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Status Updates posted by Yamato

  1. My profile views went from 215 to 343 within 24 hours. . .  I mean I've been here, damn near 2 years but i'm not that popular am I?

  2. HTF working along side enlisted. a beauty to behold 


  3. Please Come Back.  Everyone Misses you.  You may be forgotten but with time everyone will remember you.  


    [Accessing Files:



    Vlad Romanov


    Access Granted]

    Jikan & Monika: Greatest Researchers I met when i joined GL

    Sergeant Monika: The Creator of the Negev Line Protocol.  It still Lives, come back and bring it back.

    [Last Audio Log from  Associate Researcher Takao]

    "Jikan! Monika! Come back! I need you! We need you! Everyone misses you! You can save us, Please!.    By the time you hear this, I most likely won't be alive." *Static gunfire in the background* "The Site needs you back." *thuds and explosions in the hallways, gunfire getting louder*    "Research progress has dropped over the months we need you to carry us back up amd get the progress up"   *Loud banging on the metal slide doors of Research area*  "Security cam't hold them much longer, the door is barricaded but it won't stop them. ."  *loud metallic crash and gunfire immediately after*  "They're in. . Goodbye Jikan. Goodbye Monika. May the sun shine upon us once again"

    ["Takao was Captured By Chaos then Executed Infront of Gate A. Unable to be Saved.."]

    [Audio Log from *redacted* of the internal inelligence department

    ["Years after the disappearance of Jikan, Monika and the death of AR Takao. Security Master Sergeant Yamato took over Monikas Role in Gensec, oblivious to what truely happend to them. ."]

    ["A year Later Yamato was transfered into MTF Nu-7 Designated "Hammer down". Now a 1lt they still await the return of Jikan and Monika. Holding onto something left behind by the both of them. Waiting to return it"]

    [End Log]

    [Signed Out]

    1. Former LR Monika Returned

      Former LR Monika Returned

      *Monika sighs to this day wondering why people still care about her.* 

      "Who was Takao again... "

      *She keeps wandering around her private rooms wanting it all to not go wrong.* 

      "Its all a lie anyhow nobody cares about me really-"

    2. Yamato


      People care, you're just looking for the wrong people

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