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Frostbite 1155

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Everything posted by Frostbite 1155

  1. Hello HC and everyone else, Have been playing on the server now and then when I have the time to. I was very active back in the days of Blarg and Maple (Old Name Drops I Know). But like I said I am now less frequent on the server. Only on to make sure that medical is not on fire and to check in with some of the people. I was notified that my reserves were removed for an unknown reason (Rule Changes?). You can ask a number of medical members and they will vouch for me. General Starch and VC Hex was looking into reinstating my reserves in February. They told me I would probably need to ask HC and SHC to do it. PS: I don't know how to directly contact HC and SHC so any help is appreciated. ~ R MC SE RSB MAJ Frostbite
  2. + Support + Very Active + Good Leader + Very Respectful to everyone + Will make a great Vice Commander ~ R MC SE RSB MAJ Frostbite
  3. Name: MC SE RSC 2LT Frostbite 1155 What do you want to see? - +Adding the E11-S and the Squad Shield Activator to the Medical Rescue Squadron kit. Also the removable of the E-22 from the kit would be ok for me but not necessary. rw_sw_e11s weapon_squadshield_arm Why should we add it? - I am looking to add more weapons so I can make Rescue Squadron more of a viable choose for a Medical Sub-Division. What are the advantages of having this? - More Rescue Squadron will be active expanding the medial division as a whole. Also the shield will help with Field Surgeries on Off Maps/Hoth Who is it mainly for? - For Rescue Squadron/Medical of course Links to any content - This content is already available in the current server pack
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