and see what happens. Stuff like "Could we hook 096 up to a treadmill and power the facility." or "Can we utilize 173's extremely high speeds somehow.", stuff like that.

  8. GRADING -- 6/10

    Lore: 6/10 - SCP-049 doesn't 'infect' those it touches. It only can create SCP-049-2 via performing its own 'surgery' of some type on a dead body. Only then will that dead body become SCP-049-2

    Layout: 9/10 - I like the layout, though it could use a bit more. Some extra images to help with immersion, a few more notes with a picture, stuff like that.

    Idea: 5/10 - You tried to get 049 mad by shouting, throwing stuff at it, and attacking it...? Why...?

    Grammar: 8/10 - Minor grammar mistakes, no visible spelling mistakes.


    Notes: Try to research the SCP you're testing on more thoroughly, that way you can get an idea of what it does, its motives (if you can discern them), how they act, etc., otherwise-- good document! Definitely can use work, but that can be easily achieved!

  9. Name: Drake Salvador

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27835911

    Current Rank: Lead Researcher

    Time in Research (Estimate): 99% of my time on GL SCPRP.

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command? (100 word requirement): I believe that I should be Research Command because I am bringing back experience and a fresh mindset, different from my previous time in R.C. I also feel I should be in Research command due to the apparent void in command slots, so I may also encourage others to strive for the top in Research and become command one day themselves. I came back to GL for many reasons. Most of them personal, but the rest are because of me wanting to see Research succeed as a Branch. The amount of change I have seen since I've been gone is awesome, from the R.A.U., to the enlisted ranks. All of these changes can help Research flourish if treated right. I wish to continue helping the branch thrive even more.

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement): As I've said before, I don't like placing myself above other players for my own benefit, though I can bring years of experience with Garry's Mod and it's players, as well as years of experience within staff positions in communities and high-ranking positions within the games of those communities. These positions vary greatly, from the Leader of the Red Army in a Metro 2033 RP Server, to a Sectoral Leader in HL2RP, and the staffing positions go from Co-Owner to trial moderator in various communities over the past 10 years. I can bring an amount of experience and mindset that is hard to find in Garry's Mod nowadays. I can also bring new ideas to Research, even if they end up not working out or being practical, and with a new perspective on Research after a few months of being gone, I'd love to try and work with Research Command again to bring up the quality of RP and the Branch itself.

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement): Though my activity won't be the same as when I first joined GL, I can still dedicate enough time to better research and increase activity. Be it hosting mass tests more often, encouraging tests and to AFK for levels if they can't get RAU, encouraging enlisted to attend meetings, and just being a person that hopefully everyone likes. Doing these things and more will help Research develop further and become more popular to the players who are joining in every day. D-Class seeing Research every day, pulling their friends deeper into the foundation, only to return back, speaking of having to deal with a statue that only moves if you look away, or having a close-encounter with a Plague Doctor who kills you with one touch, these are just a few things that get people to join Research. Hearing the tests they do and the fact that they can use D-Class to test, they're just reasons and motivation to join Research. I can think of more ways over time to give them even more reasons to join.

  10. I'm actually the one who was the RIS unit, and I was helping MTF take 4 D-Class to 939. The MTF had said before that it was his second trip back to 939 because one of the D-Class had killed themselves on the elevator, so I offered to help take two of the four to 939's chamber for him. As I started to move toward HCZ, one (or both) of the two I had kept attempting to close doors on the way there, so I blind folded both of them. As we approached 432 CP, the reporter (sddride) stated that he was going to make this difficult for me, so I said "That's fine, you can do that. It's my job to transport you so I know how to do that." When we got into HCZ through the elevator, the two D-Class got stuck in the elevator's doorframe as they both got wedged in the doorway when I attempted to pull them out. Apparently one of them had been spamming E this entire time, so the elevator kept going up n down for around 3 minutes, with me and (I believe) an MTF standing there watching them go up n down over and over. I was laughing because it was pretty funny to see two blindfolded Class-D wedged in an elevator that won't stop cycling. I was never disrespectful nor was I treating any D-Class like shit, though I guess that's up to a debate of perspective. I never INTENTIONALLY disrespected anyone or treated anyone like shit. Anyways, moving on, as we were sprinting across the acid bridge, I turned back and saw you essentially flying through the air for a split second before you come crashing down, taking fall damage. Not wanting to let you die there and trying to wrangle you away from the edges of the bridge, I kept sprinting further down the hall. Moments later, I turn a corner and look back to see if you get stuck on the HCZ hallway corner, and you're dead. I didn't see how he died as he had died far behind the corner. You claimed you died to 008 testing but 008 doesn't have any effect outside of Event Team iirc. And no, it was not 610, as the way you described it made it sound like 008 clearly. As we were brought into the sit, it devolved into a sort of argument between you n me, during that time Vox was checking the logs and saw that you died by suicide, via Fall Damage as they said. That's my side of the story. 



  11. What are you suggesting? - Removing SCP-082 from Silver+ to Level 50 or Level 75.

    How would this change better the server? - This change would bring more activity to SCP-082, which was supposed to bring a bigger impact than the SCP it replaced, which it is failing to do so from what I've heard. This SCP is ignored in preference to most of the other Silver+ jobs such as SCP-682. Lowering the job requirements to Level 50 or Level 75 would bring more activity into this SCP, and thus more activity opportunities for all branches. MTF & Gensec for escorting, Research for... researching, Maintenance for fixing its destruction (plus RP chances to fix its broken furniture), and Medical for the RP they could get from it. This could also be another reason for players to AFK more, giving even another interesting SCP to play as once they reach a certain level.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None, aside from the possible abuse of the SCP, but that comes with every single one of them, eventually.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - No one in specific. It'd benefit every player.

  12. 7/10

    +Good test idea, definitely something a GL Dr. Bright would think of.
    +Good Format & Intro

    -Length, could use a bit more. As I stated before in a previous grading, more details. In this, it could be trying different amounts of SCP-420-J or different instances of it, maybe a vaporized version of SCP-420-J. 

  13. 8/10

    +Little to no grammatical errors
    +Simple but nice format & Intro
    +Interesting test idea - Ethical? Not up for me to decide.

    -Length. Wasn't that much of a read but it was an interesting one. Add some more detail to it. You can get creative with these -- something like taking a sample of each stage it went through before crystallization, see if SCP-009 was changing the properties of SCP-999 as it proceeded with the supposed transformation.

    Overall, a good test. It's an idea indeed, I'd love to see further tests on the subject. Keep up the great work, Devil!

  14. 7/10
    +Great test idea, definitely looking forward to follow-ups if you plan on making any.

    +Followed security procedures.
    +Nice, neat format
    +Visual Stimuli


    -Short in length. Could've definitely been a bit longer. Details in the document do not have to match what happened in-game. You may add more information as you see fit to help with length or for any reason you find honestly.

  15. 6/10

    +High-quality audio log
    +Easily read transcript

    -Very short test log, length could've been improved with some additional information such as an explanation of 527, purpose of the interview, etc., essentially the standard stuff in test logs that help identify the main point and objective of a test/interview.

    -Only an audio log. Not much for a read here, even though the audio log is very nice to listen to. Could've added the audio log to a document as one of the main 'attractions' of the document.

    Always love some good audio logs though. Just make sure you don't make it the only thing!

  16. 17 minutes ago, Coltable said:

    yeah ahh we wouldnt do a map update just for this so... 

    Of course, not JUST for this. I don't expect the map to be updated purely for the fact of adding a single new thing. Though if you are looking to implement an SCP that will actually be useful in RP and testing instead of just assisting in combat, you'll have to update the map sooner or later with an appropriate CC to accommodate for the new SCP.  Sure, you can just stick a new, safe-class SCP in there and call it a day, but it'll be just as ignored as the rest of the Safe classes. Hell, the items are more tested on than any of the safe classes. Either way, placing it in HCZ's Misc containment temporarily until there is more reason to update the map seems like the best idea to me if 082 is added

  17. 3 hours ago, Nydekore said:

    Only issue I take with this is it couldn’t be in LCZ due to a lack of an open containment chamber down there so there’d need to be a map update to achieve this. It could just be placed in misc, however this would not really help LCZ/replace 912

    Personally, I feel a map update could be beneficial to the server atm. Obviously not a whole map change. The only 'big' change is 082 being added. The other changes would be tweaks to the map to make it feel and work better based on the feedback received on this current one. Though thinking about it, placing 082 in Misc temporarily until the proper containment cell is created sounds like it could work. Place 082 in HCZ in Misc Containment, make it greenlit for AR+, requestable for JR (and command should highly recommend JRs to request to test on it). Once it gets placed in LCZ in the proper containment chamber, it can be greenlit for JRs and up. Of course, speaking as if it gets accepted and implemented.

  18. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-082

    2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1525035123&searchtext=SCP-082

    3. Link(s) to SWEPs: N/A, I'm sure we have something he can use. Fists, knife, something like that.

    4. How much health/armor do you think it should have?: It should have 3500. Should be able to both be tranq'd at ~1000 HP and killed by any means.

    5. Why should we add this SCP?: We should add this SCP due to the removal of SCP-912. With the removal of a Safe class that was rarely tested on, I believe the addition of a popular SCP such as SCP-082 into the LCZ could definitely help fill the void of SCP-912, albeit in a different way. Having a sentient Euclid-Class SCP that's not SCP-173 in LCZ will be a major improvement to the LCZ Activity for research and security, and the additional spice of SCP-082 breaching will definitely be a bonus for those who wish to play as SCPs that can be roleplay related as well as a dangerous object. Another being like this is SCP-049, an SCP that can easily roleplay at the same time as being a menace to the Foundation if not taken care of properly.

    6. Basic summary of the SCP: 

    Approximately 2.4 meters tall (around 8 ft) and weighing over 310 kg (about 700 lb), SCP-082's physical characteristics are grossly disproportional. SCP-082 refers to itself as Fernand and speaks fluent French and heavily accented English. When it speaks, it does so through enormous, clenched teeth. SCP-082 only parts teeth to eat food and to sing. Subject will sing songs of its own pleasing, ranging from forgotten Victorian Era bar songs to modern classical, typically while cooking and eating. SCP-082 does not comb the hair on the sides of its head, but does cut it, and shaves with a large butcher knife originally provided for food preparation. Subject often attempts to joke and is usually polite to personnel, often inviting them to dinner. However, visiting personnel should be aware that at any moment, SCP-082 is capable of attacking and voraciously eating others. Subject will often apologize for its lack of manners for interrupting someone's conversation by devouring their head while making a mess of his quarters. SCP-082's jaw is strong enough to crack bone, and it seems to enjoy skulls. Attacks are seemingly at random with no motivation—whether or not subject has recently eaten has no effect on this cannibalistic hunger.

    7. Extra information: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-082 -- Would be placed in Miscellaneous Containment until a map update is brought in that contains a chamber for 082.

  19. 10/10

    +Great length
    +Detailed format
    +Great knowledge on SCP and biological aspects of the SCP

    -Minor Grammatical & Spelling Errors

    This is what we like to see Dustin! Setting an example as a JR such as this will get you far! Hell of a job, keep up the awesome work! I hope to see more like this!

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