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[GL] [DDG] Mickle

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Everything posted by [GL] [DDG] Mickle

  1. Post name: Credit gifting system / Rank Gifting system What are you suggesting? - OK HEAR ME OUT so lets say u buy a 100 cred bundle right and you buy a rank that is 50 credits so then you would be able to put like a SID in a little "gift" tab in !shop where you can put in a SID of anyone online and you could gift them credits or ranks ( it would make sure you have the right SID by bring up their steam profile and being like " are you sure you want to do this " ) How would this change better the server? - it would help the server so you could be nice and gift people things! it wouldn't make the server loose any money as well because the people would still be buying credits and the server would still get the money from that purchase Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - their MIGHT be an exploit if it is coded wrong but idk much about the coding side Who would this change mostly benefit? - the whole player base as it would benefit anyone who has spare credits. It would also be nice to get on and turns out someone gifted you credits. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - nothing ._.
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