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Everything posted by 2whiteboards

  1. I'll have to share it with you tomorrow Piwwow. I need to be sleeping right now. I have to be awake at 3AM for work.
  2. You say they pulled up, as if they were not there when the encounter began, but the recording clearly shows that this is not true. We were not outnumbered at any point.
  3. Your In-game: 2whiteboards The admin's name in-game:[GL]Lord_0f_Woe The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: Fear RP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199017738181 Why do you think this warn was false: There were 3 players in my group and we were interrupted by two members of POL Claiming they had us under Fear RP. We had them outnumbered so this is False. The rules do not clearly state when an encounter begins and what settings have to be present in order for "fear rp" to begin. The Admin who delivered this Warning onto my account used that against me in this situation, stating "technically this, and technically that." He would not take any information that I pointed out into consideration, but had a "technically something" to say about everything I had to say, and labeled my account with a False Warning. This is 100% a false warning. Any extra information:
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