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Inhumane Sounds

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Posts posted by Inhumane Sounds

  1. It hurts more than imaginable that it's had to come to this, but I simply cannot find the time or the will to revive my active productivity on the server. My family has been having much trouble recently and my mother may not make it to the end of the year. As much as I love Omicron-9, for the sake of my own deteriorating mental health, I have to focus my attention and resign.

    This was never something I wanted, as many of you may know that Omicron-9 is my dream branch, and becoming a recognized individual within it was all I truly wanted on the server since my second day playing. I want to sincerely apologize to my Commander for not giving my best when I could, I got lazy and I wish I had applied myself more while I still had the chance.

    Now, to give some recognition.

    Blackbeard: You're the best Commander I've ever seen, and I know Omicron-9 will continue to thrive under your leadership.

    Crabbo: Something something upside down, thank you for all the advice you gave me, I wish I could've applied it better.

    October: You can still call me "sir" behind the Applebee’s.

    Kilo: You're going places man. Your dedication to the branch is crazy, and it's really admirable. I'm sure it inspires.

    Kami: My overwhelming homosexual attitude dictates that I must vomit every time you speak to me, but you're pretty cool beans. I think you're gonna help usher in a nice golden age for O9.

    Frog: I don't remember ever actually speaking to you, but I heard good things. Ribbit.

    Capfm: I still don't know if you have a penis, but you're damn good either way.

    Blackout: You are probably the most competent person I've ever seen on this server. You listen well, you don't give any shit, and you followed me to hell and back when I needed it. Fight hard and die bloody, brother.

    Maxi72, Maxi Corona: I can't remember which is which from the names, but one of you I wanted to throw out a McDonald's drive-thru and the other is Vietnamese or something, so figure that one out.


    Happy: I'll never forget the opportunities you gave me. You helped me achieve, realistically, the only thing I ever really wanted on this server, and I can't thank you enough. You'll always be my Vice-Commander.

    Zeus: Cringe, but in a good way. This goober trained me, for some reason.

    Lee: Femboy hooters go brrr.

    Giovanni: I sang at your fucking birthday and sucked your dick, where's my money.

    Creamey: Nice cock, dude.

    Daedran: Sorry I couldn't live up to my promise and make Genetic Specialist great again. At least I managed to get them a good gun.

    All of Omicron-9: You guys are the reason I stuck around. This branch is, in my own opinion, the best you'll find on this server. It isn't just a branch, it's a family in a way, and unfortunately I'll have to leave that family for the foreseeable future. I'll miss you all, very, very much.

    If I didn't mention you, I probably didn't have enough personal interaction with you, but know that if you met me I'll hold you in my heart, somewhere. Probably.

    • Gaminglight Love 2
  2. 2 hours ago, October said:

    I’m probably about to get a bunch of thumbs down for this comment but -support. 

    Initially before I joined O9 I was firm believer that CI needed to be the best and the strongest and they deserved the best weaponry. I still partially believe that, but MTF classes are far behind in their load outs. No offense to Bread, but this is like when he purposely put the overpowered famas on Nu7 to gain an advantage except you did that all across the board. You can call me “mad cuz bad” (admittedly I am bad lol), but still this is unfair. 

    O9 and CI are meant to be more of a stalemate, and after 1 day in O9 I can partially understand why we have less activity. It’s because of CI being so much stronger than us. The E4 class is a perfect example of you blatantly attempting to buff CI. You traded 2 mediocre weapons for better weapons. Both the Winchester and vikhr outclass the weapon previously filling it’s role. 

    No offense but if this happens I believe Nu7 also needs a buff to their operative because the CI alpha is currently 125 | 100 whereas Nu7 operative is 100 | 100. 

    As the retired head of longshots I thought that everyone had agreed upon pushing for either 150 | 175 or something along those lines. You ignored all other changes that were wanted universally. 


  3. 6 hours ago, Ritz said:

    Huge +Support
    Actually addresses the problems that have been plaguing A-1  and now are crippling Omi-9

    Is currently in Omi-9 and has been from the start if I'm not wrong

    He states a solution and has a plan instead of saying "Hey guys i have a plan" and not having one like other applicants


  4. What you want to see? - The D-class Comedy Club (or some form/variation) to become a permanent addition to D-block.

    Why should we add it? - Because it would give a much needed and fresh source of entertainment for D-class, particularly those who like to share their talents.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Something for D-class to do besides riot, test, die, repeat. It would encourage more roleplay amongst D-class and hopefully entertain the masses in the process.

    Who is it mainly for? - D-class (and GenSec if they want to spectate or participate).

    Links to any content - See image attatched.



    6 minutes ago, MiniLeopard said:


    I don't think they need a warn by CI do need a talking to, I have notice CI getting worse with stuff


  6. -Support 
    D-class are criminals and wildcards. They were also pulled from death row under the pretense that if they participate in the Foundation's experiments, they'll be given their freedom back, so roleplay-wise they could either see CI as liberators or ruining their chances at freedom.

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