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Posts posted by Dragonfly1226

  1. It's been the second time I rejoined Gensec and I was amazed many changes have been done. Truly it has been the greatest to become once again a gensec but with reaching a milestone of beating my last rank of Gensec. I'll miss those I truly looked up to, those who gave me wonderful memories, and being a warden for time being since it gave me flashbacks of me being once a Nu7 in truth it was also fun. But now the time has come for me to prepare my future in which I will be spending less time on Gensec and I had to make of choice of resigning. Well after being NCO meeting the last time for me, I will be happy for a spot of SM for one lucky MSGT to rightly get to replace spot after leaving. So then I wish many of you guys to have a great time in Gensec and make Gensec itself a great whole community building it slowly into the best job I'll ever miss leaving twice. Farewell, my fellow soldiers!

    Sincerely By: Dragonfly1226

    Quote"Class D if you don't comply, I'll authorized to pulverize you into a pulp."~Dragonfly1226

  2. Well, it's sad for me to tell you guys that I will be resigning today. I did have a long journey and fun times with you guys as you guys gave me many good memories throughout Medical in the Foundation. So now I'll have to prepare my future of the unknown, and my career. I will never forget those who brought me happiness and assisted me to have a long journey of the ranks of Medical. So for that, I wish for Medical and the personnel within it the best of succeeding of their dreams and have great success in there roads too. Farewell guys I wish you the many best in this time of year!

    Sincerely By: Dragonfly1226

    Quote: "The dumb things I do being dumb." ~By Dragonfly1226

  3. It has been somewhere beginning of summer I joined the Technical in which later formed into Janitorial being Maintenance. I had met great command members that I looked upon, but now I will no longer be part of maintenance since I'll resign today. It has been a long journey and many changes I witnessed of the Foundation job itself and I do wish to stay longer but my time has come. For now, I have to prepare my future to have a great lifestyle I ever dreamed of. So I will be saying goodbye for you guys and I wish you the great success of Maintenance and regain from the massive rollcall purge since now there is less maintenance but I know you guys will be able to get more players that will help build maintenance.

    Sincerely By: Dragonfly1226

    Quote: "If brute force doesn't fix it, then apply more brute force into it." ~By Dragonfly1226

  4. In-game Name: Dragonfly1226
    Rank: Elite Scientist

    Idea: Pneumonia the annoying infection that inflame your lung sacs in which takes long treatments to overcome it, so let's skip with the slow treatments and see whether or not it's faster to give treatment with pill or syringe shot.
    Basic Description of what you will do: I will get two Class D's that shows signs pneumonia in which I will question who wants the pill or syringe that is an experimental drug processed by me by taking 1424's saliva and nail clippings in which I modified both samples into medical treatments needing for testing.
    Hypothesis: With 1424 sample I collected I will make an counter effect of pneumonia infection that occurs from someone countering someone infected with it by airborne respiratory droplets.

    Detailed description of what happened during the test: Hard work putting the sample and modifying them it was time to see whether or not it would work. I took two Class D's unicornjello and Dboy Damien, and lovely escort Sky. We headed way and there Zack carefully watching me if I'm gonna do something terrible with my medical research, both class D were seat and given question Pill or syringe? Unicornjello responded quickly syringe so it was decided who get what, I applied the syringe upon the Class D and I handed Dboy Damien pill with cup water. After waiting few minutes I questioned unicornjello to see how he was feeling, He said he didn't feel any more burning sensations in chest area which it was successful to know my syringe worked. But he was now classified to be terminated due to SCP anomaly effect after end of test. But Dboy Damien he felt jittering around his arm though, I questioned myself and Zack and he thought it be the side effects. But I remembered I bumped into Dr bright mug and it contents spilled on my pill work not the syringe. After consulting he was to be watched by Sky when returned to D block and amnestized. After that half hour passed when I came to check Dboy Damien was missing thin air, and trying find my escort Sky to is gone. Now I fear I may also disappear what the f#&$ was inside Dr Bright's drink to cause this to happen I should stay low incase someone is observing me.

    Conclusion: Well it seems my treatments for syringe work but it's unknown my pill would worked thanks to lazy me bumping into Dr Bright drink.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes as my treatment of pneumonia related infection is now simple ease with shot of syringe.
    What did you learn?: I learnt no matter what anything related or touched by Dr Bright that got in my research, I shouldn't continue making the pill.
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: It benefits medical as now with my syringe it can be used early as vaccine shot or now when someone is diagnosed with pneumonia.

  5. Name : Dragonfly1226
    Rank  :  Maintenance Professional, Elite Scientist
    SteamID (REQUIRED-Invalid if not given) : STEAM_0:1:104475421
    Activity on a scale of 1-10 : 9
    Anything which you'd like to note? : N/A

  6. In-game Name: Dragonfly1226
    Rank: Senior Scientist

    Idea: Without best way to treat cancer but with radiation therapy, chemotherapy or surgery. I have thought of way to minimize cost, and wasting medical resources
    Basic Description of what you will do: I will get Class D with regenerative cancer, and get sample sample of cancer cells. In which I would modify to able be counter for other cancer cells.
    Hypothesis: What if SCP-1025 disease regenerative cancer can be used on normal cancer cells to treat them easily?

    Detailed description of what happened during the test: After brutal times getting Class D and loosing them with SCP-1025 its finally done. The one Class D had what I been looking for after each awful flip of page encountered by SCP-1025. Class D was quickly rushed to surgery to get an sample of the regenerative cancer cells, and later amnestized and headed back to D-Block. Carefully I modified and worried to cause accident or everything will be ruined. After adding the extract of the cancer cells, with few ingredients I keeping to myself it was done. I stored in an liquid hydrogen containment, now it was time giving Class-D PET scans of any cancer they had. Then one was found with lung cancer and I worried. Shocked whether or not it would work I administered C#982 into Class-D. After waiting time to pass I made the Class-D go into the PET scan, with the chart I looked through no single atom of cancer was detected in his lungs. It's finally done cancer had finally lost against us with very long and troubling work to fight it.

    Conclusion: Well it seems humanity has to no longer of the untreatable cancer, with this be running in stocks it be safe to say we'll see that day cancer finally lost against us.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes as now with my new drug C#982 this can now be used of a way to treat cancer without time and effort of radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgeries.
    What did you learn?: Even if something in medical doesn't seem to be treatable it can't be impossible to do so.
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: In ways less needed surgeries, time, cost of resources.

  7. In-game Name: Dragonfly1226
    Rank: EXP Scientist

    Idea: I ever wondered if it's possible to give a drug that will be possible to administer to someone to prevent themselves to develop psychosis, stress levels, or mental state to start growing out of control during the situation, or what they saw to cause them to develop these.
    Basic Description of what you will do: I will get two subjects to be influenced by SCP-513. Then after experiencing to see SCP-513-1, I will give both individual shots of D#1226 drug I created with extract of the healthy bladder, and powder of unknown reddish stone-like material I will call Dementonite.
    Hypothesis: Whether the experimental drug I created can stop the test subject to start developing psychosis, rising of stress level or mental state arising when encountering with SCP-513 anomaly effect SCP-513-1

    Detailed description of what happened during the test: I got a hold of two calm Class D's Dempsey and Solar Flare 0. During the time I received these two, I observed both subjects during the escort. However when the part of the test for them to start ringing the bell, first Class-D Dempsey started to have his stress level rising when seeing SCP-513-1. But for the other Class-D, he seemed calmed still but his eye movement was moving involuntarily. When both subjects were finally gotten to take a sit in med-bay, both were administered individually with a sterile syringe by my experimental drug D#1226. After the first injection for Dempsey, he started to lose his mental state and screaming around after the injection and experiencing SCP-513. However, for Solar flare 01, his eye movements started to rapidly involuntarily more in horizontal, vertical, and even rotational movements. The test was deemed a failure and both subjects were terminated by Security LCPL Billy. "Well, the so-called drug I believed that can prevent arise psychosis, stress, or mental state deemed failure, but I will store this so-called failure drug in storage upon more studies by myself with its unknown effects."

    Conclusion: Well with my drug deemed failure to prevent what I thought it can didn't seemed take affect at all. Probably due to the ingredients I added or whether lack one component to unlock its potential.  
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: I wouldn't say it was correct since both subjects mental state seemed to arise more.
    What did you learn?: I learned that my ingredients itself was lacking and unneeded or SCP-513-1 itself is far greater power to affect an individual mind and no treatment is possible.
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: If it did succeeded it could help with time and cost with therapy, just  by one simple use of an drug to lower the person mental state, psychosis, and stress levels.


  8. 1. What is your Ingame Name:  Dragonfly1226

    2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it):  STEAM_0:1:104475421   

    3. Rank: Medic

    4. Time on server: 2 Days

    5. Total strikes ever received:  0  

    6. How many warns do you have on GL:  0

    7. Who gave you permission to apply:    Nefario and Crystal

    8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?:  9

    9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words): The reason I think why I should get access to ACM is how I seemed to be able to greatly combine my gensec skills and medical skills together as an ACM. As far I know I am able to follow the SOP accordingly, and I’ll always remember to prioritize healing at any chance I have as an ACM with great service to the Foundation.  


    10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do?  What I'll do is continue examining his condition and fully help him, then I would join in and help the Captain to fend of the CI

  9. 1. What is your in-game name?: Dragonfly1226

    2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104475421

    3. Current Rank in Security: SM

    4. Time on the server: 2 Days

    5. Current level: 60 

    6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 9 

    7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?:  0

    8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: Sixx, Creamey

    9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes

    10. Why do you think you deserve access to the  Security Juggernaut Job? (60+ WORDS):  The reason I think why I should get access to Juggernaut is for how used to be a juggernaut. I felt I did great work being with that job. I was able to hold D Block responsibly as with this class. If I had ever made a mistake I would focus on fixing or improving on it as I’m  capable of applying the rules of SOP and understanding the juggernaut.

    11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a d-class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: I would use the Nova since the M60 Machine gun recoil will hit many targets. But with the nova I can walk up to the Class D and ensure I would hit him

  10. 1. What is your In game Name: Dragonfly1226

    2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it): STEAM_0:1:104475421

    3. Rank: Technician 

    4. Time on server: 1 Week

    5. Total strikes ever received: 1 (But I believe it should be 2 week or more weeks old)

    6. How many warns do you have on GL: N/A

    7. Who gave you permission to apply: Chimeric

    8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: 8

    9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words):  The reason that I believe to myself that I'll fit for the job is in many ways. For one I always like to be situated into many role-plays. I can see myself able to learn from my mistakes and able to overcome them. Finally would be able to make others see me as a good person to follow up as even myself I follow up to a person that would have helped me get this far.

    10. CI is raiding, and you see them breaching a keter SCP. What do you do?: In a situation I wouldn't intervene towards CI. But I'll get away and go to a safe place where I would be able inform Security/MTF of CI attempting to breach a keter SCP in HCZ during a raid.

  11. Name : Dragonfly1226

    Branch(es) :Tech, Janitorial

    Rank(s) :Tech Technician, Jr Janitor

    How would you rate your activity? (1-10)8

    Any changes you would like to see:N/A

    Any notes or questions:N/A

  12. Test Granted: Weiss


    Name: Dragonfly

    Rank: JR

    SCP: 1025

    Class: Safe [ X] Euclid[ ] Keter [ ]

    Test: What percent chance if 4 Class-D's with blood type being O (Known for fighting diseases) can be 1 out of 4 chance surviving from reading it?

    Section: HCZ [X] LCZ [ ]

    Termination: Y [ ] N[X] 

    Escort: Creamy

    Subject: 3 Class-D's

    SCP-1025 is a hardcover book, approximately 1,500 pages long. The front cover and spine feature the title "The Encyclopedia of Common Diseases." The publisher's page indicates the book was printed in 19██ by █████ Press. No other copies of a book with that title and publisher have been found, and no record of the publisher exists.


    Test Log: 04

    So as we know many humans have different Blood Type's, many have different effects on us especially Blood Type O. Greatly known for fighting off diseases seem like a great way to see an overwhelmed healthy Class D with Blood Type O can fight of the great diseases of SCP-1025. After getting subjects informed of the procedure I gave them names to know in case what Class-D's disease gotten? Class-D B stepped in first slowly hesitant, but read a random page which he dropped dead due to having a heart attack from SCP-1025. Then Class-A went ahead but reading a page randomly lead his death with a symptom called  Erythromelalgia. Finally, the last Class-D C went in with the other flipped into a few pages and suddenly stopped? He didn't seem infected, dead on the floor screaming, but standing there inspecting Class-D C I figured it out to see he been symptoms with a disease called fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. 

    Conclusion: Well even though Blood Type O is great against fighting the disease, it isn't too strong against SCP-1025 for the diseases it contains has much more morality rate to an individual even they are the healthiest. So far we can't fight for SCP-1025 diseases it seems humanity can't handle it unless a major evolution caused us to be unaffected to diseases, or that scientists had found a way to modify our genes to increase our body system in strength. But it may be a long time before this major counter occurs to us.

    Signed: Dragonfly

    Class-D A Picture Log: Files Missing


    Class-D B Picture Log: Files Corrupted 


    Class-D C Picture Log:




    Garry's Mod Screenshot 2020.02.20 -

  13. Name: Dragonfly

    Rank: JR

    SCP: 1048

    Class: Safe [ ] Euclid[ ] Keter [X]

    Test: What if the C-D had an infection of an ear (swimmer's ear) that would pass on towards 1048-A?

    Section: HCZ [ ] LCZ [X]

    Termination: Y [ ] N[X] 

    Escort: Uberlaiden

    Subject: C-D


    After finding a C-D who had an infection of the ear we proceeded to the testing area with 1048 happily with us. The test was simple to determine if 1048-A would also have an ear infection from the C-D ear. So after 1048 was given permission to slice off the infected ear of C-D which was successful, but caused the Class-D to have trauma and collapsed dead on the floor. Even after receiving the ear 1048 built 1048-A which asking his friend he built if feels any sort of pain, which 1048 seemed to talk to turned his head making nodding yes. 

    Conclusion: So I was right if a Class-D that was diagnosed to be with swimmers ear or any sort of ear infection would cause on to the 1048-A the same features of the subject.


    Signed Dragonfly  


  14. Test Granted By: DHOR Kuma

    Name: Dragonfly

    Rank: JR

    SCP: 513

    Class: Safe [ ] Euclid[X ] Keter [ ]

    Test: Will the C-D's under go affects when ringing the bell with one or two ears missing?

    Section: HCZ [ X] LCZ [ ] Termination: Y [ ] N[X ]

    SCP-513:  Physically, SCP-513 is an unremarkable, rusty cowbell. No marks or engravings are visible on its surface due to the large amount of corrosion. Attempts to remove the rust chemically or mechanically have had no success.

    Escort: Security CPL Ketamine

    Subject: Bazooka, (Forgot the Name ;( )

    After obtaining 2 Class D's we proceeded to HCZ to safely arrive upon the destination of SCP-513. After doing so the test was been cut in half for our C-D who was deaf ( Was supposed to be part of the test ) gotten took away from an MTF who stole him from us which made me mad, but I still proceed to do it with one Class D now. The Class-D had one ear cut off to see if the process SCP-513-1 anomaly would appear faster or slower rate. The Class-D was silent until which 1 minute he started to be a startling rate of how he is describing to us a figure appearing upon his face. After knowing the test was successful Class-D was put termination from the reasoning he is haunted by SCP-513 after effects.
    Conclusion: Even if you have 10/20 of hearing don't think your safe if the bell sound is struck against the side of your ear that's is terrible to listen. It will come and affect, but it will take a longer effect to start haunting you down.

    Signed Dragonfly

    Garry's Mod Screenshot 2020.02.16 -

  15. Name: Dragonfly

    Rank: JR

    SCP: 912

    Class: Safe [X ] Euclid[ ] Keter [ ]

    Test: If a toy gun or etc. resembles like an weapon without security suit would threaten 912?

    Section: HCZ [ ] LCZ [X ]

    Termination: Y [ ] N[X ] 

    SCP-912 consists of several items of police-issue body armour, clothing and equipment that together form a discrete entity capable of independent movement and action. Both the method by which this ability has been acquired and means by which it is achieved have yet to be identified. 

    Escort: Security LCPL gwhea

    Subject: Zod

    After getting the room ready we have the subject prepared an object which is a kids toy water gun that is harmless and spits out water. When the C-D was prepared for what he will do SCP-912 had arrived for the test. Starting the test I asked C-D to point out the water gun at SCP-912, but the C-D was hesitant after telling to point it at 912 for 10-20 times. Which doing so SCP-912 was enraged and pulled out a stun stick out of air then proceeding to disciplined the C-D to death from just simply he pointed the toy gun at 912.

    Conclusion: No matter what if you have a object that resembles as an gun but doesn't function as a gun with bullets. Then don't wave it around 912 face or you'll be serious trouble and getting stun stick of discipline, even if its a toy gun or even a plastic toy gun.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Signed Dragonfly


    Garry's Mod Screenshot 2020.02.15 -

  16. Name: Dragonfly

    Rank: JR

    SCP: 066

    Class: Safe [ ] Euclid[ X] Keter [ ]

    Test: If 066 will trigger saying its name backwards?

    Section: HCZ [ ] LCZ [X ]

    Termination: Y [ ] N[X ] 

    066: Free Roaming SCP that is made up of mass braided yarn and ribbon. Even though its Euclid it's mostly safe unless you would say the name Eric to it blasting a high decimal of music from Beethovan's second sympathy up to 140 decimals!

    Escort: SD LCP JHess

    C-D: ZmbCwgrl

    After getting a C-D and setting the thing up between Eric and C-D ZmbCwgrl. When asking the C-D to say Eric backwards he wouldn't want to comply which made the testing difficult, after 5 minutes trying to make the C-D say Cire. He simply ended the test by doing the opposite and said Eric lucky an [REDACTED] gave out earmuffs to us (Kind Gentleman) to not cause our eardrums to burst which the C-D didn't had on. That ended a test as failure.

    P.S. Don't try saying Cire to Eric yet if so then prepare an sympathy of Beethovan from 066, but if you survived don't steal the credit if you used the idea from reading my test forum kindly....

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