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Posts posted by Darby

  1. Application Denied

    At this time Security Command, Naval Command, Shock or Deathtrooper Command do not see you fit to become a Security Officer.

    You may re-apply in 2 Weeks.

  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name):

    DDoS Commander Darby


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Naval, Vice Admiral


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    There are numerous reasons as to why I want to become a Naval Vice Admiral. One perk is that I can always be online and active on the server because I live 14 hours ahead of EST. I feel that I am ready to assume the responsibilities of a Vice Admiral after accumulating experience in a variety of leadership roles both on and off the server. I want to get more involved with the battalion and actively participate in it. I can usually be online throughout the busiest part of the day and during server downtime, however my medicine may interfere with when I can play. I intend to pick up my activity during the next week or two, as I now have more free time and will be changing medications. To help Naval Command & Navy HC turn Naval around and get it back to its former glory, I would like to become a Vice Admiral. 


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

     (From BattleMetrics) 2,785.5 hours (~16.5 Weeks)


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

     There are many purposes of a commander, the most important purposes are to Lead, Relay, Set Examples, Engage and Oversee.

    The commander's duty of leading their men is an important purpose especially when in a battlefield. Due to the Commanders position in a battalion they are the ones who are to make the most important decisions and will have the most influence in their battalion. The commander is to lead Shock and show the troopers what it means to be a leader. One of the most important things that I have learnt in my time playing Gmod is soldiers watch what their leaders do. You may give them as much information and lectures as you want but it is the leader's personal example that they will follow. This also ties into setting examples.

    Relaying information is one of the most important duties of a Commander. They are to note any suggestions, complaints and concerns any member of Shock or GamingLight may have and relay the message to the necessary personnel. Commanders are also to relay information between Army HC and Shock Low Command should anything arise. An example of such information is suggestions, concerns, etc. This is the reason why attending Command & Weekly Battalion meetings are so important.

    Commanders are to set an example to all other members of both their battalion but also others as to what a member of command should be. Commanders are to represent the utmost authority in Shock and must act as a leader. The most important traits of a leader is that they are to be professional, responsible, approachable and fair. There are also many more traits that are combined into someone being a leader. Going back to what I stated in the leadership paragraph, example is not one of the main things that influence others, it is the only thing. 

    Commanders are to engage with Shock to ensure there is a positive relationship between all rank sections. They are also to be able to be contacted and approachable in the event that they are needed. The Commanders are also tasked with running the battalion's weekly meetings and taking any suggestions or concerns any member of Shock may have.

    Commanders are to oversee Shock as a whole and are to ensure the battalion is running smoothly and assisting anyone should they need help. The Commander is to work with the command team in order to make battalion updates and put in place new ideas that may improve the operation of Shock every day. Commanders are also to handle issues that may arise alongside working with Shock Low Command and Army HC.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?:

     There are many reasons as to why you can trust me with the position of Naval Vice Admiral. In the past, I have held numerous command roles both inside and outside of GL, including Shock Vice Commander on GL IRP. As a Naval Senior Officer and DDoS, I have dealt with a lot of both good and bad situations that have arisen on and off the server. I've committed myself fully to Naval, and I'm always available on and off the server as well as on Discord when I'm not at home. As a senior officer, I balanced Shock, DT, and Naval while serving as Security Director. 


    7. How often can you be Online?:

    At least 3 hours a day, I will be online pretty much everyday unless I had a night shift that morning or medication/medical issues prevent me from getting online.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?):


    RDM x1 (2x), NITRP

  3. What is your in-game name?
    SSO Lieutenant Commander Darby


    What is your SteamID?



    What have you done for Security Officers?

    Whilst being within the Security Officer Specialty, I am online 75% of the time and when I am online I positively represent Naval & SO. I am very engaged with the other Security Officers and ensure that they get the correct training & certifications needed. I am normally hosting Naval tryouts as well as misc sims & training for Naval and other battalions. I normally go around and interact with Naval Junior Officers to inform them about the possibility of joining SO as well as ensuring that SOs and our assigned battalions have something to do.


    What have you done for Shock/Death Troopers?

    Whilst being a Security Officer, I have consistently hosted tryouts and trainings for both Shock & DT. I have answered questions from members of both branches as well as helped provide the necessary knowledge to be a successful and productive leader. I have planned and hosted a few simulations and am planning to do a few ‘Joint Security Forces PTs’ with both Shock & DT. I am very approachable and am normally with Shock or DT guarding, patrolling or hosting other tasks.


    What can you bring to Security Officers, Shock, and Death Troopers in the event you are accepted for this position?

    Although there are many additional responsibilities as the Security Director, I would continue to uphold my duty as a Security Officer. I would stay involved with and committed to these two battalions for the foreseeable future. I'll make sure that more security officers host tryouts and simulations, and I'll increase the amount of work I perform. I'll keep up the weekly objectives and quota for security officers, which will help the battalions get better. To further enhance both Shock & Death Troopers, I would make sure that we have committed, informed, and active Security Officers going forward. I'll make sure that everyone in both battalions follows their own standard operating procedures and that they respond to any queries that may arise. To the best of my abilities, I will train new TSOs, giving them the skills and assurance they need to get to work and help Shock & DT not just meet but exceed its goals.


    Why should you be trusted with this position?

    Although I have not been in this specialty very long as I only returned a couple of weeks ago, I am familiar with the protocols, procedures, and personnel of Naval, Shock, and DT. I also have experience as a previous Naval Captain & Security Director. Since returning, I've had time to get to know everyone and demonstrate my abilities. I make sure everyone in training knows what they are doing and what is expected of them. Moreover, most of the time I can answer any of their questions right away. I am very committed to the Navy, and since joining SO, I have also added Shock & DT to that list. I think I've demonstrated the leadership qualities needed to be the Security Director as a Lt Commander and Senior Security Officer, and I'll do all in my power to make sure that Shock & DT are operating efficiently and that SOs are keeping up their diligent work.


    What is the job of a Security Director?

    Taking on the role of Security Director involves multiple responsibilities. The first and one of the tasks required of the Security Director is to conduct tryouts, training and simulations for SO as well as conducting the normal duties of a SO. The Security Director is in charge of ensuring that the Security Officers do their weekly tasks. He is also in charge of answering any questions and handling any issues that may arise from other SOs, DT members, or Shock members. Unless the rule has changed, Security Directors are also tasked with updating the Shock & DT Rosters.


    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?


  4. + Support

    Although Riken has had a couple of minor incidents, I do believe that he will be fit for a Junior Officer with the right training. He has been active and has all the traits that would make a capable Junior Officer.

    However I do agree with the above response, your application could have a bit more detail for bottom few questions.

  5. + Support

        Coman is a very active and dedicated member of 501st and has been on our server for a while now. Since I have returned to ImperialRP I have seen Comans leadership, combat and strategic skills which have all shown that he is more than worthy of 501st Officer.

  6. + Support

        Dedicated to 501st,

        Previous experience in leadership positions,

        Has previously been a 501st Officer which will allow him to easily integrate into his duties as an Officer.

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