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Pumkin man

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Posts posted by Pumkin man

  1. Lore Name: Pumkin man
    Rank: JR
    SCP: 173 and 343.

    Question / Idea: Could scp 343 help ask scp 173 questions
    Background Research: Scp 343 is shown to know a lot and claims they made scps.
    Hypothesis: If I ask scp 343 to ask a question to 173 they could read 173's mind and tell me their answer.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): Scp 173 kept trying to snap 343's neck but 343 did answer some questions such has who made them 343 said them I asked where did they come from 343 said his garden.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Scp 173 did not try to escape when the door was open.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Scp 343 could have been lying.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Sort of they couldn't read their mind but they could answer questions.

  2. Lore Name: Pumkin man
    Rank: JR 
    SCP:173 and 999

    Question / Idea: Will scp 999 calm down scp 173.
    Background Research: In the cross test of scp 682 and 999 682 was calm.
    Hypothesis: Scp 999 will calm down scp 173 making it less likly to escape

    Observations (What Happened During Test): scp 173 was playing with 999 and it made it more calm I know that because there was a test before mine with d class then when they opened the door for the d class to leave no one stayed at the lever to close the door and 999 went in and 173 didn't leave.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Scp 173 and 999 were playing.                                                                         test.png.bce52e43a9a6e49819794c863e694a65.png 

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The results might have been that the d class were looking at the scp I don't know since when the door opened I didn't look back just stared at 173.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Yes scp 173 was calmed by 999.

  3. Lore Name: Pumkin man
    Rank: JR
    SCP: 294

    Question / Idea: Can scp 294 dispense something like euphoria or scp 999 gel.
    Background Research: scp 999 was useful in keeping scp 682 calm.
    Hypothesis:  Scp 294 could dispense euphoria or scp 999 gel which could be useful in containing 682

    Observations (What Happened During Test): Scp 294 did not dispense anything.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: The cup was empty.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I could have spelled it wrong or typed it wrong.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No my hypothesis was not correct.

  4. In-game Name: (Job) Rank) Pumkin man






    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): I want to be in Military

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: In lore in a 0 out of 10 scale I would rank myself maybe a 6 or five.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): I think I should be in Chaos Insurgency because I'm good at shooting and I already know how raids work since for a day or 2 I was omi-9 I quit later because it was boring than become e-11 for so far about 9 or 10 days and I'm not some sort of cannon fodder in them either I'm LCPL in e-11 and got promoted in omi-9 I have dealt with about 3 foundation raids and 1 storage raid. (Btw this is what I think I might have been in 2  Facility raids and one storage raid).


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? What sets me apart from the other applicants is like I said in why I should be ci I know how raids work I'm good at shooting and I was in omi-9 and are in E-11.

    How active can you be? I wont be that active I will usually be on when E-11 is boring or low activity and I'm usually playing on the server in general on wednesday friday saturday sunday days before there is no school in the us and days when there are no schools in the us.

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