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Posts posted by 0din


    I still remember the shit you pulled the day you popped off, was it funny to an extent? Yeah.

    Does it show clear signs of a bad behavioral pattern? Also yes.

    Does any of it really matter? No.


    Don't  waste your time as a virtual leader in a gmod server, pursue a passion or hobby instead that will actually benefit you in life, I say this with utmost sincerity.

    P based furry roleplayer doe +1 


    • Like 1
    • Laughing 1
  2. No thanks. (Enjoy your time on the server if you do actually decide to come back, though.)


    • Heart-Eyes 1
    • Skull 1
  3. +Support

    Although I'm resigned, I wanna toss my hat into the ring on this one as I have a great deal of experience working alongside Astro.

    I could write a essay detailing why you'd be a good candidate but I'll just get straight to the point instead.

    1.You're incredibly easy to work & communicate with.

    2. you complete any and all tasks assigned to you with a great deal of efficiency.

    3.you're a teamplayer and work well with others.

    4. You have an adaptable mindset that would suit incredibly well in navy high command. 

    5. You're good at being independent.

    Best of luck.



  4. In-Game Name: Odin

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73380204

    Rank: Admin

    Reason for leaving: I have other priorities in life that I need to take care of, I also unfortunately don't find it enjoyable to play.

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes.

    Do you agree to contact your manager once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes.

  5. +Support

    The application is well written and establishes that you have a fair amount of experience with staffing, however what I recommend is that you try and re-establish a presence within the community to get your name put out there as that is an incredibly important element to being a good staff member. However regardless of current community status, it's a fair application and you seem like a good pick. Best of luck!


  6. On 3/6/2022 at 4:14 AM, StrikerHD said:

    MEGA +Support!

    -Super active on the server

    -Fantastic person to talk to

    -Respected and loved in the Community and very well known

    -Is a wonderful staff member and would make a great Senior Admin

    -Knows what he is doing and that is important for a staff member

    -Good Application all around

    {SOOOOO much more I could say about him but I'll just leave it at this}

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


  7. 6 hours ago, CollectiveWorld said:

    -Good Application
    -Well Explained 
    -Previous expereince
    -Seems like a good guy
    -Would ma
    ke a good staff Member

     you didnt add a poll, please put one in or this will be denied


  8. 17 hours ago, Zabuza said:

    This addition would allow for precise callouts
    Better understanding of where hostiles are during events on ground or off map 
    More use of comms and radio during events because they can say where the enemy is instead of he's on the hill
    Overall a great suggestion and potential addition to the server will most definitely improve the RP experience 


  9. On 2/28/2022 at 2:54 AM, Zefer said:

    - support 

    And here's why

    - He posted another application 2 days before his 2 week reapply was over. This tells me he's impacent and arratic person two trats that are bad for GMs. 

    - banned and a alot of warns? I mean you want to change but alot of those were horrable offenses

    - when I read this application there are key components that tell me your desprit for this and it shows there a parts in this that were straight up Rushed witch should have been more alaborated on

    Over all I don't think in my opinion that you deserves GM 

    Good luck though 


  10. In-Game Name: Odin

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73380204

    Rank: Senior Moderator

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 02/20/22 To the date of 02/25/22

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): My mental health has declined rapidly the last couple of days, I also have a great deal of built up stress seeing as I haven't taken an LOA ever since I came back to the server which was back around November. I need some time to reorganize & compose myself.

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