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Posts posted by Pog0

  1. + Support 

    Great member of Nu7.

    Very active.

    Combat experience is on top of the roof (the guy is insane).

    Love to work with this individual and he has earned himself the title of ''Vapeman'' for a good reason.

    Best of luck with your application!

    MTF Nu7 VCMDR Rainbow


    - Great candidate for the position, as she can bring in a high level of roleplay

    - Very active

    - Very communicative

    - Well behaved and professional individual

    - I personally think she's overqualified for RRH Analyst, judging from all these good qualities she possesses.

    Best of luck!

    Rainbow - Vice Commander of Mobile Task Force Nu-7 ''Hammer Down''


  3. +Support

    A very well written app indeed!

    Great medic, always see him healing others and does a great job at his role.

    Roleplay is perfect.

    He has a base knowledge on both Utility branches, which makes him an ideal candidate for the applied position.


    Best of luck!


  4. In Game Name: Rainbow

    Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) - STEAM_0:1:103893952

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

    Current RP Ranks Held: MTF Nu7 Colonel

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: All of them.

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A

    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team:

    Being a part of the Red Right Hand Guardians would allow me to further harness my combat skills as I would be getting the opportunity to work with the best of the best and to also enhance my roleplay experience within the server. I have had the pleasure to work along side many of the O5 staff members and was able to carry out multiple operations, whether it involved an Echo-5 Raid, a Special Event or an MTF Raid. Furthermore, the RRH Guardians consist of elite members that have come from other branches, and this creates diversity within the subbranch which is one of the reasons why I have decided to apply. Being able to work with them will not only help me develop a relationship with them, but to also learn from them and understand how they conduct themselves as REDACTED members who work under the council.

    Why should we accept you:

    This is not the first time that I am applying for this particular position. I understood that at the time of my first application being submitted, there were a few things that I needed to work on improving and I have received a lot of feedback from many members of the community, which I am grateful for. I have taken the feedback into account and took the initiative to work on certain aspects that I lacked on as a leader of a branch. In my time as an Nu7 command, I worked tirelessly to improve on those aspects and my main concern at the time mainly had to do with activity, which I have consistently worked on improving and promoting this to other members of the Nu7 branch. Furthermore, I have had the opportunity to work with many wonderful people, which also included members of the O5 staff team and I must say that it has been a great learning opportunity for me to gain an insight on how they lead and deal with difficult situations. As for my role as an Nu7 Colonel, everyone in command understands the work ethic I bring for the branch, whether it involves promoting subbranches, introducing suggestions, or being a good listener and communicator in general when it comes to important discussions that are branch related. Anyways, I do hope that I have shown you all a more positive image of myself as an individual in the recent months and I am always working on bettering myself for the benefit of the community and essentially trying to reach my full potential. Thank you all for reading my application and best of luck.

    Rainbow - MTF Nu7 Colonel, Head of Tactical Response Team

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  5. + Support

    Great guy. Has shown great roleplay on the server and very active. Would be a great addition to the RRH and take on more responsibilities. He's also done well in Maintenance command and shown great work ethic, so there is really anything negative that I can say about him. Best of luck my friend.

    Rainbow - Mobile Task Force Nu-7 ''Hammerdown'' Colonel

    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Benslaki_II said:

    bro we all crying right now

    but where is my paragraph AND WHY AM I PUT WITH NANAFROST THIS IS BIASED


    Wish you all the best Bread, from your best friend Rainbow.

  7. + Massive Support

    The suggestion itself DOES NO HARM at all. Wow! There has been countless of times where lights would be ignored and not taken care of when needed to be. The amount of times I lost my mind having to deal with SCP 280 because nobody bothered to fix its cell was very frustrating for me. I am not directing these comments towards Maintenance whatsoever, as I recognize how much work they put in, but mainly MTF (FE/CE) in general as they never take the initiative to fix things when Maintenance have their hands full. As someone who is in Nu7, the activity of Field Experts (FE) has not been that great at all considering the fact that they received a health, armour and weapon buff to accommodate for the responsibilities they must uphold. However, despite these positive changes the subbranch remains to face an issue in terms of activity and I really believe that this suggestion can make a positive change. Introducing a rewarding concept for these type of jobs can be of great benefit and even boost Maintenance activity too. Researchers are given XP when a test is carried out, so it's only fair that we make a compromise for Maintenance and other related jobs. Furthermore, if this was to be implemented not only the activity would be boosted but staff members who moderate the server will be able to answer more sits and meet their quota as a result of high demand in XP from the respective branches that benefit from the suggestion. I look forward to this change and if you're reading this then YOU SHOULD +SUPPORT THIS TOO!


    Nu7 Colonel

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Noah Lee said:


    Massive - Support
    So upon seeing this suggestion, and seeing the video, the recoil is sketch as fuck, so we invited one of our better PVPers that we have in our branch @Smoll so the fist clip linked, is smoll shooting the MP7 on my head and you can see the recoil is very difficult to control, the second clip we attempted to recreate actual battle with a d class or some individual that doesn't wish to die, and you can clearly see the recoil is difficult and it is still rather hard to hit someone, and you may say "oh hes just bad" but this man is up there with kenzo and funkmaster when it comes to combat as d class ETC, but its still insane, the 3rd clip is smoll shooting me full body and fully controlled recoil and it doesn't even remotely match what clip was provided for the recoil.

    Massive - Support

    Gun is already nerfed to the point that people don't play on the job anymore as they used to. The recoil is insane to control and it is impossible to hit someone unless you are REALLY close to them. Furthermore, this nerf can jeopardize the overall activity of the subbranch as it is already at a bad state as a result of the most recent nerf.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Noah Lee said:

    You guys have a insane amount of numbers on the server right now as it is adding in another class to simply create unbalance on the server is nah.
    Also 5 min NLR is a little eh with the weapons/weapon its going to have it. maybe like 7min ish, im assuming you guys are going to also push for the AR you guys wish to add in to be balanced to the server, and its going to make the class strong
    and if it would to fully get pushed thru, 
    the rank requirement to join the class should be SM+ or maybe provisional delta and or increase the minimum player requirement for the class to be active

    - Support

    Looks like only CI are supporting this as it works in their favour...

    • Like 2
    • Laughing 1
    • Dislike 9
  10. -/+ Support

    While I agree with some of the changes being made to certain jobs, there are still some changes that I don't agree with at all and I believe others would agree with me as well.

    + FE Changes: This was needed for a very long time! I am glad the job is matching up with other jobs in terms of health and weaponry, because it used to be least used job in the branch and the only reason they would hop on it is to conduct necessary repairs when urgently needed.

    + Tactical Response Team: This is a REALLY good idea and a fair trade with E11. As much as I enjoy playing Recon, I have found a lot difficulties mainly due to the limited space I had to work with while inside the facility and hardly able to gain long distance against the enemy as I navigate through the hallways. I personally think that Recon Specialist would be much more useful to the E11 branch as they mainly work on the surface with a lot of space AND a powerful sniper that could be used to identify AND take out targets. As for the formerly known ''Scout'' class which we will be receiving, I think this is a wise choice as we do tend to have a lot things to do on our shoulders such as feeding SCPs, preventing hostage taking or dealing with D block riots when it gets out of control. A speed boost would definitely make our lives easier and allow us to be more efficient.

    - Tactical Response Team Weapons: As for the weapons, they're not that great and definitely wouldn't be a good match against CI who are more well equipped with Remingtons which is a shotgun that can be aimed and used with no effort at all. The Tactical Response Squad would still have a hard time getting used to the weapon recoil and adjust to it over time, however, with a shotgun this is not the case because you can simply left click anywhere and you would be guaranteed a hit on your target. I understand that you're trying to minimize jobs from having shotguns and make them unique by using other range of weaponry, but I can assure you that speed alone won't be enough to out do the enemy. The Vector is a really good SMG for close range but it would be really impossible to outgun someone who has a commonly used shotgun or other high tier weaponry mainly due to the fact that the recoil and fire rate are both difficult to control. The bar is also quite weak with little to no potential to be used as a long range weapon due to its recoil. It is decent in medium to close range but then again, a 20 bullet weapon isn't enough to take down the enemy and the reload speed doesn't compensate at all. I am surprised that the bar is actually considered an LMG because it only carries 20 bullets in each magazine when the average LMG carries roughly 120-200 bullets, hence the reason why they're called LMGs.

    - Health balancing: The ''health balancing'' doesn't sit right with me, especially the Behemoth nerf. There was no need to change the health of any job in Nu7 due to the CI Branch Update that was introduced a few days ago. The incredible buff most CI jobs have received already balance things out between us, if that's your main concern. There is no need taking it a step further by taking away a percentage of our health and switching it into armour and there is really no point. CI got health, armour AND weapon buffs.

    - HSU Jobs: Just going to leave this here...


    Dang I appreciate the time you've put into the branch update and I commend your efforts but from what I am reading here it looks like you're trying to nerf Nu7 rather than balancing it with other branches. You're a great guy Dang and friendly, so I hope there is no hard feelings between us and perhaps we can work together on this if you would allow me to help. Other than that, best of luck and thank you for reading.


    MTF Nu7 1LT

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  11. On 4/27/2021 at 5:25 AM, Bread said:

    Smoll, I know you've been here a while. I understand that English is not your first language, and that's okay. You've had a tendency to be a bit mingy, and have quite a handful of warns, but you've been doing well lately. While there are a lot of mis-translations in this application, that's okay. I don't think it would hurt to give you a shot.


    He's been in Nu7 for a while now, even longer than I have and I can say he has improved a lot. I still call him a minge for the jokes, but his attitude and dedication for the branch for the past months has shown us why he's an ideal candidate for WO programme. Good luck minge, you have my full support.


    Nu7 2LT

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  12. In Game Name: 

    Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) - STEAM_0:1:155669962

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

    Current RP Ranks Held: MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant, CI Corporal and Maintenance Adept.

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: All of them. I don't discriminate.

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A

    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 1 for breaking NLR (I am a good boy now). Screenshot: image.png.ed7a8f98456de1220fe14dd2a58f6d95.png

    Why should we accept you? Why do you want to join the O5 staff team?

    Expression of Interest

    Through my times in militaries, I have obtained quite a lot of experience in different leadership positions. I have been involved in many different games/servers with similar structures in terms of chain of command and their approach in day to day operation, with a sole purpose of building a friendly, dedicated, trustworthy and appealing community within their respective branch. I will be highlighting one of the most iconic moments in my career in Garry's Mod to further emphasize the importance of my contribution to your branch, and why I am a potential candidate for this position. This will involve my time in a militaristic server in ARMA 3, where I upheld different leadership positions by successfully coordinating and managing a large battalion force. The first two positions I will be speaking about would be my two OHNCO terms in the Silent Drill Platoon of SECDEF-US (Name of the server). In these terms I learned important lessons on exactly how to be a leader as I had to be creative, responsible, patient and most of all have a mastery in working with a team. Throughout these terms I managed to show that I had successfully gained all of these important skills and qualities by the two highly successful events that I created completely on my own and by my stellar management of my drill team and different sectors of the Silent Drill Platoon. All of which eventually culminated in a final rank of CPT (Captain) which proves exactly how successful I proved to be while in these particular leadership positions. I believe the qualities that I gained from these terms would be beneficial for myself to be a successful RRH Guard in the Foundation as I will need to show a high level of responsibility in the leading of my fellow personnel. I will also need to be patient to be able to educate any personnel effectively as everyone learns at different paces and be able to work as an effective piece of the puzzle that makes the MTF A1 branch as a whole, which I will prove to be fully capable of if given the opportunity.

    The next two leadership positions will be coming from my time currently in the Foundation, as a member of MTF Nu7 ''Hammer Down''. To be more specific, I will now be speaking about my responsibilities and subbranch duties as the Head of Recon Specialists (HRCN), and my current position as a 2LT for the branch. During my recently concluded 2 month term as a member of Nu7, I was able to further strengthen the skills and qualities that I have already mentioned while still acquiring new skills and knowledge. I was able to strengthen these qualities as I was tasked with the leading of a much larger group of personnel while also having to come up with new, innovative ideas to improve the experience of Enlisted/ NCOs and managing the well known FTO Mentorship Program. As a Senior Field Training Officer, I was responsible of training and mentoring our young Enlisted/ NCOs by preparing them on becoming the leaders of tomorrow. This consisted of one-to-one guidance on how to act as an instructor for the Trainees, making the right approach, effective communication which will essentially help produce potential Recruits for the branch.  The aforementioned tasks required me to improve on my leadership, management  and creative skills in order for a successful term which I feel like I achieved. I also gained new skills such as good organisational skills which I acquired as I had to create well-organised, informative Bi-weekly Meetings for the benefit of the branch, as well as the maintenance of many different important documents and databases for the Recon subbranch which has been my main focus. I strongly believe that such a skill is of utmost importance to be a leader as a well thought out, properly organised approach must be taken to any problems a leader might face to result in the best possible outcome for not only the leader, but for everyone that might be involved too. I have also proved my success during the term due to my elevation to the position of Warrant Officer where I have continued to uphold my high standards as a leader. In addition to this, I have taken this a step further by becoming a Senior member of every sub branch that is available in Nu7, which includes Behemoth, FTO, Recon (DHRCN now) and Field Expert making me the ONLY NCO to have ever taken on these positions at once in Nu7 history, thus making me overqualified.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    I will firstly be speaking about my weaknesses and how I expect to improve and eventually completely fix said weaknesses. I feel like one of the weaknesses I would have is forgetting certain important details from time to time which has indeed caused a few hitches in my work before. I have been attempting to fix this particular weakness by keeping Google Documents with information pertaining to duties that I need to carry out. This allows me to always make sure that I am giving the most accurate information or carrying out duties in the best way possible as I can refer to these documents whenever needed.

    Now for my main strengths which would be communication, understanding and patience. These strengths are 3 of the hugely important strengths that a leader must obtain to be a brilliant role model amongst their peers. The reason for this is because a leader has to be approachable for his peers to have that extra bit of confidence and comfort around them and these strengths allow for exactly that to happen. I am also very hardworking which is evident from previous achievements that I have obtained during previous tenures in the Nu7 branch. This allows me to get great amounts of quality work done for the overall benefit of the Foundation.

    Personally, I think being a part of the RRH would give me a greater challenge as an individual and I will be able to learn a lot more which will essentially help me improve and adapt on becoming a better person in areas of combat and strategy. That is the reason why I intend to be professional and show you my full potential if accepted. Thank you for your time and I hope you consider me for the position.


    MTF Nu7 2LT

  13. In Game Name: Rainbow
    Nu-7 Rank (Must be SGT+): 2LT
    Level (Must be 65+): Yes.
    If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): N/A
    If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): N/A

    Why do you think you are worthy of receiving Grenadier? (80+ word minimum): I believe I am worthy to become a Grenadier due to the qualities that I possess as a current Nu7 personnel serving the Foundation. A grenadier is considered to be the strongest and largest soldier who can lead assaults in the field of battle. As someone who has been in constant battle with the Chaos Insurgency, I can deeply express the unfortunate outcome that comes in place throughout this turn of events within the field, and that is bloodshed. Therefore, I decided to pursue this role in order to benefit my fellow comrades by providing the tactical and lethal utilities they require in order to gain the upper hand against the enemy, as Grenadiers are heavily equipped for this purpose. They are there to be the front line and the backline of their comrades, this could consist of breaching headfirst towards the enemy or providing assistance from the back by escorting/ protecting those who need it. Thus, the reason why I consider Grenadier to be a valuable role and that is due to how impactful you can be during battle.  
    Explain how you would utilize Grenadier to the best of your ability (65+ word minimum): As mentioned above, it is essential that a Grenadier assesses the situation before moving into a tactical approach, this includes taking into consideration the amount of people you are raiding with. The terrain. What is the most suitable and effective way to initiate with heavy explosives, taking consideration of the terrain we will be engaged in. Our enemies. Does the enemy possess any heavy artillery units, or any one who may pose a threat to a Grenadier by targeting their weakness. You must ensure that heavily crowded battles are coordinated correctly and reassure your comrades that friendly fire is not going to be a possibility, considering the fact that a Grenadier is heavily equipped with grenades. Moreover, I would ensure that a distance is created between myself and my comrades when it comes to the usage of grenades by also making the right calls at the right time. Communication is key for a successful breach, and as a Grenadier you do not want to throw any lethal which can cause possible injuries to your comrades as a result miscommunication, which is why you must call it out over the radio before doing so. When a Grenadier approaches the enemy's base, they must always consider the worst case scenario and to quickly be able to handle it with ease. This can consist of hostages, nukes or even SCP's that have breached and are in custody of the enemy. A grenadier must come to the assumption that the enemy is prepared for us and is aware of our raid, so how do we approach this and how do we avoid casualties. Of course, it is not possible for me to simply explain one way of utilizing Grenadier, as it is entirely situational and how someone can respond to in a brief moment.

    A CI raid has been called at Gate A, you're on Grenadier - what do you do? This can vary from person to person, but give your best answer: Relay the info to my comrades, by letting them know about the raid and providing them with further details about the type of equipment they are holding, their position and their rank as this can allow them to assess which person within the enemy poses the biggest threat to the foundation. Next is positioning, if I find myself outnumbered I would try and retreat towards the bunks to request reinforcements and to take cover. Once reinforcement arrives, we engage the enemy and keep them focused towards us and not towards the foundation, as innocent people OR SCPs can be breached. All foundation personnel will be aware of the situation prior to the engage to ensure they are safe. Preparation is key, so it is evident that Grenadiers have their grenades and on standby at all times. If the enemy is in a clear area, then it is appropriate to use grenades and to follow this with gunfire until they are neutralized. Once they are neutralized, we sweep EZ and LCZ for any escapees to prevent further casualties. Once again, there are many approaches in which I could take to deal with the enemy as it is entirely situational and we don't know exactly which type of enemy we are facing or what their main objective is, but this is pretty much a general approach.

    Have you read the Grenadier Rules, and do you agree to abide by them? This should never be no: Yes.

  14. +Support

    Very interested about the branch. Has some experience in combat which is always good to have AND has done his share of roleplay back when he was a Researcher. 

    Good luck,

    MTF Nu7 SFTO 2LT Rainbow RS6S

  15. I am honestly saddened about your departure. The whole point of GMOD RP is to have fun and have a great time overall with your friends and close ones. If you no longer feel that sense of enjoyment and passion for this server, after putting hours and hours to no end... then you have made the right decision by leaving as it ultimately saves you from the negative side of things which you were incapable of changing. I couldn't agree more with the feedback you've given to the Owners/Devs/Managers of the server, something needs to be done honestly, and we both know that change isn't going to happen anytime soon until people start voicing their opinion and making themselves heard! We don't live in a fucking dictatorship goddamit, it's 2021! I am quite upset that I no longer have a Bri'sh partner who can understand me (I do have Freddie but I don't talk to him very often), but I am sure you will pop by from time to time and I look forward to see you flash that Nick Furry class (Hopefully they CC it for you, since they made it for you). I will be sure to hop on Field Expert and get those repairs done for you so at least we don't have a shitload of work to do. Anyways, jokes aside I would like to thank you for everything that you've done to Nu7. I honestly considered you as a Mentor, since I always followed you by example in terms of the way you lead and influence people. If you think you didn't learn something valuable throughout your journey in this server, then you thought wrong. You learned how to gain people's trust (Most difficult thing), you learned how to lead people, you learned how to effectively communicate with people, how to comfort them and supporting them throughout their time in the server. I could go on all day on this, but I don't want you to get bored. So to end it all, I just want to say thank you and I do hope that the board or the council could offer you a position and try bring you back as you have a lot of potential and we cannot let a man such as yourself go to waste. Anyways, best of luck with your journey ahead and feel free to get in touch whenever. Adios!

    - Rainbow / MSGT of Nu7

    • Gaminglight Love 2
  16. +Support

    I can vouch for him! Very professional and friendly as I worked with him in Maintenance for a while now. I would like to say to him that he will have to do a lot of killing and re-containment than cleaning, so buckle up pal!

    Wish you the best of luck and I am more than happy to personally train you if you ever get accepted.


    - Rainbow / Rambo

    MSGT of Nu7 / MJ of Maintenance

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