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Posts posted by JelloKhat

  1. On 1/3/2021 at 2:26 PM, Deaky said:

    Massive + Support
    - Very active
    - Cares about the battalion 
    - Proved himself for this role with being a WCMDR
    - Nice guy
    - Dedicated to SF

    Good luck Azir! - Deaky


  2. About 5 years ago a friend purchased me Gmod. For the first year I only really played in sandbox, and eventually moved out into playing TTT, then Dark RP, then Imperial, then SCP, then Imperial again. I've met so many colorful personalities and people on not just Gmod, but Gaminglight in particular. I don't think I'm ever going to forget the people I've met on here, and I really hope I stay around for a very long time.

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  3. What is your in-game name?: Jello

    What is your steam name?: JelloKhat

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:554562367

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: I have staffed on two other servers. My first experience staffing was on an imperial RP server, but after being removed for inactivity (even though I filled out a form saying I would be away) I left the community, and have not returned. I also staffed on a small Hogwarts RP community, both of which have since shut down. (I haven't mentioned any communities by name, as I don't know if that is allowed on an application. However, if it is requested, I can provide names.)

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): I first started playing on Gaminglight roughly a year ago, I do not remember an exact date. I have since gotten a new account, which is the one I am using right now. I used to go by the name Ron Swanson, and I played on the SCPRP server.

    What date did you make your forums account?: The 25th of November this year. However, my old account still exists on these forums, which was made a while ago.

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?: Assuming this includes donator ranks, I am an Initiate.

    How many warns do you have on the server?: 0

    Have you donated?: Yes I have.

    What rank are you applying for?: Trial Moderator.

    Have you read the staff guidelines?: Yes I have.

    Timezone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length): I have been a long running member of Gaminglight as a whole. While not on this account, or even on this server, I still enjoy all the people I have met so far.  Being accepted into staff would provide me an avenue to give back to the community. As shown through my activity on the server, I am extremely active and dedicated to the community. Due to my activity, I will always be around to help people with their whitelists, help with people who Ktap, and all the other rules that I often see broken. Becoming a Trial Moderator would give me the ability to help all the people on the server with issues I have encountered on multiple occasions. I have been stuck in very long times for tickets and whitelistings, I have dealt with reports taking ages to get accepted due to a torrent of them from so many different people. Becoming staff would allow me to assist these people in these issues, and make sure that reports go through quickly, and that there will always be someone around to help someone who requires it. I also enjoy a good RP experience, and if accepted, I would be able to clear out all the people who get in the way of the experience a lot of people on the server enjoy. I am calm and collected, and having spent so long playing games, insults rarely get me riled up. I always try my best to be respectful to those around me, and always try to have fun. However, I'm not afraid to put my foot down when something crosses the line, and I definitely don't shy away for giving people the punishment that they deserve for their actions.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: I  would bring the person Mass RDMing into a sit, and attempt to explain to the person breaking rules exactly what they have done wrong. If they are screaming and cursing at me, I would ask them politely to quiet down, and let me speak. If they fail to listen however, I will gag them or mute them if they are using voice chat, or text chat before I continue on with what I was saying. If they had quieted down and been respectful during the sit, I would ask them why they thought it was okay to do this, if they were not respectful, and didn't quiet down, I would simply inform them of the punishment they will be receiving, which would be a five day ban, and a ULX warning. If they were repeatedly insulting me, I will also warn them for staff/player disrespect.

  4. On 12/30/2020 at 7:01 PM, Azir said:

    +/- Support
    -Good App
    -Nice guy

    - Makes SF seem mingy.
    - Fixing the "Flaws" that the commander might not see. 
    - Not much passive Rp in SF so not much to do.
    - Sully got SF very active before he left.


    All of these points stand in my eyes, although, I admittedly haven't seen much of you on Naval, although this may just be an issue of timezone differences.

  5. What is your ingame name?: Jello

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:554562367

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman

    What specialty are you applying for?: Aviation Officer

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral Harold (Nimo)

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: SF is a very active branch, I can see a large amount of them on any day of the week at any time. The amount of activity will provide me with plenty of opportunities and situations to host trainings and sims for the battalion. I constantly am on this server, and with AO, I would be able to provide SF with plenty of things to do to keep them entertained. I am not someone who demands constant seriousness in a regiment, but enforcing a slightly more serious state will always improve the look of a regiment to others. I can also instruct new NCOs and other new members, showing them the ropes and making sure they know how to do their job well. I will also increase the amount of passive RP, and general RP situations for SF. I've spent time standing in SHB, and I see SF constantly standing around with nothing much to do. I want to rectify that, and make it so they aren't bored while doing their jobs. As an AO, I can also attempt to make the regiment even more of a welcoming place for people wishing to join, as with my experiences, the people in this regiment are very fun people to be around, showing that to others and providing them with interaction with some of the great people I have met in here would be great.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I believe I can be entrusted with this position due to my activity, and seriousness when required. As much as you could see me having some fun around the ship, I know when a situation calls for me to put my foot down. I will of course not be immensely strict, but I will make sure that if I need to, I will not show hesitation in doing what has to be done. My activity is through the roof, with getting on for at least 5 hours a day, every day of the week. I may not have spent months on this server, but I am very very dedicated to it. I value the people around me, both above me in rank, and below me. I have always shown respect for others around me, and have never held previous bad encounters to cloud my judgement of them as a person. Everyone makes mistakes after all.

    Why do you want this rank?: SF is a very important battalion to the server, it is also an extremely nice and welcoming place. I want to keep it that way. As an AO, I want to make it so the regiment has more to do, and have more fun while doing what they have to. SF is a battalion I have always been interested in, and becoming an AO would allow me to closely work with SF as a whole. I want to make sure that SF can do their job well, and being an AO would allow me to train plenty of SF in being better pilots.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: I fully understand.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: Assisting with the general management of the battalion, making sure that everyone in SF sticks with the rules, and keep the regiment a great example to others. It also includes hosting tryouts, debriefs, sims and trainings. It will also be my responsibility to maintain SFs well being, as well as correctly teaching new SF to fly better. 

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