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Everything posted by Grape

  1. Lore Name: Grape Rank: Associate Researcher SCP: SCP-049-2, SCP-500 Question / Idea: Can the curing power of SCP-500 cure the plague doctors SCP-049-2 zombies or has the plague doctor already cured them. Background Research: SCP-500 cures all diseases; it is a cure all. Most would consider SCP-049-2 not cured so is it? Hypothesis: If even 1 of the 2 D-class are cured then 049 is not truly curing them as he says he is. Observations: After the 049-2s were given the red pill of SCP-500 a singular D-class began to morph back into their original form. While the other remained to be unaffected by the pill. So while only curing one I would presume that the test supports my theory that 049 is not truly cleansing them of pestilence rather making himself believe he has. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 1. An almost instant morph back into his D-class form leaving the husk of SCP-049-2 on the ground. almost to say they are still inside of their SCP-049-2 husk. 2. A terrible smell "probably just the decaying flesh of SCP-049-2
  2. Lore Name: Grape Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 173 Question / Idea: I will view the span of time two D-class can last in the chamber with 173. Background Research: The average human blinks 15-20 times a minute, but there is the possibility they could both hold there eyes open for to minutes. Hypothesis: If they are both able to hold there eyes open for two minutes, or alternate blinks then they will be released and taken to med bay for anesthetic and released back to D-block Observations: Even though they have the blast proof steel door on the containment chamber I was able to hear screams of terror and at 42 seconds the screams stopped and that's when the test was ended. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A
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