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E11 Jackal

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Posts posted by E11 Jackal

  1. Well folks, the time has come. Sadly, the game has stepped across a line, that I wish not to cross. Therefore, I am resigning. 

    I just wish to thank you all for your time and working alongside with you gentlemen and women. It has been a real pleasure, and a blast.

    I sadly, don't think, I will be returning any time soon. 

    Though seriously, thanks guys for the fun! 

    Sadly, I can not do the 48 hours. I feel like I would not do my job properly. It would be a painful time at most.

    I ain't gonna do that list, but I enjoyed all you E11 qumquats. Keep going up there! I want to hear good things about you guys.

    • Gaminglight Love 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Rektify said:

    I believe this is based on one's perspective of the situation. While as staff members yes, we should intervene, I do not believe that we are the only ones that can take matters such as these into our hands. If GENSEC are attacking one another, I think defending each other is valid.


  3. 23 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    Aren't there literally two jail cells in upper D-Block?

    I have to fully + this.
    Sure there is jail cells in upper-dblock.

    But One of the main branches can't even go to it, due being in D-block.

    I feel this would add traffic and some nice touches to it.

  4. On 7/23/2020 at 6:21 AM, [GL] Inaccurate said:

    Reasons above


    He THICC

    oh lawd he comin +

    Not to mention, this man is really kind hearted and helpful.

    My First day of being Tmod, I made an oopsie, and he calmed me down and hleped me out big time. Rektify, your a good fucking mate, hope you get SA

  5. Hey, fret not.

    According to a 'story' on a site called Channel 45 News, “Mojang has announced on their Twitter that Minecraft will shut down their servers on December 21st, 2020.” But if you actually follow that link, you'll soon find that the site in question is a prank generator, designed to let you quickly make goofball news

    ^ It's a hoax bud!

  6. On 7/18/2020 at 4:40 PM, Research Rhodes said:

    + Support

    -Active in research [one of the most active]

    -Great and honest person

    -Fit for the role of O5 Staff


    I can first hand, say. I do see Vlad on, doing his best. Doing a great job. He always brings something fun to the table.

  7. -Support

    To this stuff, I believe there should be no second chances.

    People when they do this often know the ordeals/punishment that follow and just do it for a sinister kick.

    To even act in this way, and expect no major punishment is very ignorant and naive. I do not know what was your motive for that very day you decided to act and behave like that.

    Either way, the words and actions were true on that day.

    I believe that you should remain banned permanently. The staff and players do there hardest to keep this server free from toxicity.

    And, I know I can speak for a majority of the folks here on GamingLight.

    We do not tolerate racism nor find it funny in ANY way.

    Personally, this will sound harsh.

    I believe that the actions you did, plus the troubles you gave Staff.

    This comes out of MY mouth, my purest opinion, and is not in any way reflecting how my  co-workers/staff feel and or -->/Gaminglight/Players and or Patrons of Gaminglight.

    I believe you do not fit in this community with that behavior, therefore. I believe you should remain on
    the permanent ban.

    I personally ask, from one soul to another. That you perhaps learn from these mistakes and move on.

    -Sincerely Jackal

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