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Everything posted by Squidard

  1. on the console one it shows him warning me without taking a sit
  2. bruh i meant d block as in where security guards bunks are at i probaly should have clarified that.
  3. cpl hope did not... i showed the admin a few seconds later what he said wasnt true directly infront of the admin and if you would like i can record it sometime for you just to show cpl hope was wrong. also im not complaining in anyway that he warned me for failrp. im complaining that for 1. he did it without even taking a sit or even talking to me about it. and 2. that he warned me for staff diss when i didnt staff diss. also i have no clue how to grab his steam name via this server i dont play it 24/7 and every report made against me had no rules broken and were all from cpl hope and lead engineer damian so i dont see how i was a "problem". 3. you can see in my console screenshot he warned me without a sit as there was no teleportation or anything i was just warned and then queistioned him
  4. Questions Your In-game: Squidward Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:501196898 The admin's name in-game: Swole The admin's steam name (If you know it): not sure What did the admin do: So to start i was scp 106 and got reported by someone for killing them after they femure breakerd, they had did it without sound transmition on and i called staff to confirm. this is where i first met swole. He didnt realy say too much and we both explained and i proved that it could be done with it off and then swole just left so i presume it was voided as he dosent come back and dosent say anything. So then the same exact guys report me for camping my cc like once every 10-15 minutes. Swole came and i told him it wasnt camping and then he told me fine but go to d block and do stuff there so they can femur you. So i listen and go to d block, at d block im shot by a d class custom class (doom guy) and he goes into armoury while shooting at me. so at this point i go in after him to get him since hes shooting me and doing alot of damage and then i leave after grabbing him. he reported me for this saying i couldent be in armoury. Now technically i had fair reason but if the staff realy wanted too they could warn me for this. So what swole does like any other normal admin would do is, dosent say anything to me (and i mean dosent even tp me to take a sit) and then warns me. i ask in ooc who warned me and why i was warned and he dosent respond. At this point im femur breakerd and go back to my spot and then call a admin, and then swole comes. i ask him why he warned me for fail rp and he says its because i was in armoury and then when i told him why he litterly like not even exagerated pulled his mic up into his mouth and started screaming to make a staff report. at this point i was pretty annoyed and said this in ooc . refering to when he said i cant check my cc every 10-15 minutes and that i can only be in lcz or he would punish me. he then decided to warn me for staff diss even though at no point i dissed him, at this point he was litterly putting his mic into his mouth and down his throat to talk. probaly the worst one is he didnt hold a sit to warn me and didnt even tell me it was him when i asked i had to check !warns. pic of what i said Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): picture of him on the tablist incase he dosent always go by this name pic of me being warned without a sit What do you believe should happen to the admin: i think he should be removed hes clearly not fit for staff. i know i dont have the proof of him micspamming and shoving it litterly down his throat while were in a sit but i think these are enough to show he dosent know what hes doing. in my opinion hes pretty much just trolling but like i said i dont have proof of his mic down his throat which is unfournate. Any extra information: sorry about the council being blurry if you zoom in on the highlighted text you should be able to see it also if any other evidence is needed of this sitution i have alot more screenshots! also if possible i would like to get the staff diss warn removed since i never said anything dissing him. and i know what this shows just makes him look like hes just a bit inexperianced but in game he just being a total douche about the sitution and was flat out just trolling me esepically when he started litterly mic spamming "make a staff report then" with his mic going down his throat. This is probaly the only staff member ive ever seen who didnt just make a mistake or get angry and have a outburst to do something wrong, but instead was litterly just trolling me. if he does decide to claim that he was just a bit fed up and got angry, which was not true i just want to show what he said on his staff app. on this he claims that he keeps a cool head and dosent get angry in stressful situtions., so unless he was just saying stuff to get accepted then clearly he didnt get angry and he was just trolling me for no reason, atleast in his own words. I keep a cool head, trying to make sure I don't get angry even though I may be having a bad day. I keep my feelings in check and to check my surroundings being mindful of how everyone might feel. I try to be as open-minded as much as possible. I want to make an environment that is as safe as possible for players to play in. I like to be seen as a role model to other players, doing this may make it that way. I would still like to help the community even at my initiative and that becoming a Moderator will help the community even more. Even if I don't become a T-Moderator I still love what I do in this community right now (Being an E11). I think it correlates not just in a game, but in real life too, - Swole
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