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Posts posted by Phaasma

  1. 16 hours ago, Rabbit said:


    The video seems to be cut to fit your narrative.

    which lead me to believe this has nothing to do with him bring 106 to his pocket

    This is 100% personal. He gave you a warn and now you want to take his staff rank.

    No its not cut to my fit, the beginning of the video is when i started recording, and the end is when i stopped. And yes i am going after his staff rank as I don't believe staff like cat should be a part of the staff team. And 106 pocket dimension is separate from the warn, i put that image in to show that he is irresponsible with his staff powers. And this isn't personal, i don't know the guy, just trying to do what I think I should do. 

  2. 1 hour ago, th3 said:

    The video evidence is unreliable and does not provide the full story. Your report is literally unreadable. The only thing you have proved is he teleported people to 106's pd. Even then your evidence does not support anything else.


    if you look at the responses that other people have put then you can see this is not something im just fabricating, other people have had negative experiences with cat, including admins, mods, and players.

  3. 6 hours ago, MiniLeopard said:

    If you was told to stop by staff why didn't you stop? also even tho you wasn't making a joke about his name it still upset him but that didn't stop you for making the same joke.

    but I am still on +/-Support because you should of stopped joking around but at the same time this was handled kinda poorly

    When I was warned by cat that was the first time i "spoke" to an admin, considering i didnt get to talk or defend myself. The only person we had spoken to before was a person from gensec.

  4. 1 hour ago, Chief_ said:

    @Phaasma BTW I meant before. Like before the normal video with chat/VC on whoever he was claiming you were staff dissing. Just so I can have some info to look back on. It is ok if you don't have the parts before. 

    yeah sorry i dont have that, i wasnt recording then

    • Thanks 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Weiss said:

    The joke was "Dragon my nuts across yo face". Clearly to the antagonization of Dragin. Whist I no longer recall the explanation Dragin told me or if a sit was called beforehand. I did end up taking a sit on this sometime before this event. Which ended up with me spectating Dragin to further investigate. Whilst spectating, Phasmma at least from a 3rd person perspective was clearly harassing Dragin; With such a play on words. Continuing to do so after being asked to stop by Dragin. Who at that point is obviously frustrated at this abuse. At this point, is this not a form of harassment?  
    Some mismanagement did in-fact come into play however; As Cat did in-fact beat me to the second sit whilst I was spectating Phaasma. I did give a notification to Cat of this situation; However, did fail to hear or see Cat's adamancy on maintaining this sit.  (Which I'm still not where this is stated.) In addition, Cat as well also gave an additional warning for the same reason of player diss after my warning was issued. Though I was not there for that sit. 
    Thus whilst I believe this warning is just. There could have been significantly better communication between Cat and myself. As well as the accused. 

    I told dragin multiple times I wasnt talking to him and when I was saying it I was saying it in general and not towards dragin.

  6. 5 hours ago, Chief_ said:

    I didn't know this. But, if you could include a bit more of the video before that clip. @Phaasma that would be appreciated so we can see what was going on before he said this. But I'm going to be going as a +/- Support until he responds but I'm leaning a bit to the +support. 

    here is the entire unedited clip 



    13 hours ago, M8VP said:

    Well I have some photos of him uncloaked and building https://gyazo.com/b5a4f8323aef8b69c4b5a8b922487821 https://gyazo.com/aed30f890592ada4d65bb6406ecbd6d0

    But +/- until I need to see Cats side of the story.

    BTW T-mods cannot ban until they reach admin.

    Oh my bad then he must have gotten an admin to ban him I guess.

  7. What is your in-game name?: Phaasma

    What is your steam name?: [GL] Phaasma

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:525687701

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I would like to say around late December.

    What date did you make your forums account? January 7, 2020

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Bronze

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 


    Have you donated? Yes.

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator 

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No I am not. 

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    ? You will be tested on it: Yes I have

    Timezone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A
    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I am fit for the position of trial moderator because I am extremely dedicated to the server, I can be on nearly everyday. I am familiar with the MOTD, I joined the Gaming Light SCP RP server in around December and wasn't to sure how I felt at the time, but after playing it for a while and becoming more familiar with the community and way this server works I started to like it ALOT. I feel like I could bring quite a few things to the server, I am very neutral when it comes to arguments in game therefor I would not be biased towards anyone in a sit, I also would love to help the server and help make it better by helping everyone I can and try to make everyone's experience on this server as best as it could be. I am extremely good at keeping my cool and not being aggressive or anything like that towards anyone on the server. And if i do get this position as T-Mod I promise to always try my best and do everything in my power to make this server as good as it can be.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Well first I would bring him/her into a sit room and ask them to please calm down, if they continue to be violent and vulgar towards me I would gag them, I would then make them aware of the warns they will be recieving (staff disrespect, mass rdm) and why, I would then call a senior mod+ and make them aware of the situation and have the person banned for the appropriate  amount of time. 


  8. Your In-game: Phaasma


    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:525687701


    The admin's name in-game: Cat


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): dont know it


    What did the admin do: he abused his power and made false bans and false threats, in the ss you can see that 106 was teleported there and he also teleported dr bright, as well as when people tried to leave he would tp them back. And in the video I only got the second half when I realized he might ban me for nothing so i started recording and you can see that he says im staff dissing when all I was doing was asking why I was warned for player diss, 

    , and he says i was staff dissing right then when you can clearly say anything wrong to him. He also banned one of my buddies phasorb for I believe a week but im not sure. And it was the same case with him he was asking why he was warned, and then cat told him he was staff dissing and he was then banned. 


    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED):



    What do you believe should happen to the admin: It is up to the admins but i dont see him fit for a staff position, with the abuse of power, and the false warns and bans I dont think people like this should represent the staff team.


    Any extra information: no

  9. Your In-game: Phaasma

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:525687701


    The admin's name in-game: Weiss


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): dont know it


    What warning did you receive: player diss 


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 



    Why do you think this warn was false: Well first let me explain what happened, so a person by the name of dragin was near me and i said the joke that tends to go with the word dragin, which i will assume many of you know and well he took that as me making fun of him or that what i assume, well he cuffs me and takes me to security bunks, i was 912 at the time, and someone comes over and his commanding officer comes over and tells him that hes not allowed to cuff me and that he shouldn't get so mad, well any ways we both go our separate ways and I didnt know dragin was near me and I was saying it to myself, i didnt even say it all the way i think the farthest i got into the sentence was like a few words. Anyways im saying the joke to myself and i guess he went and got an admin and i was teleported to them and am told im going to be warned for player diss, I ask why and they say because im "making fun of his name" or something along those lines. I am not given any time to defend my self and I dont think they even asked him for proof or anything. And so yeah i believe i was falsely warned and dont deserve this warn. And i changed my name to "dragon my". Also i was speaking to another staff about this, starr, and he agrees that that did not call for a warn. He also claims that I had been following him and that we had already talked to an admin which we hadn't, which shows that he wasnt being truthful to the staff. Also on my defense his name is from a common joke so i dont see how you can have that name then get mad if someone makes a joke, ok its not like we made the joke out of his name, he made his name out of a joke. So if i cant say that same joke he got his name from then I really just dont see that being fair. 


    Any extra information: I wasnt the only one who was warned for this either. Another person named Phasorb was warned.

  10. +/- they were camping spawn in that clip but that is only 14 seconds, and you say it was 30 min but we have no way of knowing if it really was so i dont see it as that big of a deal, but they were sorta player dissing which i would say calls for a warn.

  11. 4 hours ago, Jakub said:

    Pretty cool idea! My question is: do you time travel when inside the whole? Given that whatever force inside the whole is strong enough to slow down light to a complete stop (assuming that it's slowing light down and not absorbing it like things like vanta black) this has me bamboozled. Assuming that you went in the hole how much slower would you be in relation to the universe and would everything zoom past you in a blink if you consider time dilation?? I am sure someone has though of this before me but whatever power I first thought this scp holds it is much greater than I first imagined. It really would be a buzzkil if the walls of the scp were just coated with some sort of high tech vanta black but the fact that you cannot illuminate any part of the hole including its content kinda proves my theory of it stopping light. 

    Thats a pretty good question, seems like a test for another day 🙂

  12. Lore Name: Phaasma 

    Rank: Junior Researcher 

    SCP: 1162

    Question / Idea: When a tracking device is placed into 1162 will the tracking signal still be traceable or will that be erased from existence?

    Background Research: 

    SCP-1162 is, currently, a hole in the cinderblock wall of Containment Chamber 4 at Site 31. It measures approximately 14.5 centimeters across, and has a variable depth which changes based on the current user. A portion of cinderblock is currently visible through the hole; however, no light source has been able to illuminate any portion of the interior beyond that, the hole always appears to be dark.

    SCP-1162 is activated when a sentient being reaches into the hole to the depth that the girth of their arm allows, at which point their fingers touch a solid surface similar in feel to the current location of SCP-1162, and they discover an item small enough to fit through the hole below their fingertips. These items have universally been recognized as something that the user has lost, or was searching for at some point during their life. However, upon retrieval of the item, another item will vanish from the person of the subject. In addition, any object placed into SCP-1162 will disappear as soon as it is no longer in contact with a person.

    If SCP-1162 is not activated at least once every 168 hours, it will randomly shift location to another stone, concrete, or brick wall or floor within a radius not yet shown to exceed 2000 kilometers. The previous hole remains, but shows no abnormal properties. Attempts to destroy SCP-1162 or view it from behind have caused an immediate shift in location, regardless of the time since the last shift.

    Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the signal will not stay. 

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 

    Begin Log:

    D 29383 is asked to grab the tracking device and to toss it into SCP 1162, the tracking device disappears and so does the tracking signal. (this is decided with a roll). Without the researchers and the security looking D 29383 places his hand into 1162 and grabs the first object he comes into contact with, which was an empty syringe. Only did security and researchers realize he had done so when they heard the screams of D 29383 as his left foot had disappeared as a result of activating 1162. After medical examination D 29383 is given a prosthetic for the time being, after some time D 29383 is brought back to 1162 where he is instructed to reach his hand back into the hole where he then pulled out a shark tooth necklace, and from him his left shoelace was taken. After instructed to place hand into 1162 again D 29383 pulls out a tv remote, stating “ I thought I lost this back in 93.” From his person some lint in his right pocket went missing as a result of activating 1162. No further testing was done. Signal turned out to be inconclusive and no signs of it were found after the tracking device disappeared. 



    Evidence/Visual Stimuli:Gmod.thumb.jpg.483e939d6f3cc1e5ba2622bd02f75943.jpg


    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): In conclusion the signal disappeared and there were no further traces of it after the initial disappearance of the tracking device. 

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct: Yes my hypothesis was correct.

  13. On 2/11/2020 at 11:27 AM, Gunther said:

    For the longest time, we have wanted a new SCP, because the server is kind of boring now, there's nothing new and exciting and for the longest time, every SCP we suggest gets denied, even ones that get heavily +Supported. I've played on this server for 9 months and not a single new SCP has been added. It seems futile to suggest an SCP because it always get denied, and 173 doesn't count because he was on the server before.

    +support yeah i agree it gets boring playing on the same scps over and over again we need something new on the server

  14. On 2/11/2020 at 9:17 PM, gavinsawesome731 said:

    + support 

    Ternith you need to be more conscious when doing events 

    now i dont think anything should get to extreme but i feel a little slap on the knee is required  Like a strike or warn but nothing SERIOUS like removal 


  15. Steam Name: Phaasma

    Ingame Name: Mike

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:525687701

    Job Blacklisted From: 999

    Reason for the Job Blacklist: Teaming with SCP's | Bodyblocking

    Dispute: First of all I would just like to state that I am very sorry for what I did and I shouldn't have done it, I realize my mistake and I regret it deeply. I'm sorry to the people who were affected by my action and if I could take it back I would, but unfortunately I can't and I can only hope that I can be forgiven and given a second chance. I believe I should be white listed for 999 because I have since grown from when I received the warn and have learned from my mistakes. I believe I have matured and started to take RP much more seriously and I will not let it happen again if given a second chance. Thank you and I really do mean it, I'm sorry.

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