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Posts posted by Pog0

  1. + support

    Decent app. Very dedicated individual and I am sure he would be a great Grenadier considering how long he's been serving the Foundation. He has a lot of experience and can vouch for this as I have worked with him. I can go all day on why he should be picked, but I prefer to keep it brief. Best of luck Utter.


    MTF Nu7 SGT

  2. In Game Name: Rainbow
    Nu-7 Rank (Must be SGT+): SGT
    Level (Must be 65+): Well no... but soon enough. I just want to my application to be approved prior to meeting this criterion.
    If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): N/A
    If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): N/A

    Why do you think you are worthy of receiving Grenadier? (80+ word minimum): I believe I am worthy to become a Grenadier due to the qualities that I possess as a current Nu7 personnel serving the Foundation. A grenadier is considered to be the strongest and largest soldier who can lead assaults in the field of battle. As someone who has been in constant battle with the Chaos Insurgency, I can deeply express the unfortunate outcome that comes in place throughout this turn of events within the field, and that is bloodshed. Therefore, I decided to pursue this role in order to benefit my fellow comrades by providing the tactical and lethal utilities they require in order to gain the upper hand against the enemy, as Grenadiers are heavily equipped for this purpose. They are there to be the front line and the backline of their comrades, this could consist of breaching headfirst towards the enemy or providing assistance from the back by escorting/ protecting those who need it. Thus, the reason why I consider Grenadier to be a valuable role and that is due to how impactful you can be during battle.  
    Explain how you would utilize Grenadier to the best of your ability (65+ word minimum): As mentioned above, it is essential that a Grenadier assesses the situation before moving into a tactical approach, this includes taking into consideration the amount of people you are raiding with. The terrain. What is the most suitable and effective way to initiate with heavy explosives, taking consideration of the terrain we will be engaged in. Our enemies. Does the enemy possess any heavy artillery units, or any one who may pose a threat to a Grenadier by targeting their weakness. You must ensure that heavily crowded battles are coordinated correctly and reassure your comrades that friendly fire is not going to be a possibility, considering the fact that a Grenadier is heavily equipped with grenades. Moreover, I would ensure that a distance is created between myself and my comrades when it comes to the usage of grenades by also making the right calls at the right time. Communication is key for a successful breach, and as a Grenadier you do not want to throw any lethal which can cause possible injuries to your comrades as a result miscommunication, which is why you must call it out over the radio before doing so. When a Grenadier approaches the enemy's base, they must always consider the worst case scenario and to quickly be able to handle it with ease. This can consist of hostages, nukes or even SCP's that have breached and are in custody of the enemy. A grenadier must come to the assumption that the enemy is prepared for us and is aware of our raid, so how do we approach this and how do we avoid casualties. Of course, it is not possible for me to simply explain one way of utilizing Grenadier, as it is entirely situational and how someone can respond to in a brief moment.

    A CI raid has been called at Gate A, you're on Grenadier - what do you do? This can vary from person to person, but give your best answer: Relay the info to my comrades, by letting them know about the raid and providing them with further details about the type of equipment they are holding, their position and their rank as this can allow them to assess which person within the enemy poses the biggest threat to the foundation. Next is positioning, if I find myself outnumbered I would try and retreat towards the bunks to request reinforcements and to take cover. Once reinforcement arrives, we engage the enemy and keep them focused towards us and not towards the foundation, as innocent people OR SCPs can be breached. All foundation personnel will be aware of the situation prior to the engage to ensure they are safe. Preparation is key, so it is evident that Grenadiers have their grenades and on standby at all times. If the enemy is in a clear area, then it is appropriate to use grenades and to follow this with gunfire until they are neutralized. Once they are neutralized, we sweep EZ and LCZ for any escapees to prevent further casualties. Once again, there are many approaches in which I could take to deal with the enemy as it is entirely situational and we don't know exactly which type of enemy we are facing or what their main objective is, but this is pretty much a general approach.

    Have you read the Grenadier Rules, and do you agree to abide by them? This should never be no: No. Because I don't meet the requirements to begin with. I'll wait until I'm level 65 then read them.

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