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Posts posted by BigBarbecueTime

  1. The time has come, another resignation post! I knew this would happen once the summer was over and with college starting. Thanks to a LONG list of people who have been great friends, far too long to easily list here. Im sure with the next big time break I've got ill be back. Until then this is goodbye for me! (PS  - Feel free to reach out on discord anytime you need anything id be glad to help or ya know just to hangout when I can)

  2. + Support

    - Hosts some of the most enjoyable events I have ever played

    - Very dedicated and competent leader

    -  Has amazing lore knowledge, that he applies to his events

    - Great example Mega Event, with lore accurate rebel tactics

    - Regularly helps other around the community

    - Consistently hosts events

    (P.S. Good luck Chico!)


    - One of the best app's I have ever read

    - Insanely Active

    - Respected by all in Purge and IQ

    - Very wise, and makes good choices for the benefit of IQ. 

    - Very great to work under and works well with command.

    - Hands down the best Eighth Brother

    - Has been working extra hard due to the lack of a 2nd sister and a Purge commander (While excelling at his job)

    - Has show the ability and knowledge to lead command in being IQ hand multiple times.

    Jager is more than ready to be High IQ and I believe he is the best choice for the position.

    • Thanks 1
  4. What is your In-Game Name: Augustus

    What is your In-Game Rank: 1LT

    Are you Purge or IQ: Purge

    What SIM's or Mission's do you want see in the future: Nothing in particular.

    Any Improvement's or suggestion you wish to see the Executive command Team's do: Open command apps?


    -Very Active

    -Very Dedicated

    -Has been a great officer to Purge.

    -Intelligent and capable leader.

    -Able to write competent documents (Given the quality of this application)

    -Works great with other officers, and would help lead them well.

    -Respected and adored by many Purge.

    -Is respectful, polite, and serious.

  6. What is your In Game Name? Purge HVY SFC Augustus OC60

    What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:121976942

    How Long Have You Been In Purge & IQ? I first joined Purge over 1 year ago, but most recently for 4 weeks.

    Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words]

    I want to be an Officer to help benefit IQ & Purge, as well as the people in it. Officers are meant to be role models, I believe that I can be a positive role model and assist NCOs and Enlisted in being the best they can be. As an Officer, I would start by holding SIM's regularly to keep Purge's engagement and player count high. I would also hold specialized training to teach new Purge how to effectively shoot a fast target, avoid lightsaber attacks, use superior positioning to overwhelm a Jedi, and other related things. Another way I can help is by rewarding people who I see doing well, and promoting them. Beyond the generic "Hold SIM's, tryouts and promote those who deserve it" I would like to help enforce NCO+ being in the Teamspeak. Quick communication is very useful during events, it allows Purge to be coordinated in their actions. By enforcing NCO+ being in the TS Purge would have a quick and coordinated response to attacks. To summarize, I would assist the Purge below me, keep Purge engaged, teach new Purge tactics and enforce existing rules.

    How could you assist Inquisitorius Command with this rank?  [75+ Words]

    I would assist Inquisitorius Command by being a reliable link between Command and the rest of Purge. For example, if a Command member has ordered Purge to attack an area in an event, I would lead Purge in line with their orders and handle issues/questions not worth bothering Command with. I think that I am on good terms with most Purge, and can use this to assist Command. If a Purge and ST are having an argument, for instance, that would reflect badly on Purge and possibly spiral into a worse issue if not handled correctly. In those cases, I believe I would be able to resolve these issues before they become an issue for Command later. Another more common issue I could assist Command with is the discipline of Purge that ignore rules. I believe that I can punish them and teach them how to better follow rules in the future. To conclude, through active communication with Command and Purge, resolution of disputes, and enforcement of rules, I can assist Inquisitorius Command.

    How many strikes do you have? 0

    What Qualifications could you bring too the Inquisitorius Officer Team?

    As far as qualifications go, I used to be a Commander in Purge and Eighth Brother. I have also had officer experience from the GL CW Life RP (That has now closed).

    Have you had an previous experience has an Officer? Yes, I have been a Purge Officer in the past. During my time as an Enlisted and NCO I have been taking notes on issues I had previously overlooked and forgotten during my first time as a Purge. I think the information I have learned along with my past experience could be useful to Purge as a whole.

    Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  Yes

  7. +Support

    + Long time COL and command officer

    + Actively improves Purge with regular sims and trainings.

    + Serious 

    + A good leader and role model

    + Works well with other officers and command members

    + Application is supported by his actions, not just saying he has done things, but doing them

    (I can not stress enough my support for Joker as Vice Commander)

  8. I will be leaving IMPRP for a while, and it has been fun. Every time I have come on I meet an see new people and gain new experiences. Looking back on all of the good memories has been fun. However I can no longer ignore the amount of time that I have used on Gmod that needs to be put to my IRL life. It has been amazing to know all of you in IMPRP,  Ill come on from time to time to say hello. Goodbye for now. 

    - Purge RP - IQ RP -

  9. On 11/22/2020 at 9:44 PM, Micro Wave said:

    -Absolute amazing LTC and has done so much for ST since he first joined
    -was a amazing 7th sister
    -Deserves the rank, is an amazing leader and has done so much with ImpRP as a whole.


  10. 25 minutes ago, Nimo said:


    I like you Augustus but...

    You left many times and came back and left

    Not that much Effort on Question 1

    Just recently came back to the server

    I left once for one month and came back, and now I'm back after 3 months 
    Question 1 is small because that is literally my entire reason.
    Just wanted to clarify some details, no hard feelings Nimo

  11. Section 1 

    In-game name: Augustus 

    Steam Name: [GL]BigBarbecueTime 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:121976942 

    Age: 17 


    Section 2 

    Why do you want to become the role of Darth Vader? 

    The number one reason that I would like to become Darth Vader, is to improve to improve the Gaminglight community. (See the “Please outline some ideas that you could bring to improve the server as Darth Vader” for how I would do this) 


    What experience do you have that would be relevant to the role of Darth Vader? 

    During my time in the Gaminglight community I have had many experiences with leading people. On Gaminglight I have been a Commander of Purge, as well as The Eighth Brother. During my years on Gmod I have been in multiple high-ranking positions involving the coordination of many people. To list some of the more applicable positions (Note: I will only list servers that are now dead as to not advertise them); I was an SMT member of a Mafia RP server called Men of Respect Gaming, I was manager of a smaller SWRP server, and I use to run my own DarkRP server. I have also been SMT on many Minecraft servers years ago. 


    Why do you think I should pick you over other applicants? 

    One of the reasons I believe that you should pick me over other applicants is that during my time as command I worked well with the other command. I regularly coordinated with other command members and set up many joint trainings between the Inquisitorius/Purge and other battalions. The relationship of one battalion to another is particularly important. Without a good working relationship, resentment between the battalions will form. This unwillingness to work with each other will eventually affect both battalions' performance and morale, effectively killing both battalions. This is one thing that I recognize and would constantly factor into my actions as Darth Vader. Another reason to choose me over another applicant is because of my direct experience of Inqusitorius. This includes things like, lightsaber combat, best troop placement, and what makes a lightsaber fight engaging to watch. I have gained an extensive understanding of the expectations and feelings of troopers of how Darth Vader should act. Finally, I also understand the distinction between in-character and out of character actions. Far too often someone will do something in-character, and then be judged out of character for that. Darth Vader should be stern and assertive in-character, but approachable and helpful out of character. This will allow for proper representation of Vader as a character, while allowing for Command and High Command to easily work with him. 


    Please outline some ideas that you could bring to improve the server as Darth Vader: 

    As Vader one of the things I would implement is regularly working with 501st on missions. The 501st is Vader’s Fist and during events I would work with the 501st. This would include things like coordination with GM’s for 501st specific tasks during events and making a point to be at the frontlines, leading the charge. Another thing I would add is scheduled Inqusitorius/Purge tournaments. For example, each month the Deathstar would be setup for a massive tournament where Vader/IQ Command will have a lore session, and PVP tournament with prizes. As Vader to improve the RP I would work with GM’s to create scripted events with an engaging story, that Vader would be a part of. Finally, as Vader I would work closely with the High Command and regularly keep them up to date on what changes are taking place on the server. I would also closely follow the opinion of the troops to ensure that the intended effect of changes made to the server is what is happening. 


    Section 3 

    In your personal experience with being a player, what issues have you come across? 

    One of the issues that I have noticed as a player is that most promotions come after events. There is nothing wrong with someone being promoted for their actions during an event, but there are many people who just go onto a job just to be promoted from the event and leave. The actions taken during the time between events is more important to the battalion overall. Whether a player is minging in the down time, or actively helping their battalion and roleplaying is especially important and should be factored into a promotion. Another issue I saw from my time in command is that sometimes a rift will form between battalions and instead of sorting their disagreement out, they will talk behind each other's backs and hold resentment against the other battalion. Finally, the last issue I have seen is the lack of respect for lower ranks/inexperienced players. This mainly applies to the ST’s, many times I have seen people immediately yell at an ST/new player for something they either did not know or did incorrectly. 

    In response to the question above, how would you handle and fix these issues? 

    To fix the issue of unearned promotions, I would encourage and enforce that promotions are only given out after events for exceptional performance. This incentivizes troops to do their best during events, so that they can earn that promotion. This would also allow for the troops that actively support their battalion to receive promotions for their effort in the time between events. To fix the issue of resentment between battalions, I would have similar battalions regularly schedule joint training and work with each other in events. This would allow for the members of the battalions to get to know each other, making it less likely for them to hate each other. Finally, I would have command strike any trooper that disrespects any other, regardless of battalion. This would effectively end disrespect of ST’s and create an open community that encourages them to stay. 

    Anything else you would like to add? 

    I hope that regardless of who is chosen that my concerns are answered and I would like to thank you for reading my application and considering its value. If you have any constructive criticism of my application, please leave it below. 

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