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Posts posted by Dagger

  1. Well well well, yall probably never thought you’d see the day eh? Some of you probably were hoping this day would come. Anyways, let's get onto the meat of the post. It's gonna be a long one since I’m unsure whether I will ever truly return to the community in the ways I have previously. I’ll still play, but solely for fun like I always have. 

    I’m probably gonna get some flak from some people for this, but It's time for a bit of Ender lore. I’ve been a part of Gaminglight as a community for about 4 years now, starting on ImpRP for the first year under the name Dagger, and now on SCPRP for the other 3 years under the name Ender. On SCP in particular, I’ve been command in the same branch twice (R&D). So, why’d I even bother coming back? As I’m sure many of you are aware, life can be unforgiving and occasionally outright cruel. I was unfortunately given the latter in my escapades of 2022. Certain things such as parents with alcohol issues, failing grades and a lack of social life can lead to this cool thing called “no longer wanting to live”. That happened to me (September 27th with a rope to be exact). Thankfully, my grandfather prevented me from making the biggest and quite possibly last mistake of my life that night. Get sent to a mental hospital, yada yada yada, find the love of my life (Sertraline medication), and subscribe to r/okaybuddyliterallyme. 

    Believe it or not, having school work and playing TF2 as your only source of entertainment tends to be mentally draining. I needed a purpose. So one eventful Christmas vacation night, I joined the server looking to entertain myself. Things had changed and people I was friends with had been long gone, but thankfully terrorism never changes. I rejoined CI and quickly moved up the ranks for whatever reason, even managing to become both E4 and EOI. I finally had a bit of a purpose, something to grind during my large amount of free time. And before yall ask, life has been going pretty solid for me lately. I’ve got friends, do a fire af sport (Track is superior), amazing grades so far, and overall just feel like things are going good these days.

    Whether it was blowing nerds up with E4, capturing tons of A1 with EOI, or getting out of a ban by Zeeptin himself, I’ve had a tremendous amount of fun during my time playing CI, and made many friends that I’ll remember for a long time. MOST of this community has been something special to me for the longest time, and when I say the community, I almost solely mean the people in it. I have certain things I’d like to say regarding both the management of the server as well as Site Administration, but considering that most of the people I’ve seen who criticize the system get banned, I think I’ll keep my thoughts to myself for once. 

    I want to thank all of those people that made my experience in this community so special over the years. I’m trying not to reiterate myself too much, but you guys have brought me a gaming experience unlike any other, and I’m truly sorry that that experience seems to be slowly fading away. 

    To keep it simple, I’ve been losing motivation to play as of late. I think a lot of people are. We used to hit the max player count during meetings, now we only hit 60-70 people if we're lucky during the biggest meetings of the week. At this point, we rarely get new players, and are literally just playing with the same dedicated members day after day. I think I’ve been hanging onto the burning memories of what things once were, and it's about time for me to let go. 


    CI: You guys have been in my life longer than some people I know IRL. I cannot thank all of you enough for everything we’ve done together, 

    E4: Yall have been a large part of my experience on the server, and have shown me the truth regarding a lot of matters. I can only wish you guys the best of luck in the future, y’know being the best SF and all. So, one last time, C5 Cataphract V signing off. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/907638512969449523/1122556318067200140/Screenshot_2023-06-25_115731.png

    EOI: The longest “SF”  I’ve ever been a part of. I’ve tried my damn best to make EOI the best Agency on the server, and I think I succeeded. Yall are the only reason I stayed on the server as long as I did, and because of that I’ve tried to leave you guys off in the best situation possible. I know there are numerous agents capable of being the Head EOI needs, and I’ll cherish the memories I made with you guys along my journey in CI. For once last time, this is D1 Freeman I signing off. image.png 

    Sean Johnson: The true Head of E4 that was unceremoniously sent to the void for speaking their mind. You were a great guy to be around and nobody can replace you. Long live A1 Exodus I. 

    Kiwi: A real one that could have been O5 if they didn’t resign. The best General/DoDA that CI could have asked for. Thanks for sticking around for so long and fighting for CI even after reaching Site Admin (unlike cough cough Pills)

    Ignis: Pills_Theory.mp3. Jokes aside, although we didn’t get along at times, I believe you are the kind of Commander that CI in particular needs. Thanks for the fun times, and I’ll see you on the other side. Also Patrick Bateman is literally you.

    Deuce: Most based LTCMDR in CI. Keep on fighting for roleplay, and come join me in the retirement home when the time comes. 

    Bossatron: You're literally so inactive I don’t have anything to say about you except that you're a virgin War Thunder addict.

    Catalyst: Roleplay

    Zulu: You have shown amazing potential within both EOI and CI as a whole. Although I won’t officially be there, I look forward to watching you rise through the ranks. Thank you for giving it your all in EOI, I couldn’t have asked for a better agent.

    Sogi: Your A1 suck at not getting captured. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1pNBFTGzv6SYAM/d1337A1j6ing?invite=cr-MSxHeW0sMTk1MDg4Mjks 

    Human: I guess you really are only human after all. You have, alongside Tazza, been the greatest help in EOI I could ask for. Thank you for all the passion you put into it, and keep up the great work!

    Tazza: I’ve had a lot of great times with you throughout my time in CI, thanks for your help in EOI! I couldn’t have asked for a finer Overseer, as well as friend.

    Fishulus: Hey guys this Senior Researcher is looking pretty fishy. We should ID check them, NOW!

    Cecil: There are CIA Gangstalkers outside your home trying to make you take your Schizophrenia medication. Don’t do it. It's eternity in there.

    Pure: All the real ones hate you

    Dick Grayson: Richard Grayson (It’s even funnier the second time!)

    Dutch: Despite being a closeted furry (I mean c’mon now, “Dutch”???), You've been a great friend of mine and I’ve had a blast playing with you. Till we meet again.

    Destroyer: Dawg went from Destroyer to Destroyher 💀

    Box: Riot shield funny. Maintains the title of Gaminglights last true tryhard.

    Mary: I’m like 90% sure you genuinely hated me but I don’t care. You were a great Commander for GOC, and despite our interactions being lacking over the past few months, I still remember the good ones. Best of luck in your future endeavors man.

    Wannabe Site Director Pills: Ain’t no way they made the 14 year old one rank away from O5 💀

    Phill: Philler + Clummer Pilled + No maidens + your a 10-91d

    Don Ceech: The chillest mf in GL. Kinda less chill for getting banned for using aimbot though. Also you suck at Apex.

    Clarkie: Man you hated me bruh fuck you I hope your family has a nice Christmas

    Rose/Agent Salem: Thank you for helping give me some of the best RP experiences I’ve ever had on the server. I’m sorry that Agent Skinner’s tale was cut short, but rest assured knowing that you are most definitely still hired.

    Eevee: You're a strange British lady, but a nice one. Every interaction I’ve had with you has been pleasant, and I’m glad I had the chance to be friends with you. Thanks for the hugs.

    Garry Obama: Obamna 😭 SODA!!!! 😀

    Xbox: Sexy buff mercenaries

    Mark Clancy: Your not getting EOI you British fuck

    Jaune: You're also not getting EOI nerd. Long live the Dinkledoffs.

    Prox: You recovered from your riot shield addiction 🙏

    Faye: Walawalawala I hate-

    Clyde: Dawg I still remember you and Bossatron going at it while Sean was inducting me into E4. Never before have I heard so many slurs come out of two peoples mouths in such a short time frame. Also Blacklisted so major L.

    Tangerine Baker: Orange my beloved

    Fool: You're a fool that kicked almost all the furries out of NU7 which is based as hell.

    Cryptonus: Gaminglight Slander supporter #1

    Jrshafer: Gaminglight Slander supporter #2

    Combine Elite 3650: Thanks for being the main character in the hit game Entropy: Zero 2, and showing me that the problems of the mind are not the problems of the soul. Also giving me a sweet callsign.

    SMT: 🤓

    Zeeptin: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1puslc9glGJFRC/d1337vRh0C7V?invite=cr-MSxBa3ksMTk1MDg4Mjks

    For those of you that weren’t mentioned, or had rather short notes, I like to think that my experiences with yall throughout my time in the community are worth more than a silly resignation note. 

    And with that, I shall give my final message and then proceed to dox myself because I feel like it (filthy ass mirror included). 







    • Gaminglight Love 3
  2. This is a player report made on behalf of Zulu (AKA EOI Agent Poseidon), who requested I be the one to make it.


    Your in game name: Ender

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770        [Zulu's Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:95781099]

    The player's in game name: MTF A1 COL Spectral 

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:138182274

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 8/23/2023, around 7:30 PM EST

    What did the player do: RDM

    As shown in the first clip, me and a group of disguised EOI are outside of that blast shelter area. For context, there were a few A1 and 2 O5 inside doing something. Me and Dutch are making jokes about weed outside the door. We are ordered to leave the area or we will be killed. We decide to take our leave on account of not wanting to die, however we are chased down by Ellipsis and one of the EOI who wasn't even apart of the shenanigans is killed along with me and another agent being seriously injured. 

    Throughout the sit, Zulu is consistently asking me to be brought because (no offence to Zulu), he is decently new to the server and things could be explained much easier by me. In the past, staff have had no issues with bringing other individuals into sits, however, Sprink consistently refuses to allow me to be brought, despite the fact that he openly says he was trying to get the O5 (Infected) to join the sit because he was there. Hell, I feel this is proof of bias innit of itself considering he is favoring one side via attempting to allow them to bring in their buddy, but not the other side. The O5 never does join because they didn't feel like it I guess, and Sprink just ends up ending the sit with the closing note of that he wouldn't really do anything either way since Ellipsis is a higher staff rank than him.  Sprink claims that I'm not needed in the sit, however I was actively in the situation when it happened, so I have as much right to be there as Infected would.

    Ellipsis's reasoning for trying to kill all of us was that he was ordered to by O5... for us talking about weed... He also says that the original plan was to arrest us, but then we left arrest range so he switched to kill mode. But like... the man was literally next to us in the start of the clip and faster than us... He actively lets us leave like we were told to do, then shoots us. That's like a cop telling someone to get away from them or they'll shoot, then shooting the dude for walking away like he's told...

    At no point are we told to stop or we'll be shot, nor is an AOS even bothered to be called on us. Additionally, in the clip of the sit Ellipses says that the other A1 also tried to kill us, however in the clip of what actually happened, he is the only A1 to be seen actively attempting to kill us. Near the end of the clip you can see an A1 start to chase us, but they never did actually interact with us after that, much less shoot us, so they must've turned back.

    Being ordered to do something by Site Admin doesn't make you immune from the consequences of going through with your orders, your not some mindless drone that has zero free will.

    Anyways, this was overall just a frustrating experience for Zulu in particular, who voiced his frustrations in TS afterwards since he had some RP things set up to be done, which obviously got canceled due to his untimely demise.

    Evidence (required):

    RDM Clip - https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1qtjskT_AF7e7M/d1337eF1EBO5?invite=cr-MSxWb1csNjUwOTY2NTgs

    Sit Clip - https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1qtrHUfXyUKE27/d1337B9eBaxR?invite=cr-MSxKUm4sNjUwOTY2NTgs

    What do you believe should happen to the player: A warn for RDM

    Any extra information:

  3. Your in game name: Ender/D1 Freeman I

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770

    The player's in game name: Lovelock

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:31955958

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 8/19/2023, 1PM EST I think

    What did the player do: FailRP - Giving callouts in TS while OOC

    I wanna start this off by saying that normally I wouldn't be this petty about a report, and only decided to make it because of Lovelocks explanation in the clip. For context, the reason I was in D5 TS was because there were I think 4 or 5 D5 online, but non of them were actually helping to keep the site secure from all the D-Class escaping. Me and Mark decided to go investigate, and figured out that all the D5 were just sitting in bunks talking to each other. That's about when the clip starts. Mark and me are moving to leave, when Lovelock leaves bunks with his physgun out. We respect that he's OOC and let him pass, only for him to call us out in TS as we start to walk away from MTF bunks, getting us both killed. Normally this all wouldn't really annoy me, but Lovelock will threaten to warn people in the middle of RP situations about the littlest of things, so it seems kind of silly to break the rules yourself and try to justify it with "I'm a staff member". He also just came off as so hostile towards everyone in the TS channel man...

    Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1pK8WCxgSXmThY/d1337ttlVrc7?invite=cr-MSxnOTAsMTk1MDg4Mjks

    What do you believe should happen to the player: A warn for FailRP

    Any extra information: Sorry Eevee

  4. 3 hours ago, ImTrash said:


    this dude literally does this every single time CI tries to do this, and even goes as far as to spawn in weapons on noncombatant jobs to fight CI



    Spawned himself the Spaz-12 (insta kill rapid fire 100 round OOC shotgun) mid combat but wasn't quick enough on the draw lmao. Pretty annoying they can just do that

  5. Before this gets accepted as a simple "Verbal Warning", lets treat this like its some random Junior Command. They've been on the server for long enough to have a pretty good grasp on the rules, and know what's right and wrong. They would almost certainly receive a formal warning to stop them from breaking the rules in the future. I feel that Tyler being both High Command and JMT should make it even more likely for him to receive a formal warning for breaking one of the few rules that allows for roleplay, that being FearRP. 

    I feel like JMT+ especially as of late have become far to comfortable with doing things they shouldn't be doing simply because they feel they won't be punished for it, and even if they are reported, will just get a verbal warning at best. For whoever is reviewing this report and deciding what happens, set a good example for the behavior expected of a member of both High Command and JMT.




    -CI Major Ender

  6. What are you suggesting? - Change the exit area of both vents to the areas shown in the screenshot.

    How would this change better the server? - As it stands, both the vents in ULCZ and HCZ are horrendous due to the fact they are both placed in incredibly high traffic areas. For the ULCZ exit (when you go right upon entering) it drops you down into a small, enclosed room right next to the elevator leading in from D-Block. This allows for anybody wandering around to EASILY hear the distinct noise of the vent being broken, and quickly calling out the raiding GOI and swarming them. For the HCZ vent exit (when you go straight upon entering), it quite literally drops you outside MTF-NU7s spawn room. It is also directly in the way of the exit/entrance elevator into HCZ, so your going to very easily be called out. This defeats the whole purpose of the vents since they are supposed to be used as a stealthy way for GOIs to enter site when they have low numbers, but instead throws us into a meat grinder of MTF. I am suggesting that the ULCZ vent be moved to outside SCP-173s CC, since its generally out of the way and there is less foot traffic. For the HCZ vent, I would have it be moved deeper into HCZ and have it be placed outside SCP-939s CC. 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Would require a map edit (obviously), and would make it harder for MTF to camp the ways into the Foundation. 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - All GOIs

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -

    New location for ULCZ Vent exit (outside SCP-173s CC): ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

    New location for HCZ Vent exit (outside SCP-939s CC): ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

  7. -Support

    The ability to disguise is already given out quite liberally as we have seen with O5, A1 and O1. I don't want even more people having the ability.



    I would much rather prefer Reporters and sherifs be given hacking cards though. 

  8. -Support


    In accordance with our SOP, EOI MUST inform E4/Gamma Command inside EOI comms what they are disguising as beforehand aswell as their fake name to prevent situations such as this where someone pretends to be a spy. Despite what it may seem, we tend to communicate quite well. 


    No EOI saying they are disguising in comms for awhile = No EOI on-site

    Not very smart of you to be out in the open when you know CI are raiding anyways, nor is it a very good idea to try and bank on using "I'm EOI" as a get-out-of-jail free card.


    -CI MAJ Ender/EOI Deputy Head

  9. Your In-game Name: Ender / Jesse Pinkeyes

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:441649770

    The admin's name in-game: Shaft

    What warning did you receive: RDM

    When did you receive this warning: 7/21/2023 ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

    Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: I had broken into the facility doing an info raid on Civilian Reporter. Upon entering, I took numerous pictures of HCZ. I then encountered an MMF, who shot at me twice but didn't hit me. I shot back and killed him in self defense. At this point, I was simply trying to get out of the facility since I had been shot at. I go up the elevator, only to run face first into an O1. He immediately attempts to cuff me in the enclosed elevator. Due to being shot at previously, I felt my life was in incredible danger and opened fire in self defense, fearing what would happen should I be detained. I was then reported and told that being cuffed was not a valid reason for self defense and promptly warned.

    Why do you think this warn was false: Lets think abut this realistically. I've broken into a government facility to gather information, and am immediately shot at by the first person that sees me. Believe it or not, I'm going to be on edge, so when I run into another person and they immediately try to detain me, my characters gonna light em up because of the fear of being fucking executed upon being cuffed. I think I had a valid RP reason to fight back, and a warn wasn't necessary. 

    Evidence the warning is false: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1kJAH4Yc-q8fGl/d13379Oe6GRM?invite=cr-MSxEdlYsMTk1MDg4Mjkshttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1kJCeA0UkckBZP/d1337lzk6cdS?invite=cr-MSxBSjYsMTk1MDg4Mjks

  10. 8 hours ago, starr said:

    Kind of a bad defense for a couple reasons Spray.


    1st, he wasn't "just coming out of CI base", Human even made sure to go through the tree line so you couldn't sit there and camp him on the way out.


    2nd, going off what I just said in the last part, why are you on Pathfinder just to puppy guard CI base? CI nor GOC do that, yet I see a lot of people on Pathfinder doing that recently, you guys should be warned just for that alone.


    3rd, you have to be blind to see he didn't even react to you shooting him. So how did it not click to check who you shoot before killing him? Even if you knew it was CI you're supposed to actually AOS them and RP that out before murdering a possible Foundation member.


    4th, even if it was a genuine accident, though it definitely doesn't look it, RND are non-combatants, they have been for some time too, so topping the camping, you also apparently ignored an incredibly important rule.


    5th and lastly, joking about it after you can see the death card and their job is extremely immature from an Admin, though there isn't proof of that here, so I'll give the benefit of the doubt, if that did happen it's just downright upsetting you didn't even apologize or at the least didn't do it seriously.


    In the end +support, but the end decision is up to higher staff.

    Basically sums up all the issues here. If you had direct line of sight for him leaving CI Base, then that means you were sitting, as a cloaking job, with a sniper rifle waiting for CI to leave just so you could insta-kill them... you can even see from the tab list that CI have low numbers. And then on top of that, you shoot a non-combatant with the excuse of thinking it's actually a CI job thats... another non-combatant...


    He literally looked over at you and gave you that thousand yard stare EOI do when their getting shot at, and know damn well they shouldn't be.


    This is disappointing coming from an Admin, and should result in some form of punishment. EOI already have it tough, stop trying to make it even harder for one of the few exclusively RP jobs on the server. 




    -Ender, EOI Deputy Chairman.

  11. 19 minutes ago, lookatdatface said:

    I would first like to start by apologizing for my actions in the clip and yes I was in TS with sniperz when this occurred but I would also like to say that I wasn't fully aware that 682 absolutely has to kill every player he comes across including the one that has breached him I just assumed that sniperz as a high ranking staff member would know what he should do/what would be allowed and not allowed to do while on 682 and based of what I'm reading here the responsibility in this case should fall upon the player playing as 682 in this case to FOLLOW the rules for 682 there's no rule stating that a player that is breaching 682 should make sure that he gets killed by him (what am I supposed to do ask him to kill me?) nor any rule stating that I as d-class cannot breach 682 even if they my friends regardless I would still like to apologize and that future reference ill make sure that the SCP I breach follows the rules for that specific SCP  

    You are a Colonel. You are one rank away from High Command. And yet you claim you are unaware of how one of the most dangerous, popular and well-known SCPs on the server operates. Additionally, you attempt to cast all blame onto your subordinate Sniperz. You do understand how incompetent this entire statement makes you look, right? 

    Doing something dumb like breaking the rules is one thing, but feigning ignorance and trying to throw someone else under the bus is just plain stupid. You make a mistake? Own up to it and learn from it.


    Also for the love of god use punctuation. 

  12. Your in game name: Ender

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770

    The player's in game name: LookatDatFace

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:178174076

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 8:47 PM EST, 7/10/2023

    What did the player do: Teaming with SCP-682 (AKA Sniperz).

    Evidence (required):


    As shown in the clip, both LookatDatface and Sniperz are in a TS channel together along with Chase. Normally this would only be against the SCP for ignoring the player breaching them, but I think since the clip clearly shows both the SCP and the player breaching them actively communicating with each other in TS, I think it warrants a warn for both parties since its obvious their both in on it. 

    What do you believe should happen to the player: A warn for Power-Gaming/Teaming

    Any extra information: This post is related to both the report against Chase and Sniperz.

    • Dislike 2
  13. Your in game name: Ender

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770

    The player's in game name: Chase

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:36216210

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 8:59 PM EST, 7/10/2023

    What did the player do: Breaking NLR

    Evidence (required):



    As shown in the two screenshots, Chase flags onto SCP-610 at 7:59:43, and gets his first infection at 8:02:40. This is not possible without breaking your 5 minute flag-up NLR. Additionally, this report is related to the one against both Chase and LookatDatFace, so I am almost certain he was flagged up specifically to be instantly breached by LookatDatFace, although I have no proof of that. 

    What do you believe should happen to the player: A warn for Breaking NLR

    Any extra information: The reason I even bother making this one is due to the three of them coordinating a mass-breach. Evidence of them helping each other can either be found on the report against Chase, or https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1iOAPxEHaKaq8C/ABbJuai58x5l?invite=cr-MSx0MkYsMTk1MDg4Mjks

  14. Your in game name: Ender

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770

    The player's in game name: Sniperz

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:680762410

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 8:47 PM EST, 7/10/2023

    What did the player do: As you can see in the clip, 3 Security Senior Command were in an Off-Duty TS channel coordinating an SCP mass breach while playing D-Class. They were switching onto SCP jobs so they could breach each other. Although the audio was bugged for TS, I believe I have gathered enough evidence using my glorious ET powers to have a formal warn be given to Sniperz, the SCP-682 player.

    Evidence (required):


    As shown in the clip, you can see that Sniperz, LookatDatFace and Chase all in a TS channel together. LookatDatFace breaches Sniperz, with Sniperz completely ignoring him, which is teaming. I believe the evidence of them both being in a TS call and actively talking to each other shows that they were power-gaming as well. 





    Lastly, the Breaking NLR. As shown in the first image, Sniperz flags onto SCP-682 at 7:47:05. At 7:49:26, he is called out by Medical. And finally, at 7:51:01, he gets shot and gets his first kill. He is called out AND gets his first kill within 5 minutes of flagging up, which is Breaking NLR


    What do you believe should happen to the player: A Formal Warn for Power-gaming/Teaming/Breaking NLR

    Any extra information: The only reason I made this report was because there simply wasn't enough MTF online to deal with the kind of mass-breach they were causing. Honestly, it was pretty fun to learn how to use the log system with the help of a Trial Mod named Nivastin. Separate reports will be made against LookatDatFace and Chase.

  15. Your in game name: Ender

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770

    The player's in game name: WD Exspira Mars XV-20

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:728276985

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 7/9/2023 [Around 12:00 PM EST]

    What did the player do: As shown on the screenshots below, an MC&D salesman had dropped numerous gun crates into lower D-Block as a "gift" [Technically abusing a loophole since MC&D aren't allowed to SELL guns to D-Class, but that's a report for another day]. Anyways, the appropriate response would have been to arrest the MC&D salesman, or just flat out kill him. Instead, however, Sweeps opted to get on D-Class, take all the guns, then switch back onto Expira. This is behavior I would expect from a Gensec OFC, not the Deputy Head of Wardens as a whole. You can also see in the screenshots that after being called out on what they did, they simply state that the MOTD doesn't directly say they can't do that, meaning they can do it. This is a clear example of Powergaming, and is overall just petty and dumb.

    Evidence (required): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EPOBpCecv762_4a3231zh2Zo3kblzqm_QqHThpm6Kk4/edit

    What do you believe should happen to the player: I am requesting a formal warn for Powergaming/FailRP.

    Any extra information: Agent Skinner was here.

  16. In-game name: Ender

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:441649770

    DiscordID: Dagger#5885

    Why should you be a member of the G.O.C. (75 word minimum): I have been apart of Gaminglight as a whole for nearly four years, and three years for SCPRP in particular. Admittedly I've always been a CI main for the large majority of my time on the server, but now that I've been Senior Command for a while it has gotten a bit stale. I know GOC has been struggling to find new members and I would be happy to help them by giving them someone new. I can't promise I'll be some ultra-active person since I've got other stuff to be doing, but I'll try my best. 

    What makes you a unique applicant: I am a member of Senior Command in CI, have been High Command on ImpRP, am an EOI Overseer and am a member of E4. 

    Can you be active within the span of 14 days?: Probably

    Current/former ranks: I am a member of Senior Command in CI, have been High Command on ImpRP, am an EOI Overseer and am a member of E4.

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