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Posts posted by Cosmic

  1. Post name: Sarkic and The Church of The Broken God

    What are you suggesting?

    - I know Sarkic is already kind of strong as it is , but i feel like that instead of being called "cultists" and cult leader they shoul have proper ranks like how in the Lore Higher ranked sarkics are named Karcist and Grand Karcist whom also have Anomalous Object which alter their bodies or give them powers, basically just a power up that removes their human limits.

    There should be some type of event like how CI can do a warehouse raid to get a mech, they should be able to do something to trigger  "Red Death" , an event powerful enough to turn entire cities into beasts that fight for the Sarkic. 


    I don't know If The Church of The Broken God is in the server but since Sarkic is , I see no reason why the church of the Broken God shouldn't . Their objective is similar to the one of Sarkic , bringing back their beloved god while Sarkic focuses on turning the world into a place comfortable for their God , The Church Of the Broken god will focus on actually bringing him back.


    The Church Of The Broken God can summon the Broken god by collecting most parts of the broken god

    His Broken Heart: SCP-882

    His Broken Gift: SCP-271

    His Broken Eyes :SCP-813

    His Broken Tongue: SCP-1139

    His Broken Mind: SCP-635

    His Broken Blood: SCP-217

    They will have to do separate raids in separate locations to get those pieces , like how the Mind could be in the bottom of the lake , while another piece can be in one of the Warehouses and some pieces can also be held by the Foundation. Once The Church Of The Broken God collected all the pieces needed to summon their god , a timer will start in which the Broken God will start rebuilding himself , during this timer The Church can be raided and eventually the rebuilding stopped.

    If the Church Of The Broken God manages to get their beloved god they will be able to exchange their "useless" or "weak" body parts for Fully Mechanical Parts which in game can either grant them more armor or more speed (Depending on what body part gets changed). This is obvious but The Broken God isn't just a power up they will use but an actual weapon.

    How would this change better the server? - Most People get burnt out or bored after doing the same stuff everyday so this would probably bring new stuff to do for everyone


    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. -  Probably Foundation will have to do more work if this becomes a thing and will get overworked.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - I personally think it will



    -Sorry i didn't make the suggestion all shiny and all

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