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Posts posted by Kev

  1. Kev's Purge VCMDR Application

    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :
    Purge COL Kev

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    3. Why do you want to be a Vice Commander of this branch?
    There are 5 main reasons I want to be Vice Commander of Purge, which are outlined below to be able to cut straight to the point and keep it easy to read.
    1. I want to be a Vice Commander to help the branch by applying my past experience as Grand Inquisitor and Purge VCMDR to help advance purge to a better place than it currently is at. I will do this by reinforcing the encouragement our NCO and Officers already receive to do more tryouts and SIMs to keep the server more active, which I will elaborate on further on within the application. As well I want to capitalise on what Purge has at the moment which have been left for lack of better words lacklustre for example I am currently the fireteam leader.

    2. Another reason I want to be Vice Commander is that I have dedication and a passion towards gaming light shown by my time on the server joining back 4 years ago in December (See Battle metrics) and still staying active at this point in time. This also explains the amount of command positions I have held within my time on gaming light and shows the experience that I can apply to gaming light.

    3. My 3rd reason I want to be VCMDR is that I believe my more casual approach to situations allows me to handle them more effectively however this doesn't mean I am not serious in situations that require it but in my opinions situations and problems as well as steps going forward with the battalion are handled better with this approach. As people are more open to discussion rather than approaching a situation with a strict demeanour which can produce a negative discussion between two parties. The reason why I bring this is up because I believe this allows me to help Purge with problems that occur and situations.

    4. My 4th reason is that I have a passion towards purge and IQ shown by my past ranks that were Second Sister, Eighth Brother, Purge VCMDR and The Grand Inquisitor. Of my ranks most are within IQ showing that I want to help the battalion to become better to the best of my ability and to keep it as one of the best branches within Gaming Light imperial RP. 

    5. My Final Reason is currently purge lacks 2 VCMDRs which means the CMDR is left with most of the work as well as responsibility, I want to help this by becoming VCMDR allowing a more active command team at different times within the day which helps purge keep active because people want to be on when command is on. It also allows the work load to be divided between the commander and the vice commanders taking away the stress the current commander holds. 

    Overall I wish to be Vice commander to help the branch by applying my experience within the server and because of the passion I hold which will again help excel purge and this passion is also shown due to my past ranks and finally because Purge currently has no Purge VCMDRs which means the workload is going to be excessive on the Commander even if it is not now, it is going to be at one point and as well the stress will become more and more over time without any existing VCMDRs to help delegate tasks and workload.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    1,947:12 Hours
    Some guy - BattleMetrics

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a Vice Commander for a branch?
    In all of my Applications I always outline the main points of a Vice Commander and these points have stayed similair at the core throughout my history of Gaming light.
    1.  One of the main purposes of a Vice Commander is to make sure the Battalion is constantly active and that the officer core is active and diligent in the tasks being set which are sims and to make sure NCO's are doing tryouts and keeping good behaviour when on job which is less of a problem especially in purge due to SIM's trainings and tryouts constantly being held at present however it is important to highlight that the SIMs and Trainings need to be fresh, What I mean by this is that enlisted will become worn out if the same SIM is held 5x a day however a SIM they have never done before will challenge them and keep them interested. The reason why keeping the Officer core diligent and active is so important is because this will lead to a snowball effect which basically if the Officers doing a good job / setting a example this will knock on to the NCO's and therefore the Enlisted that will then feel inspired to reach that level this is shown daily and it keeps the battalion working and active.

    2. Another Purpose of a Vice Commander to assist the chain of command meaning Inquisitorius High Command and Purge / IQ Command with their workload for example from In game leadership to google docs that need updating / creating this is important because it allows them to focus on other needs and if the VCMDR fails at doing so it means they have to worry about your efforts and competence rather than focusing on something which may be more beneficial to the branch therefore by not assisting you will slow down the branch. To do this it also requires good communication between Command therefore a Vice commander needs to be active and responding to in game requests and DMs through discord or TeamSpeak.

    3. My 3rd Purpose is a Vice Commander must be easy to approach which I have referenced above in my application however this means that officers will be more willing to talk and forthcoming with criticisms and problems about how they think something should be done or what they have noticed which then allows you as a Vice Commander to make decisions based off the information given. If a Vice Commander is close minded to these problems it will inevitably create more problems as time progresses however this does not mean you must conform to every criticism as it is impossible to please everyone however as a Vice Commander it is important you try to please the majority and keep the battalion fresh. It is also important to look at time zones and have officers that cover those time zones because even if Purge is doing great within your time zone make sure it is reciprocated or at least try to reciprocate it in UK time zones and Australian to keep the server active and fun.

    4. A Vice Commander must also be looking for updates to keep the battalion fresh and interesting for example for Purge a fireteam spectre update can cause more interest in that sub battalion or a heavy or a brawler this keeps enlisted interested in joining those sub branches and you can look for updates for Purge in general to gather more attention to the battalion even if it is people talking about it because it means people are taking a interest in your battalion / branch.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
    You should trust me to be Vice Commander due to my experience within command and the activity of the branches that occurred while I was in command showing why you should trust me and that I will not mess around as well you should trust me because I know the rules of the server due to my time and how long I have been on the server and I know how to be High Command as well as a Commander and a Vice Commander therefore I know what it is expected of me as a Vice Commander which I have highlighted in points above on Question 5.

    Another reason I am trustworthy is I have created many updates for example IQ Assassin when I was in command and I have helped create many docs for Purge when I was Purge VCMDR and I have been in IQ a long time therefore I know how to command in this battalion because of the experience I have therefore I know how to take it a step further. I am also active within the game and like interacting with people giving a positive representation of purge by holding SIMs between battalions and interacting with a lot more battalions for example medical which before was never done due to the nature of Purge however by changing this it allowed Purge to be seen as a respected RP battalion because of the RP we provided during check-ups and outside of med bay for example events that include holocrons.

    7. How often can you be Online? :
    Whenever I am not working I am active on the server.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
    1 for ARDM 
    Which was against Bon because me and him were messing around when he was Palpatine and I was Grand IQ. Then we both got off the server and I was warned the next day

    Thank you for reading

  2. On 5/15/2022 at 7:47 AM, Katsimaru said:

    A really good example of what a high IQ should be
    Great application
    Very dedicated and determined

    Good Luck -Ked Vennede

    One of the best additions to the RG Command team hes shown dedication through the time hes been in RG and hes always good to talk to and joke with. 

    You Got This Harry Potter GIF by Sky

  3. On 4/18/2022 at 8:39 PM, SawickM said:

    The perfect example of what a Marshal Commander should be



    -In touch with the player base. 

    -Reasonable to talk to. 


    (Also if you -Support this app with something stupid like “That’s a lot of warns” your a fucking baby and should grow up or leave.) 


  4. 9 hours ago, Ceaser said:

    Sawick: NGL Pretty mid commander when he was JMT, but thank you for giving me a chance at officer.

    When me and Drayton were command you were a joke to us, we saw you as something to laugh at. Sawick saw potential in you and gave you a chance to rise in the ranks, I doubt you would have even be given a chance if not for Sawick and Given I'm glad you lived up to your potential!!!!!!!!

  5. Kev's Grand Inquisitor Application

    1) What is your current IGN? (In Game Name)
    Kev (Purge VCMDR Kev)

    2) Why do you want to become the position of Grand Inquisitor
    I want to become Grand Inquisitor because I feel a abundance of passion for Inquisitorius and as much as I love it I believe there are things that I can fix as Grand Inquisitor like finishing Jaeger's work to add a Sub battalion to Inquisitorius which would be a huge step for the battalion because it would make it more elusive for people wanting to join and there are more things to do in the Inquisitor side of Inquisitorius which would help maintain and increase activity as people in the branch would be entertained and feel like there is more to do. On the Purge side of things I would like to put more people in different time zones in Officers positions and potentially Command positions and encourage them to do Purge Tryouts in their time zone even if the server is lacking people. 

    Another reason I want to be Grand Inquisitor is I want to keep Inquisitorius active and make sure the Command and the High Command of Inquisitorius is encouraging sims and tryouts and keeping their battalions in line and I would love to get the chance to continue the work and I know that I can live up to the Amazing Grand Inquisitors we have had in the past for instance Frost who merged Inquisitors and Purge together a long time ago and Myan and Jaeger who kept the battalions and added new HC spots within IQ that people in command was able to work up to which introduced something fresh all I ask for Is a chance to prove this as I know I can.

     I have spent a lot of time in IQ in the past I was Second Sister / IQ hand and more recently I was Eighth Brother and currently I am Purge VCMDR I know this seems like I constantly leave but I was Second Sister about a year ago and Eighth Brother a couple months ago and I am currently Purge VCMDR this provides me a look of how IQ has changed over the time and what to change that doesn't work and what to keep the same for instance If I get Grand IQ I would like to change IQ ranks for instance Initiate would be changed to Sith Younglings and the Apprentices would be changed to Acolyte until Lord where it would be normal from then. The reason I want this change is because I feel like it would make the IQ side of the server feel more lore like rather than a bunch of Duel Jesus hilt wielding killing machines

    I'd Also like to increase battalion relations because in the Server Inquisitorius are mostly on the checkpoint therefore we don't interact with many battalions like Medical or Havoc so I'd like to do more Passive RP with them battalions like Armor / Weapon Checks or Check ups because although this is a small thing this may make 1 or 2 people to stay on from either battalion through the interactions and it makes us seem more approachable rather than just the "people on the checkpoint" I also want to make sure a variety of trainings / sims / missions are being held by the officers because being brutally honest the majority of people don't want to do PVP sims on a Roleplay server so I want to make sure interrogations and lore sessions are being held while maintaining the more stereotypical types of sims because there are people who enjoy doing PVP sims I being one but there are people who dont so I'd like to make sure they aren't left out and to versify the type of training Inquisitorius hold.

    Finally I would like to continue the high standards that have been set in Purge and Inquisitorius for instance our tryouts have become harder and I would like to continue this so IQ doesn't fall into a crisis like it has been in the past when Luci had to Introduce A 1 strike system to cut down the minginess at the time Also I would to make sure Docs and google sites are constantly updated as well as the Command team is doing their job by keeping their regiments in check and making sure the Officers are fulfilling their responsibilities because if they aren't this will have a knock on effect no matter the battalion what I mean by this is If Command doesn't promote the Officers doing a good job and standing out from others for one their potential is wasted, and then the Officers wont feel a need to do Sims / Promote People NCO's will feel no urge to hop on and do tryouts as they will have no role model in a way therefore the battalion will slowly die out with no Tryouts Of course this also works in reverse because if Command promotes Officers who haven't done sims and are lazy and barely do promotions for enlisted and NCO's who work hard the same Knock on effect Occurs

    3) How much in-game time do you have on the server?
    Tab Menu = 19 Weeks
    Battle metrics = 1,419:21

    4) How active can you be on the server?
    I can be fairly active at least 2-3 Hours a day and at least 6 on the Weekend Of course this is if nothing IRL happens that may prevent me from joining the server.

    5) What is the Main purpose of being the Grand Inquisitor
    The Main Purpose of a Grand Inquisitor is to Keep the Command of Inquisitorius in Check and the HCMD of Inquisitorius what I mean by this is making sure they are making sure Officers are doing there job which if not leads on to the knock on effect I mentioned in the 5th paragraph of the response the the 2nd Question.

    A Grand Inquisitor must also assist Command with any Ideas they have and come up with new ideas to keep Inquisitorius a fresh branch he must also have good communication with his command especially the High Inquisitor because he is second in command so therefore you must establish a good relationship with the Inquisitorius High Command because this ensures misunderstandings or mistakes don't happen and even if they do you can communicate to fix them you must also trust your HCMD and value their opinion because if you don't their position is essentially wasted and if you disagree you must be willing to say why so you can come to a conclusion.

    A Grand Inquisitor is a Command representative therefore it is integral that he must also work with other HCMD representatives to make sure every branch ( Army, Naval and Inquisitorius) is benefitting from each other by working together and communicating / discussing what can be improved in their particular battalions by this I mean encouraging sims with other battalions and missions with other battalions this will also benefit the co-ordination of the battalions in events.
    The Grand Inquisitor must also help find a future for Inquisitors, Purge and Royal Guard command for SHC or Command of that branch when needed by this I mean overseeing the branches and looking for potential VCMDR's CMDR's and Senior Commanders and so on and communicating the potential candidates with the Inquisitorius HCMD and taking their opinions into account

    Another Responsibility of Grand Inquisitor is to deal with problems that have occurred when overseeing the battalions through making their way up the chain of Command in Inquisitorius whether this be with his own command or with other command when there has been a argument and to make sure to deal with it peacefully and justifiably which means to not remove their own command member for a small problem as this shows bias which is a quality the Grand Inquisitor should not have. The Grand Inquisitor must also show leadership to motivate his command

    6) What differs you from other Applicants?
    I have been around Gaming light longer than any other applicant that is currently applying this gives me a view of how the server has adapted and changed throughout my time and I have seen past Grand Inquisitors come and leave like Campbell, Igneous, Frost, Myan and Finally Jaeger and  n gaming light I have also had multiple command positions ( Imperial Commando Commander, Second Sister / IQ Hand, Eighth Brother, Inferno Squad Commander) so I know what works in a battalion and what doesn't as well without sounding egotistical when I was a Imperial Commando Commander when I resigned Luci who was SMT at the time gave me Vice Commander reserves which was at the time the highest reserves in Imperial Commando to be given out and I'm pretty sure still are however since a new rule these have been taken away but I believe this shows my capabilities when put in a Command position that I am Passionate for and I hope I can mirror this on a larger scale on Grand Inquisitor if given the chance. 

    Another way I am different from other Applicants is I am extremely dedicated to gaming light as a server, other applicants may have this quality but I have shown this quality by being around so long as well I have 0 warns on top of the time I've been here at gaming light showing I know the rules and when to be serious but I also know when to show a more approachable side because as many people know I like to joke around I don't see this as a negative as long as when it comes to a serious issue or requires seriousness I can exhibit it which I have shown I can and as long as I do this. I believe the joking side to me is a positive because it means people approach me easier as cringe as that sounds but if you have someone serious all the time you will not feel as relaxed than a person who will try to be more friendly / joke with you and that is pretty much common sense but it will determine whether someone feels they can talk to you or not and it may mean they will voice their opinions on what you can do better or any issues within the battalion that I am willing to listen to no matter the rank as a PVT can give you a different perspective of the battalion then say a COL can because to the PVT it is new and fresh but to the COL he has been there a long time and is used to the battalion and both will give valid opinions if you are willing to hear them out.

    Finally I am different from other Applicants is I have been in IQ the longest I may not be the highest rank but if you add up my time of getting to Second Sister then Eighth Brother then Purge VCMDR I am pretty sure I have been in IQ the longest this helps me because I have experienced the battalion in different climates e.g. inactive to extremely active and mingy to serious and therefore I know what works and what doesn't and how to get a battalion going and how to end up accidently killing the battalion which no one wants.

    7) Why should we trust you with this Position?
    You Should trust me with the position because I have had 0 warns showing I know the rules and won't randomly get banned one day and I have been around gaming light for a long time I also have command experience so I won't kill Inquisitorius by being in command and I know what everyone's job is and how to keep a battalion alive and how to oversee / communicate with my HCMD if I do get the chance to have this position and I value people's opinions no matter the rank.

    Another Reason you should trust me with this position is I have shown I am passionate for Inquisitorius and I want to move up so I will do everything in my power to not mess up or waste my chance If I do get Grand Inquisitor what I mean by this is go inactive not do anything with the battalions I oversee and just generally be lazy. Finally you should trust me with this position because I have integrity as a person meaning I wont end up being bias and doing things that I normally wouldn't. I am also trustworthy as I have never had a negative impact to a battalion I have been in so you don't have to worry about me messing up Inquisitorius.

    Finally you should trust me because I'm friendly I wont turn someone away for something petty and I enjoy chatting about how Inquisitorius can be improved I enjoy playing Gaming light because of the community that has been built up after a long time that most server's don't have so I'm not going to disappear one day and I will continue playing for the foreseeable future.

    8 )Do you have any RECENT Warnings? (What for?)
    I have 0 Warnings

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