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Infinity Boot

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Posts posted by Infinity Boot


    In-game Name: Infinity Boot
    Rank: EM MS 

    Special thanks to:  GMR boy (assistant), Astro (willing test), Spanish (Willing test)
    Specialist thanks to: Severus ICR0, Assisting in the formation of the idea, testing, escorting and reminding me of Wardens and how they MIGHT have an interest in this.

    Initial Resource Assessment: D-class, Amnestics, TVs/screens and psychedelic drugs, and assistant.
    Total Resource Consumption: Amnestics, D-class, Sirens, screens, LSD, assistants, escorts, several cuffs and voice actors. (told it was for a game.)

    Roleplay Aspects: The D-class would be Given the Test link and would answer them, I or an assistant would Grade it and give the final test result. once the test was done the Subject was taken to a modified Padded cell, where it was being filled with Class-A amnestics and LSD. TV screens were Flashing random images of Black and white figures. Speakers playing loud siren or static sounds, whilst strobe lights were being run. all of this combined would break down many people mentally, works better after long periods of Sleep depredation.

    for the first roll the Patient will have to roll 70+ (60+ if they are of high rank)
    second roll must be of 80+ (70+ for High ranks)
    third roll to finally get them  under your control is 90+ (80+ if high rank)
    thru this if the Patient rolls over one of those numbers twice, the Therapy has failed and you cannot continue. 

    Idea: With the materials at hand a Skilled Researcher or Medical Researcher + MTF oversight could Brainwash a subject. Like GOI [REDACTED] is able to do and has done in the past.
    Basic Description of what you will do: Give a D-class a test, attempt to change their personality thru amnestics, Drugs and Sensory overload and suggestion (...so SCPRP MK Ultra).
    Hypothesis: The """T H E R A P Y""" would Make a subject do what we tell them, or what is ingrained through Media in the late stages of brain washing.

    Observations (can be a video or audio): Several D-class were of the mental fortitude that they were able to withstand the Personality Breakdown, leading to their termination. for having mentally scared or deranged D-class is worse than normal. Several were Broken down to the point that messaging was able to be implemented. 

    Detailed description of what happened during the test:  First things first I talked with a few people of what I should do, and I came up with the idea of making the D-class take a test and see how hostile or passive it is (open for others to look at), along with a spread sheet of who was it and their answers, along with the Document of the final results and THEN ANOTHER DOCUMENT for the answer/quiz key.
    after that large time I finally took a few D-class, they took the test (6-8 D-class took it). Once the Documentation phase was done I compiled the data from the test and spread sheet onto the second document Via the answer key on the first (can you tell I put a lil too much work into this?). Somewhere in this Section I met Chair and Seb. we talked about Boobs for like 20 minutes. pretty fun. (I promised I would put this in here.)

    Finally, we were able to go onto the Third phase: actual testing.
    The first D-class was Fairly passive when it came to the test. The test was muddled and a bit confusing since it wasn't fully fleshed out at that point. Though The D-class was put into the Cell, the Heavy drugs and Sensory overload taking it's toll, the D-class was taken out and told if he was going to give in, he refused and was taken back into the chamber, given another Round of degradation, This time the D-class was able to sustain his mental state, he was taken out and given a dose of LSD, and put back in. yet again he was able to maintain his mental state...he was terminated after this was noted. 
    Second test was far more successful, the Patient being degraded to a point where the messages were able to be fed to him Via auditory and visual means, the Screens in the room playing the message and actions he must do. the request was "you are Michael, you hate D-class" the D-class Subject was then put in 432 with another one, his voice changed and was far more aggressive to the other, leading to them fighting a bit, Subjects were detained and taken back to D-block. D-class "Michael" was later found killed at the medical line, presumably  Attacked by other D-class.
    the third, fourth and fifth test were Interrupted by breaches, Raids or Riots, causing them to be indeterminate.  These methods could be used without Amnestics to get information from a [REDACTED] Soldier if they are caught. If it is needed I may propose this to other Branches in the Site if they are interested, Specifically Mobile Task Forces or Wardens if they deem it fit for their needs.


      https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tFQaMuv4Y-M4pNaTaLENEm5xYigD8WyXwecoGLL5cSY/edit?usp=sharing (Test Results)

    https://forms.gle/kC2isbQQNUD5DyDN7 (test)

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vEykjRz2KWxXFKtoWbVVXmmr7643pllzUf9LHhQdoU8/edit?usp=sharing (Test Grading Format) 

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zJVQ4zXO6ezTCUfzMom4bz3aedoko8bRK56r9VPFFqw/edit?usp=sharing (Grades Results, notes)

    Conclusion: The Methods are there, though further testing may be needed to keep the Ability up (REFINING SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME)
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Partially, I did not assume many were strong enough to resist these kinds of Circumstances.
    What did you learn?: GOI Group [REDACTED] must have something to do this so often. Changing the base personality does indeed change more about them than I would expect.
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: This Experiment is not particularly about Medical benefits like my others (Drugs and Cultivation Tests), though the ability to Extract Information from [REDACTED] personnel may be beneficial to help reverse their methods or our own medical practices.

  2. In-game Name:  Infinity Boot
    Rank: MS EM

    Special thanks to: Guts (willing test), Kruzchev (escort) and Faye (assistant)
    Specialist thanks to:Naudia (assistant), she saved the Surgery from failing

    Initial Resource Assessment: human eye, pain killers, Experimental Drugs, Standard tissue cultivation equipment
    Total Resource Consumption: human eye, pain killers, Experimental Drugs, Standard tissue cultivation equipment, assistants

    Roleplay Aspects: I am thinking that the more complex Tissue need 2-3 successes to Cultivate instead of one, since brain matter should be harder than skin for your knuckles. meaning it is RISKY to get samples for these.

    Idea: that the human eye may be cultivated and the New eye be placed and attached back in... AND WORK!
    Basic Description of what you will do: same as always, take eye, cultivate it, take new one, put it in place of old one, monitor the D-class with it.
    Hypothesis: The New eye will work as good as the old one.

    Observations (can be a video or audio):
    Detailed description of what happened during the test: During the extraction phase D-class "Guts" was taken from D-block and into the OR, he was given heavy sedation to not feel the pain. the eye was taken out with little to no Complications at all! he was given a fake eye, send back to D-block until he was needed again. During Cultivation it went well (82,61),  no sample parts were lost in the process, taking 20 (IRL) minutes to cultivate. During the Surgery phase again while planting the Eye back in, several complications happened with it, Naudia stepped in to help it. thank god she did, or that poor D-class would be missing an eye. After the heavy Problems and interruptions he was sent back to D-block, able to do whatever D-class do there.

    Conclusion: The eye can be implanted and works, for how long or how well? unknown
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: not entirely correct, it does work, but how well? i do not know.
    What did you learn?: attaching Nerves for the eye is hard (needed to succeed 3 rolls to attach it fully)
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: well of course being able to replace eyes does help with the ability to see again. and those who were blinded or otherwise injured! also a complex organ was cultivated Via my methods!

  3. On 9/21/2021 at 9:49 AM, Zack / Zarl said:

    Modified to become ExD-294-0, thank you for showing your dedication to MR! 😄

    "ExD-294-0" I do not know what that is. yes I am dedicated to MR and I have finished SEVERAL MORE including one that could help combat Organic based SCPs. if you feel like the successful may go onto long term and site personnel tests I so say it is ready for those.


    - MS EM Infinity Boot.

  4. In-game Name: Infinity Boot
    Rank: MS EM 

    Special thanks to: The fallowing people!
    part 3: Sober (Test) and Exalura (Escort) 
    part 4: Trainoverlord (Escort), Salvador Test), Naudia (assistant)
    part 5: I was unable to get their names to put down 😞

    Initial Resource Assessment: Standard Drug testing Equipment
    Total Resource Consumption: Standard Drug testing Equipment and lots of Escorts.

    Roleplay Aspects: Same Roleplay aspects as in an older Forum post, Though without an assistant it kind of is boring.

    When numbers are given (i.e. 78, 84+15) it is saying what it rolled at the successful test, the first number was the roll it got during the testing phase, the "+15" is notifying that an assistant or secondary party Modified it, giving it an edge on working during the testing phase
    for something to be considered "Successful" it must roll a 71, or 56+15 in the testing phase. anything under will be considered a failure at what it was meant to do.

    Idea: That if I compile the rest of these Test results together Consario won't hate me for flooding the Forums or having to read so many posts.
    Basic Description of what you will do: Same as the last few times, attempt to synthesize and Create Drugs that can do Various things for Medical and the site as a whole.
    Hypothesis: The Drugs will Be able to do what they are meant to with minimal side effects, as well as being approved.

    (important Parts below)


     - Immune Response Suppressers IRS (success, rated 90 to 95)

     - Blood Congealing Agents BCA (Success, rated 100+15)

     - Oxygen Glucose Solution OGS (Success, rates 77)

     - Organic Material Dissolvent OMD (Success, 92)

     - Mitosis Enhancing Agents MEA (Success, 94)


    - Oxygen Glucose Solution OGS (the Success is a little low and I would like to make it higher.


    Observations (can be a video or audio): The Observation is that Doing these without an assistant to Modify when needed does hinder the ability for it to be done. Though it was not as best as i wanted,  OGS has passed the test (77), Further testing may be done to get it to a better condition but for now i do say it may be moved to a Limited Site personnel test.
    Detailed description of what happened during the test: Sober (Test) and Exalura (Escort), were taken from D-block to Medbay OR room, whilst working there were MANY distractions, like an MTF with a Shaman hood on, a Maintenance blasting music and slamming doors, a firefight... normal things. Though the first test we did was the OGS, the first attempt was a failure (36) and was found to be too Thick and Rich for the body to handle (93). Second attempt went the same way, failed (13) though this time it was far too weak (23). in the third and final attempt I got the Chemicals to work as intended (77), it wasn't the best but it DID in fact work as i wanted. so i marked it down here as a success
    The second drug i tested was the MEA, the first attempt was FAILURE (10), and was way too slow to actually help (25). the second attempt was much the same, a bad mix (19) and was too slow (37)...now the third and last attempt had the opposite problem, it still failed (38) but this time it was far too fast, which could lead to Tumors and unwanted Growth.




    Observations (can be a video or audio): that "Trioxide-monoarzinide" (O3AZ) Aka Organic Material Dissolvent #1 (OMD) is able to Effectively Cut through Organic material in a VERY Quick manor with "Minimal" amounts of damage to non-organic materials.
    Detailed description of what happened during the test: D-class was brought into OR for the test, he was rambling about Dave and busters a lot, and for some reason the OR was COVERED in Rubber ducks, I mean at least 30 on the table and floor, the D-class stated this was "because you angered Dave and Busters" or something. in the actual Test the first attempt was a Failure (64), with the Solvent Doing too little damage to organic (44). the second test was also a failure (35), along with the Solvent being HORRIBLE (5), im sure Lemon juice could go faster than that.

    in the third test Naudia came to help (thank you so much), though she found nothing bad with the Solvent. when applied it was a bit too effective at dissolving (57), the material started Burning the Rubber boots and the metal bucket, causing a somehow worse smell than before (84). on the fourth attempt Naudia found nothing wrong with it as well. though this time when it was tested it was doing AMAZING! (92), eating away the Organic material while leaving he non organic behind easily. I would recommend Some tests with approval from HC to attempt some Tests on the main purpose for OMD, SCP-008, SCP-610 and SCP-[EXPUNGED].



    Observations (can be a video or audio): The MEA agent was able to Heal at least minor wounds (aka Large, semi-shallow gashes) within 5 minutes, leaving a Partially healed scar.
    Detailed description of what happened during the test: the D-class was taken with a bit of trouble from D-block and taken to the OR, a researcher came in with us and decided that Defecating in the OR sink was a good idea...and did it... FUN!
    after the researched left I synthesized the Chemical mix needed and injected it just above the Wound...Ii witnessed the Wound slowly sealing shut, able to be easily healed within 5 minutes! so I say it was a success! (94). though the D-class sadly was taken away (Left the server) and i wasn't able to get their name, or the Escorts...they know who they are. thank you!


    Conclusion: The Chemicals shown to Consario and other Command do in fact work and just needed time. they MIGHT be used later for Help in Surgical and other needs.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: "The Drugs will Be able to do what they are meant to with minimal side effects, as well as being approved." - yes, they were able to do what was intended with soaring success! now long term effects should be tested and they still need approval, though I do count this as a success
    What did you learn?: Boot leg medical is fun, Rowphin is an awesome guy. and that researchers really need to get into Chemistry! also the fact that making new Chemical agents is hard.
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: Many reasons these Agents and Solutions could Assist, stopping bleeding, speeding up healing, getting rid of SCPs we don't like... and what i am most excited about is the fact i may resume my Tissue Cultivation tests! and maybe get Researchers for other tests.

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  5. In-game Name: Infinity Boot
    Rank: MS EM 

    Special thanks to: Consario (Suggestions), Dr. Oregon (assistant) feelingCalm (willing test) Arson (Escort)
    Specialist thanks to: Dr. Oregon for Helping me get one of the drugs to practical Perfection.

    Initial Resource Assessment: Cryo-containment, Chemical solutions, an assistant, a Chemical Synthesizer, 1-2 D-class and at least a few Normal Medical supplies.
    Total Resource Consumption: Cryo-containment, A lot of Chemical solutions, assistant, Chemical Synthesizer, 1 D-class and a lot of Normal Medical supplies.

    Roleplay Aspects: Now since Synthesizing Medicine isn't talked about much i came up with a system (Consario, Oregon and Other Medical Command can ask for it to be changed.)

    step one. The Chemical must be Synthesized Before being made, now with an assistant you will do a Basic roll off. If the assistant wins, you modify the Drug and get a  +15 to the Testing phase. now if the Main tester wins, the Drug is not Modified and gets no Bonus. 
    now in the Testing phase, the Main tester will apply the drug and Roll, if the Roll is above 70, it Succeeds (so with modification 56+15 will go over), making the drug do as intended, higher the number, the better. now if it rolls under 70, the Drug fails, and you will do another base roll to see what went wrong. Over 50 means it's too strong, under 50 and it's too weak. you may try 3 times before the Test fails and you will have to wait or get another D-class

    Idea: The Chemicals tested beforehand can be improved
    Basic Description of what you will do: Take a D-class, make a drug, modify if needed, inject it and record the results
    Hypothesis: If synthesized and with an assistant it will Be improved faster.

    Observations (can be a video or audio): the Blood Congealing  Agent was MASSIVELY improved, while the Glucose Solution Agent Was not Improved.
    Detailed description of what happened during the test: the BCA (Blood Congealing Agent) Failed the first time (56), also being too thick (21) though when we tried it again, Oregon found something wrong, modifying the solution we tried it again... it was everything i hoped for (100+15 for the Mod) AND MORE! i am Proud to say that the BCA could be used on Personnel in willing Tests.

    Second Drug tested this time around was the Glucose Solution Agent (GSA), on the first attempt Dr Oregon Modified the Solution and we Injected it near a wound (52+15), it was too thin (23), so we redid the test. The second time, Dr Oregon Modified it again, injecting it into the Patient Gave the same Dissapointing results (34+15), now when we Saw that it was Thin yet again (2), leading to us to try the third (and final) time with the drug. this time Dr Oregon found nothing bad with it, so when i injected it...it was TERRIBLE (2), when we looked at it closer, the GSA was FAR too Rich, damn near Poison (94). after that failure I Stopped the Test.

    BLOOD CONGEALING AGENT: The Basic RP with The BCA is that to use it, a Patient must have bleed at least once before during MEDRP, and it cannot be Applied while the patient is bleeding. Once BCA is Applied, the next time the Bleeding happens (aka failing a roll), the Medic will not have to Do the roll, using up the BCA use. though they are allowed to roll again for the Failed task. now to keep BCA from being spammed it may only be used twice in a whole MEDRP, so bleed, Inject BCA, Bleed (stop), Bleed, Inject BCA, bleed (stop). then no more BCA can me used. if needed it can be down to just one use per MEDRP

    Conclusion: BCA may be used in a VERY limited Fashion on Site personnel if Command gives approval. GSA will need Improvement,
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, an assistant did help with the Process, making it more thorough (and more fun)
    What did you learn?: That there may be New Drugs on the way, and Glucose + Oxygen don't like working with me.
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: Being able to stop bleeding at least one durring MedRP will come in handy, Since being stuck in Bullet Bleeding, bullet bleeding for 4+ cycles is annoying. and it could mean those bleeing heavily already could get the time they needed.

  6. In-game Name: Infinity Boot
    Rank: RMS SM

    special thanks to: Consario and Nemesis (observing and suggestions), Chimpkin (Willing test)

    Idea: The Creation of several new Drugs to help in Cultivation or Med RP
    Basic Description of what you will do: Take a D-class and Inject/test Several Drugs on them
    Hypothesis: The Drugs will Be able to do what they are meant to with minimal side effects (HOPEFULLY)

    Observations (can be a video or audio): Majority of the Drugs were not Able to do what they were meant, falling short of expectations...but this is what Tests are for.
    Detailed description of what happened during the test: The Drugs and Solutions used were  Immune Response Suppressers (Delays the Immune response if that is needed), Mitosis Enhancers (speed up the Growth of new cells), Blood Congealing Agents (stop bleeding Via congealing the blood), Glucose solution (a Boost of Food for Cells to replicate with, high in oxygen too), Disinfectant solution (Extremely effective, used to Clean anything contaminated)

    During the test All of the Solutions were Tested in their way, a cut being stopped by BCA (failed, too thick), Immunes response to a Bacterial Petri dish (Great Success!), Mitosis Enhancers (Failed, too slow and ineffective), Glucose Solution (Not Effective at maintaining the reaction.) and Disinfectant (too weak for it to be effective, hurts human cells more than Bacteria) 

    Conclusion: The Pharmaceuticals Should be optimized farther to Get them to operational Standards, maybe release them fully. 
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, the Drugs fell short of what i hoped (but for the IRS, that worked well)
    What did you learn?: I am not the best Bio-Chemist, and maybe assistance during that phase would be needed.
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: Well as said above the Solutions could easily help with some situations, some more common than others. but a SUPER strong Disinfectant might help with 008 oubreaks...maybe even 610.

  7. In-game Name: Infinity Boot
    Rank: RMR SM

    Special thanks to: robot246bop (willing test), Naudia (Assistant), Arson (escort), Faye (escort)
    Specialist thanks to: Rowphin. He has been in all three Tests and is a very good Guy.

    Initial Resource Assessment: Cryo-Containment, 3 test subjects, Immune Response Suppressers, Solutions, Osmosis Enhancers, Escort, Cultivating Vats. Many Drugs are Experimental and SHOULD NOT be used on Non D-class personnel.
    Total Resource Consumption:

    Roleplay Aspects: now at this point the RP aspects are a Treaded path, though for the Organs and beyond i am willing to take suggestions on what could be added, since slapping new skin on shouldn't be as easy (or hard) as putting in a new Section of brain.
    now here i will admit that i have been using "Cultivation" a lot, and that is because i thought saying "Cloning" which would be more accurate would be a heavy turn off. i Admit it sounds OP but i DO NOT want people to be able to clone entire beings i will go into advanced cloning like in project Everyman, MAYBE if i can get my hands on rho-6 (those are the Cyborg god clones?) i could fiddle around...but other than that NO FULLY CLONED HUMANS

    Idea: Same as last times, you are able to replace Tissue with Cultivated Samples from what you are needing.
    Basic Description of what you will do: Remove a Section of Kidney and Intestine, Cultivate them, and then put the Replacements into the Cavities
    Hypothesis: The Kidney and Intestine will work as well, if not better than the Original for it hasn't be run down with use (Genetic Defects still Apply because it's genetics...)

    Observations (can be a video or audio): D-class are somewhat willing to listen to you when you tell them to go easy on alcohol, and the Kidneys seem to work Fine  when they are Properly Attatched or removed.
    Detailed description of what happened during the test: Rowphin and Robot were taken into the OR, Robot was first. The Surgery was Rocky as hell, though Naudia helped me when the Patient started to bleed out (as in failed the heavy bleeding roll), The kidney and intestine were taken out and put to Cultivation. When the Cultivation was complete we brought him back from D-Block. Sedated him and then attempted to Put the Cultivated Tissues in. IT WAS A SUCCESS! an ENTIRE Kidney was removed and put back in, and it WORKED! now thinking this was a fluke i tried it on my D-class Friend Rowphin. he trusts me enough to know i won't let him die or get hurt, So i did the same...and it worked again! almost lost his Kidney Sample though (2/3 strikes failed). but that was late enough at night i sadly skipped the Cultivation since it was...3am for me and wasn't going to go longer. so i cut that out, put them back in, he flagged to CI and then i went to bed.

    Conclusion: The Cultivation Tests may keep going, More D-class will be required of course.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, the Organs did indeed work better than before, since The Problems of use were not there (IE Kidney stones)
    What did you learn?: That Organs can in fact be replaced by Cultivated replacements.
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: Be able to Grow organs for people will be Important for their survival, if there are no Organs stocked up, get a sample from what is needed, Make it and then put it back into the Patient... though Genetic defects are not taken away. 


    In-game Name:  Infinity Boot
    Rank: RMR SM

    Special thanks to: Tania (Willing Test), Seidner (escort), Rowphin (returning test)
    Specialist thanks to: Geeko. Man struck a deal, was cooperative, nice and when CI came in and gave him the cuffs to me, LET ME GO. For a D-class that's Saint like.

    Idea: That you can Cultivate Intermediate Complexity Tissue (bone, Ligaments, Tendons, muscles, Cartilage) 
    Basic Description of what you will do: Take large samples of these Tissues from one (or multiple) People, Make new Tissue, and implant that New tissue into the old tissues wound.
    Hypothesis: That Cultivated Tissue will work as well as natural Tissue, and will help in recovery of injuries.

    Initial Resource Assessment: Cryo-containment (AQUIRED), 1-3 Test Subjects, Solutions, Special Chemicals and Drugs (Experimental), Cultivating Vats (AQUIRED), Escorts and hopefully an assistant
    Total Resource Consumption: Cryo-Containment, 3 test subjects, Immune Response Suppressers, Solutions, Osmosis Enhancers, Escort, Cultivating Vats.

    Roleplay Aspects: As last time The Operation Is getting rid of General bleeding first (roll), then you get the tissue sample (roll for each kind), Cultivate the Samples (3 rolls, Penalties for taking two or more), Wait the Time (15m normal. 20m if 2 tries used. sample destroyed if failed 3 times). then you get subject back, Stop general bleeding (roll), attach the Cultivated Samples (roll), stitch them up, then make sure their body doesn't reject (roll)

    Observations (can be a video or audio): The Body can Accept the Cultivated Tissue, leading to Tissue with no prior Damage.
    Detailed description of  test: Only One of the Subjects was able to return for the reattachment (Geeko and Tania went AFK sadly), but when the Attachment was done, other than Bleeding, the Tissue went in fine, the Subject (Rowphin) was told to report any Problems that could be related to the Test. so far non have been reported. This may not be as descript as last time but most of it is repeated.

    Conclusion: That Cultivating can be used on Intermediate Tissue. Bones, Muscle, Tendons, Cartilage and Ligaments.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, the Tissue attached was able to recover in little time, even being used for normal activities in several hours, Vs the Normal DAYS of recovery (talking IRL, not in RP where you just get up and go back to fighting)
    What did you learn?: More about the Surgical (RP), the process needed to do such a thing...and the expanse this project can do (Project Everyman may come up.)
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: The recovery of Personnel and the ability to get them back in the field is REQUIRED to keep the site operational. Being able to do Such things may mean Lost limbs may not mean retirement.

  9. Name: Infinity Boot
    Rank: Resident Medical Researcher and Senior Medic

    Idea: Small scale Cultivation of Human Tissue
    Basic Description of what you will do: Attempt to Use Grown samples to assist in recovery
    Hypothesis: the Artificial Tissue Can assist in the recovery of Wounds. (as of now aiming for minor to Intermediate Wounds, i.e. burns, cuts, degradation and scaring/scared tissue)

    Initial Resource Assessment: Subject (preferably one with little preexisting problems), some kind of Cryo-containment, Solutions,  Some kind of Growth Accelerant and highly disinfected area for Cultivating.
    Total Resource Consumption:  2 willing, solutions, Immune response suppressants, lots of disinfectant, Cultivating machines, Cryo-containment and Some Medicine for the wounds.

    Roleplay Aspects: To Get a sample one must, medRP to sleep, take sample (role) stop bleeding from taking the sample (Role) Attempt to Cultivate the Sample. you get three tries (must get over 60 for success, Med bonuses are applied at third role). 1st fail, nothing. 2nd fail, cultivating takes 15 minutes, instead of 10 minutes, third fail, the Sample is ruined and you must get another (MedRP again.). When introducing the Tissue again, you will have 1 attempt (roll off) to see if the Subjects body reacts poorly to the Tissue. if given Immune response suppressants, you get two attempts. if the body reacts, you attempt to force it on (like stopping bleeding), or you can remove the tissue and use another sample/ use the Bandages like before. If you fail 3 times (1st IF it reacts. 2nd it reacts. 3rd it reacts badly) the patient will die and the sample destroyed. though this can be avoided by removing  the tissue and adding the bandages back.

    Observations : the body will naturally inspect the tissue, which may lead to complications. and Human Skin tissue when put in the right conditions and with proper care can indeed Live without a Biological host.
    Detailed description of the test: We will take a D-class or Willing personnel To the OR and take a somewhat large sample of tissue and then bandage the wound, after that is done the next stage is to cultivate and replicate the Tissue to make an equal amount of Tissue that we started with. With the non-original tissue we will Bring back the Test Subject and attempt to Heal the wound with the cultivated Tissue. if all goes well The tissue will be accepted and the wounds Healing process is Greatly accelerated, more complex and important tissue may be tested with further in the future

    Conclusion: Tissue cultivating and, dare I say """Cloning""" could be used in a Medical Situation
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Yes, When Tissue is graphed on it behaved like Normal skin, Skipping the healing process nearly entirely.

    What did you learn?: That Graphing Skin does cause natural bleeding and Slowing the immune systems response is necessary for an easier Operation. If the proof of concept being this Test is Correct, further studies into more complex Organs will be conducted into.

    How Can This Benefit Medical?: being able to Create tissue will help those with scarring, and could assist with those who came in contact with anomalous Entities (SCP-106's pocket dimension is Acidic for example). along with the fact once graphed on the Subject does not need Bandages for it.

    Special Thanks to: Rowphin and CPTDashie for being Willing D-class Subjects, and Bonn for being an escort.

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