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About Sn1p3rGodE1ite

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  1. why has he been warned for this as many people have done the same thing and it has been completely fine.
  2. im not saying he banned me for no reason but 2 weeks man come on
  3. Steam Name: Sn1p3rGodE1ite Ingame Name: OFC Lucky 1A90 SteamID: idk Ban Length: 2 weeks Admin that Banned you: [GL] Yoshihino Reason for Ban: Exploiting Dispute: i didnt realise what i was doing was exploiting as it allowed me to acess the police cars, Furthermore i drove around for like 10 minutes in the early hours of the morning when no one was on because i was bored, i dont think i should be banned for 2 weeks for it when i didnt realise.
  4. how was i exploiting i was allowed to spawn in the car so plus no one was on i caused no grief i did it for like 10 min and i get 2 weeks thats a bit harsh
  5. i was banned for 2 weeks for driving a police lambo i thought that was a warn which i would happily take not a 2 week ban.
  6. yo i was banned for 2 weeks for driving a police lambo when no one was on thats a bit harsh
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