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Everything posted by Aszab123

  1. In-game Name: Janos Lalak SteamID: Aszab123 DiscordID: SkyFall#1606 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? I would say I'm pretty experienced, I've been learning more about every single day, for a couple of years now, starting from 2014. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) Well, I'm actually looking for a new role to play as, and I believe that this role would be an amazing choice for me. Why, you may ask. And the answer is pretty simple. I always wanted to try what it's like to be against the foundation, not with it, and I always wanted to actually help the D class personnel escape. I'm so into the SCP lore, that I could dedicate myself to the Chaos Insurgency in a way, that would be hard to explain, and I could live myself so into it, and that's why I believe that the Chaos Insurgency would just be the role for me. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? My experience with the genre, and the lore itself. I've memorized each and every single SCP object, and I even wrote one, which got taken down because I accidentally typed away the SCP number. But back to where we are supposed to be, as I mentioned, my knowledge, my combat skills, and generally my skills with spying, and communication. How active can you be? I can be really active. I could play almost every single day for a couple of hours. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes, I do.
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