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Billsworth last won the day on June 1

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About Billsworth

  • Birthday 02/09/2002

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  1. +SUPPORT - ISB commander currently on very long LOA and i think ISB needs the boost to its numbers i think Caidon can help with that.
  2. +support -Active -no negatives that i know about
  3. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Worth/ Rexlar Brath 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Star Fighters 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I think that i would be a great fit for this position because of all that I do for it. I am constantly active and trying to push for things to do and improvements to be made in the battalion. I only want the best for the Starfighters. I want to make the battalion strong and one of the top in activity and numbers. It has always been a goal of mine to become a commander in a battalion and this would be the perfect battalion. I have a goal for SF. I am currently a Captain and the Onyx Squadron Vice Lead, so I have already taken a command role in the battalion, but I think that I'm ready for something bigger. I want to help with document work and keeping the battalion up to date with everything. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 857:06 https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/254198344 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander in a branch is to lead all the lower ranks in the battalion and to maintain all proper documentation and be the voice of the battalion. A commander should know what is good and bad for the battalion and know what the battalion members need. The commanders are also the final say in a chain of command and help the officers when problems arise so that they can have the proper guidance to deal with the situation at hand. The command team should also be reachable so that if a problem happens and their troops can't handle themselves, the proper actions can be taken. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?: As a commander I can be there for my troops whenever needed by any rank, I have and always will have an open DM policy. I can help guide the ranks of SF in the right direction by adding a new perspective to the command team. As a command team member, I plan to have major sims for the battalion so that there is no loss of interest in SF while not providing transport during an event or random flight sims on Downtime. I would also make sure that I uphold the same standard for all Starfighters when it comes to discipline and disciplinary actions. I will provide a Non-Bias opinion for all discipline. 7. How often can you be Online? : I am on every morning, 10am-12pm, and after I get off work after 10pm, but on my days off i am online almost all day 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 0 warnings on all Gaminglight Servers I WAS GIVEN PERMISSION BY VICE MARTIAL BONEZ TO SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION
  4. + Support -great guy and does amazing stuff for SF great NCO and could do really well in an Officer Role
  5. + Massive Support -I have known titan for a long while now and i think that he will make an amazing vice commander for SF he displays amazing leadership potential and is just an all around amazing guy
  6. + Support -good application -lots of experience
  7. What is your name?: Worth What is your rank?: Operations Pilot How long have you been a NCO?: 2 weeks What rank are you applying for?: Aviation Officer How many strikes do you have? If yes, for what?: I have 0 strikes Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?: Because of my prior experience and my bountiful knowledge on being an officer I can provide plenty of knowledge on subjects for NCO and Enlisted What can you do to assist command with this rank?: At this rank I can continue to help with the build of morale and structure bringing up the Troop count into SF and with an officer rank i can do Sims and trainings to make the Enlisted and NCOs even better then they are now What is the point of been a officer?: the point of an officer is to bring guidance to all the lower troops, to guide the NCOs with their questions and to be a leader to all members of the battalion officers are to be an example to all members not to just lower ranks but to their equals and their superiors as well, I will provide a level of discipline for my rank to justify and decision that was made to keep the peace within the battalion What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?: I would make sure if everyone involved is aware of what they are doing and that if rules are broken then people may get strikes or PT depending on the severity of the situation. If they are using their position and power to force people to be involved, then I would take video clips of this happening, sending it to SF command and the full story of what happened with the officer in question. Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last NCO rank?: Yes I agree 100% I have gotten Approval from Vcmdr Bonez to submit my application
  8. +Support verry active keeps good morale super fun to be around
  9. +SUPPORT overall good app shows dedication to the battalion
  10. +Support Great guy Amazing experience
  11. What is your name?: Worth What is your rank?: Senior Aviator How long have you been Enlisted?: 1 day What rank are you applying for?: Pilot/ SGT How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?: 0 Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?: I think that with my previous experience and time as an officer and NCO in other battalions (Nova CPT, Purge/IQ, Medical SSG) that i can be a vital resource to SF in building their numbers and making the battalion the best it can be What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?: I can bring in as many people as I can with multiple SF tryouts a day and help plan events, Training and SIMs. What is the main purpose of an NCO?: The purpose of an NCO is to be the middle ground between the enlisted and the officers, someone that can teach the enlisted the right form wrong and show them the path to help improve the battalion in all ways. The purpose of an NCO is to be an example and to represent the battalion as best as they can. Question, what would happen if you see an enlisted not following orders, and they are messing around?: The first move would be to give them verbal guidance and then move to a verbal warning that their actions may result in strikes. If the behavior continues, then I would recommend them to an officer of the correct rank to issue a strike. Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last Enlisted rank?: Yes
  12. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Nova BHSO CPT Razor NT08 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Nova 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be commander because I have seen all that the current command team has done for the battalion and I want to become a greater part of the team, I think that I would be able to help the Battalion in multiple different ways and be able to bring something new to the table when it comes to making decisions about things in the battalion I feel that my willingness to take a command Role in the battalion speaks volumes. I am Currently a Captain and a BHS Officer so I have already taken a big command role in the battalion but I think that I'm ready for something bigger I want to help with Roster Updates and keeping the battalion up to date on LOA/ROA's and show that I am a perfect fit for the Position 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 453:38 Hours at the time of application according to battel metrics https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/254198344 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander in a branch is to Lead all the lower ranks in the battalion and to maintain all documents pertaining to the battalion weather it be SOP or simple Roster updates, they make sure that all documents are up to date and cleaned up and never get sloppy, the commanders are also there to help the officers when problems arise so that they can have the proper guidance to deal with the situation at hand, the command team should also be reachable so that if a problem happens and their troops cant get on etc.. that the proper actions can be taken 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : As a commander I can be there for my troops whenever needed by any rank I have an open DM policy. I can help guide the ranks of Nova in the right directions by adding a new perspective to the command team, As a command team member I plan to have major sims for the battalion so that there is no loss of interest in Nova while not guarding a VIP or on Downtime. I would also make sure that I uphold the same standard for all nova troopers when it comes to discipline and disciplinary actions I will provide a Non-Bias opinion to all discipline 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be online from 5pm-10pm on weekdays and all day on the weekends but I always have my DMs open at all hours of the day 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have 0 warnings on the server
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