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(GL) Oliver (SkinBay.com)

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  1. Steam Name: (GL) Oliver (SkinBay.com) Ingame Name: Oliver Williamson SteamID: STEAM_0:1:554203283 Ban Length: Permanent Admin that Banned you: Console Reason for Ban: Homophobic Slur as Steam Name | Multiple Homophobic Incidents Dispute: I just made a player report last night and I wasn't banned now out of nowhere this? I admit, a little while ago I was warned warned a few times for homopobia, but this was a while and I have become reformed since. It has been a pretty good time since I received these warnings and I would like to believe that I have cleaned my act up for the most part. I have not had any run-ins with homopobia since. I just dont see why I was banned so late after the fact. I have time to enjoy the server and truly see why I like it. I am acting for a second chance. I understand there was a incident on SCP-RP. My steam name is Oliver (SkinBay.com) and before that it was John Newman. I am just asking for a second chance, I thought since I was never banned I could have a chance to reform since then. This happened over a month ago. and I havent received a warning for anything like homophobia/discrimination since then. I have been roleplaying more and basing since then. I just made a player report on CJ because of what happened while I was basing. I was just basing last night as well. and out of nowhere now I get banned? I wish if I was going to be banned it would have happened a while before I dedicated time to the server. I understand if ban is necessary to show my loyalty but please not permanent!
  2. Yeah I meant SupremeChow my bad, thanks for catching that
  3. This is ridiculous. This was already dealt with in a sit by SupremeLord and I was given a verbal warning. @SupremeChowsaid its not player diss, I said the server would be MORE successful it people let admins do their job and stopped backseat moderating. its not disrespecting the server at ALL im saying just let the admins do their job. How is it player diss if I say that Noah isnt allowed to use his physgun off duty? Its crazy how you pull comments out of context. And for the third one this shit is REALLY ridiculous because SupremeLord brought Milk to a sit and he said he didnt care at all and he thought it was funny, I told SupremeLord if he took offence to it he could warn me and I said we were just joking. He brought @Milkand he laughed it off. PvPSavage is bringing something completely out of context, already dealt with, I did nothing wrong. Summary. Screenshot 1. I said the server was already successful, just that it would be more successful it people let admins do their job and stopped backseat moderating (NOT SERVER DISS) Screenshot 2. I said something about Milk as a joke, we are chill. He called player diss on me for that and I wasnt even talking to PvpSavage. I told the admin, bring Milk and if he takes offense warn me. He brought him and he laughed it off, Lt Milk can verify this. Screenshot 3. I said I knew more about the staff handbook because Noah Remix thinks that he can use his physgun off duty. He cant! I DID NOTHING WRONG, I WAS ALREADY PUNSISHED WITH A VERBAL WARNING IN GAME. @SupremeChowplease post your side you took care of the sit
  4. Your in game name: Oliver Williamson Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:554203283 The player's in game name: CJ UMC The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:536147211 What did the player do: So, entities spawned (Printers, Bitminers, Solar Pannels, etc.) can be pushed by props just like a car can. As shown in the recording, CJ spawned a massive tube prop and physgunned it above our base and then slammed, slapped, and pushed all of our entities repeatedly maliciously. We had spent over 25 minutes just getting the items organized in place, let alone spawned them in and hooking them up. Evidence (required): (Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9O3-esfKOA What do you believe should happen to the player: I believe a player like CJ UMC, someone with a large amount of warnings, large amount of time on the server, someone who has donated to the server, and of course, someone with a reputation on the server should not be dealt with lightly for something as blatant and malicious as this. For absolutely no reason, he prop minges our entire setup. I believe he should be warned and even temporarily banned for this. Any extra information: I have great respect for Umbrella Corp and its members they have helped me understand the server greatly. They contribute a lot to the server and I would hate to see their name tarnished by this. I hope that UMC Command sees this and deals with them accordingly, again, I would hate for a new player to see this and get a bad assumption of them.
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