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Cody Mahoogly

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Everything posted by Cody Mahoogly

  1. Unfortunately, I can no longer hold my position as Havoc Vice-Commander due to how life is going for me. Since that is the case, I am going to be resigning from Vice Commander and going into reserves. I would hopefully like to come back to the server at a later date, but I can not promise that will happen. Jaeger: You are a good friend of mine who made the server a lot of fun, be it with jokes, or just your general demeanor. Plus, I can say that I definitely won by giving you more money and you can't do anything about it. Velimir: I know I am leaving Havoc in capable hands with you in command. In my opinion, you have already been doing better than I have at being a Vice-Commander in such a short time and I know you will make a great Commander. Scrubby: Even though you have been a bit of a minge as of late, you have made the server a blast. (No pun intended.) I believe you have a bright future ahead of you as a command member. Anthony: I want to thank you for being a good friend of mine and for everything that you've given me. I wouldn't have anywhere near of a good time without you. Kieran: You were a great commander of Havoc who helped me throughout the process of moving up through the ranks of Havoc and I'm sure you will be an even greater High Command member. Finally, I would like to thank the whole Gaminglight ImperialRP community for accepting me so readily into the server. I have had a wonderful time that I will not soon forget. For now, I would like to bid you all farewell and good luck.
  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Havoc EODL COL Mahoogly 0331 2. What Regiment are you applying for? I am applying for Havoc Vice Commander. 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I would like to be Vice Commander of Havoc for several reasons. The first of which would be to assist both Commander Kieran and Vice Commander Ryker by taking some of the strain off of their backs in terms of work load. The second reason is that I have put a lot of time in effort into Havoc, because it is one of my favorite battalions, and I will continue to put more time and effort into the battalion. The last reason is that I would like to cover times when other Havoc command members aren't on, such as during the mornings. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? As of writing this, I have 350 hours on the server, which equates to around two weeks of in game time. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a Vice Commander is to assist the Commander with overseeing the battalion. They are expected to maintain the roster, SOPs, and any other documents regarding the battalion and keep them all up to date. They act as a leading figure for the battalion whom which everybody in the battalion looks up to for guidance and support. Vice Commanders, as well as Commanders, are responsible for making sure that the battalion is active, populated, and well-trained. They do this with Discord pings, SIMs, tryouts, and trainings. They also give out any punishments to any misbehaving or defective troopers. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : You should trust me to be commander because not only am I active on Havoc, but I am also very dedicated to the battalion. In the span of two months, I was able to make it all the way to the position that I hold now. I have been trying to improve Havoc and the lives of the battalion's troopers ever since then. Another reason is that I am a very relaxed and easy person to for troopers to come to and speak with. Finally, I will continue to put the well-being of Havoc, and much more importantly, the Empire before anything else. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be online almost every day for at least 3 hours. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have a single warning from when I had recently joined the server, which was for KTAP. However, I do not believe that it is active anymore.
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