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Rommen goodmen

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  1. Lore Name: Rommen Rank: JR SCP: 294 Question / Idea: Just how hot could the coffee get ? Background Research: Lava has temperature 1000 to 5000 f Hypothesis: If the coffee were to enrich with lava it could reach a very high temperature Observations (What Happened During Test): The D class drink the lava enrich coffee and had only drunk about a 1/4 of cup before having his inside melt down killing him very quickly Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): After the D class fully died his body had a temperature of about 3765 f Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: It seen that coffee can be very hot but it may need more testing
  2. Name: Rommen Rank: LCPL SteamID 76561198879307849 Current Sub-Branches your in: None Why should you retain your rank ( I doing good as guard and I following orders Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:
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