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Posts posted by Nicc

  1. Its been fun but I am no longer able to be a member of the department. Thank you to all of the amazing members of this department. Although I didn't play much on DF it has felt like a home on the server for the past few months. Good luck to everyone in the department.

  2. Well its been great leading CERT over the past few weeks but with taking the spot of Chief I will no longer be able to fill the role of CERT Commander.

    Its been fun and I hope to see CERT Succeed in every way possible with @Ecotttaking the spot. I know you will do well just as you have done with Delta Force.

    Good luck to everyone in the department and I look forward to see where you guys go.

    Resigning for the 4th time??? Its been to many to count.

  3. What you want to see? - More items in the mining crafting npc that require obsidian to craft and/or allow for the permanent weapons to be made with obsidian.

    Why should we add it? - As of right now, the only item that is able to be crafted in the npc is the EMP grenade. For those that already have the EMP grenade there is no use for the obsidian ore. With Obsidian being one of the rarer ores with dark matter, there is a fairly good chance that people will collect obsidian during a boosted output and have no use for it.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Giving a use to a ore that currently has little purpose.

    Who is it mainly for? - Crim mains

    Links to any content - N/a

  4. Well my time here in State has been cut short. From first joining the department in February of 2021, to pulling out of reserves last august, State has been the only department that seems to keep pulling me back in. Throughout the past few years, I have seen so many friends come and go, and seen the rise and fall of many amazing members. I am extremely thankful for all of the people who have guided me through this journey.


    Tactical - The man that got me to where I am today. I am extremely thankful that you have given me the opportunity to lead this amazing department.


    Recs - The greatest DOC warden we have ever had. I am so thankful that you allowed me to follow in your footsteps. You were one of the best people I have ever seen in this department.


    Ganta - Having you alongside me over the past couple of months has been amazing. You are %100 one of the best people that I have worked along side over the years we have played together. I look forward to seeing where you take state in the future.


    Ajax - Another old friend on the server. I have no doubt that you will do great in the push to revive CERT to its former glory.


    Sato - The SPMU guy himself. Although you are not as active in state you have helped the low command team along the way and guided SPMU through the golden age. I don’t know what is in store for you but look forward to seeing where you go.


    Dark - Another great friend. Get active and I agree, SPRT is better than CERT.


    Dak - Another one of the great command members I have seen come into the team. I have no doubt that you will continue to do great things within the department and hope to see you reach your goal of making it into state high command.


    Snappy - One of the many great command members I have seen come and go in my time within the department. I have no doubt that you will do great things with DOC and FTO!


    Spart - Another great friend that I have met during my time in State. It was always frustrating trying to figure out when you would be back from the oil rig so we could do some more shenanigans. I hope to see you come back to the department soon.


    Mini Epic - I have known you for many years now and can safely say that you are one of my favorite people to work with. Through our time in SRT, CERT, EMS, CERT, and State, we have seen and done so much. I look forward to seeing where we go with PD High Command.


    Unfortunately, I am not very good at writing resignations, so this is about it. I will still be around within PD High Command and look forward to seeing where State goes next. Thank You everyone that has made this journey so memorable.

  5. -Support

    Its common sense that what you did was prop minge. There was no valid RP reason for you to have pushed that car, as well as no OOC reason as the vehicle was not stuck.

    One of the main arguments of your appeal is that keypads do not count as props. While not spawned through the prop menu, the keypads are still able to act in very similar ways and would be considered prop minge if they were being abused in this way. Personally I do not believe that the argument with the keypad portion is valid on Matildas end, you were still attempting to propminge via the shelf that you had spawned.


    Rule reference

    Found under section 1 "the basics" in the MOTD:

    No prop abuse (Pushing, climbing, blocking, etc.)


    Edit: Hiding the video will not help your case.

  6. Rank You are Applying For: Assistant Chief

    In-Game Name: Nicc

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:497588238

    Current Rank: Trooper Colonel

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 1 Month

    What time zone are you in?: EST

    How many Warns do you have?: 5

    Permission: Miniepic

    Why should you be promoted (251 words Minimum): 

    I believe that I deserve the rank of Assistant Chief for many reasons including my past and present experience as command within every department across the server (excluding DF and FBI), ability to maintain consistent activity, and being a well known player throughout the police RP community.

    First I would like to start with my previous experience as command in departments. I have held various positions as high command and low command such as State Colonel, EMS Chief, DOC Warden, SRT Captain, SWAT Master Sergeant, CERT Team Leader, PD Captain, and Head Dispatcher before the department was dissolved. Throughout my time in these ranks, with a decent amount of trial and error, I believe that I have gained the necessary amount of knowledge and skill to properly be able to lead departments, while also being able to incentivize great activity throughout these departments.

    On another note, I have sustained an amazing amount of activity on the server and throughout the many platforms that the community provides such as the forums and discord. While I do take periodic breaks throughout the summer due to work, I have shown that I am continuously able to provide a suitable amount of activity regardless of what I have going on, off of the server.

    While being able to sustain great activity over the past few years, I have also gained an amazing reputation across the server. Throughout the time I have climbed the ranks in RP and Staff, I have gained a good amount of professionalism and maturity, and I have built many positive relationships with various members across the community. Everyone knows that I am there to assist and guide them whenever necessary.

    Overall, I believe that I would make a suitable addition into the PD High Command Team.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No):Yes

  7. Unfortunately, my time has come for SWAT. With taking up the positions of State Colonel and PD Captain, as well as some recent IRL events that have come up, I do not have enough time anymore to be a functioning command member within the department.


    @DuckeyWizard - One of my favorite commanders I have served under in any department. I can’t complain about a single thing that you have done for SWAT. Thank you for everything that you have done and good luck with your continuing push for PD High Command.

    @Chip&Dail - While you haven’t been here for very long, I have no doubt that you will continue to help the department thrive. It's been great having you back out of reserves.

    @INXOG2 - One of my favorite command members since I joined the department. You pushed CRC into a spot where it can once again become a functional unit. Good luck with pushing on the recruitments.

    Not so good with writing resignations so I decided to keep it short. I look forward to seeing where SWAT goes in the future as the department pushes to return to glory.

  8. - Support

    Application seems to be fairly low effort and you repeat yourself multiple times within the same sentence.

    Did not meet word count

    While you do seem nice and mature, the effort you put into your application does reflect on how you may perform in staff.

  9. -Support

    First Clip: No rule regarding how many properties you are allowed to own. General rule of common sense here is don't buy every building on the map. For the sky base point it is generally referred to as the actual base within, not the walls surrounding it. If you want this to be brought up as a point of concern you should think back towards some of the bases the family DC used on Great Lakeside. She explained her part and flew away. She also got it approved by a member of SMT.

    Second Clip: Logs sometimes have issues, it is reasonable for them to have thought that you rdmed the guy as sometimes guns don't load and you took the first shot. Don't see where the bias is as they gave you a chance to prove your innocence. If they were truly biased, they would have warned you and moved on with their day.

    Third Clip: Continuation of the second clip. Once again don't see where the bias is as she was simply asking for the clip herself so she could review it. You made the sit longer than what it should've been by arguing and not giving the clip to her. As the higher ranking staff member, she has priority regardless of who she brings into the sit to give another opinion on it.

    I feel that the phrase "player targeting" is being heavily misused. This phrase is something that members of your family have been throwing around for the past few weeks for simple things because they are unhappy about certain RP situations that are happening on the server. A good example of player targeting is your members going after her for various things to get her punished within staff and departments across the server with no real reason. This is something that I have witnessed myself.

    Most of your members seem to have a lack of respect for her for the simple reason of not being happy with decisions or actions she has made which are protected by SMT and the server rules. A big point that you seem to be trying to make is the lack of respect towards your members. If you can't show respect why should you expect someone to respect you?


  10. -support.

    Well that backfired.

    Also pro tip. Instead of lassoing out your warns, you can make a pretty square with the snipping tool that comes pre installed on your computer!!!

  11. Allow for the ability to create threads within the update feedback channels within the server discords.

    Most of the updates that are put in to the channels (At least for policeRP) seem to need a broader explanation for certain things than just a simple yes or no. I feel that it would be better to create a conversation where people can give input based on a variety of factors that may not be thought about before hand rather than SMT trying to figure out exactly what the players want on their own.

    I understand that a good amount of the things that players say is going to be total crap, but I feel that the input that others may have would be valuable to the servers improvement.

  12. In-Game Name: Nicc

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49758823

    ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): SMOD / Platinum

    How many hours do you have on the server?: 14+ weeks | Timer reset in mid 2022.

    What is your general knowledge on the rules?: Extremely good

    How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 5

    Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+):

    I would like to join the Police RP Event Team to help build and boost the active player count on the server by providing a fun and unique experience. As a previous Police RP Event Team member, I have experience and knowledge on what a good amount of the players enjoy when it comes to the events the players would like to see. As of right now, most of the events that are hosted on the server seem to have the same general formula of either being a TDM or FFA type event. I believe with the right help and resources, I will be able to start bringing back events with a large appeal such as duck hunt, floor dropper, TTT, building, and gameshows to help boost the amount of engagement that is happening within our community. I believe that with my level of professionalism and place within the community, I can help to bring back the active player population.

    Describe an event you could create (Be specific):


    Basic concept: Event would take place in a large area of the map such as suburbs or industrial. A few players would be chosen at random to be the "terrorists", tasked with killing the rest of the event participants. 

    Detective: One player each round will be picked to be the "detective". Upon the death of a participant, this player will be able to determine what team the dead player was on. If the detective dies, dead players will not be able to reveal what team they were on.

    Special Event: Depending on the number of participants, every so often a machine will open up and allow for 1 player to step in which will reveal the team the player is on, which will be announced through chat. This event is not mandatory so it will allow players to either hide or continue roaming through the event area.

    If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST time zone)

    Monday - Thursday: 4pm EST - 10pm EST

    Friday - Sunday: Times vary but not a lot of time due to work.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? Yes

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