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Posts posted by Cloaker

  1. On 6/1/2022 at 11:48 PM, Pure said:

    That was then, it had restrictions but when BOx became DDOP he didn’t care what so even neither did Vendertech or cloaker, it made bio’s stupid asf to the point where I would see crossfire w it

    thanks for the name drop I did care about it I even tried to get bio completely redone, I was the one that raised bio rank requirements, make it more strict, and tried to make it less OP but there's only so much you can do when you have someone that is biased to favor a sub-branch and cares more about bio than the branch it's self. Just because one HCMD made stupid decisions doesn't mean the rest should be dragged down with it.


    As for the report -Support, I could type 500 words on it but I think the other posts have given my general reasoning.

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  2.  In-Game name: Cloaker

     Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:461863232

     ULX Rank: Moderator / Platinum

     What rank are you applying for?: Any rank between CDOP and SARCH (CDOP or DDOP preferred)

     Why should you deserve this position? (300 words minimum):
    I feel I deserve this position because of my history of being able to lead and my reputation in the community. Now you might say just because you were a good command member in a combatant branch doesn't mean that you'll be able to perform the same in a non-combatant branch, and to that, I would agree for the most part but the difference between that and me is that I've also been a non-combatant branch main before in Research and I've also held the position of SVA in R&D. I feel if I was able to be offered a position in R&D I would be able to change the branch for the better overall.  I would go to great lengths to ensure the branch's success. I would actively do PTs, promotions, grade test logs, issue punishments when needed, consult with fellow command, and if eligible do frequent exciting branch updates and ensure the roster is up to date among other things. One of my main goals would be to motivate people in the branch by actively doing giveaways, having more Cross PTs, ensuring people who are active get promoted, taking everyone's input, etc but most of all making sure people are having fun. CI has always been a laid-back branch and that's what attracts a lot of people to join us in the first place but I feel recently we've had some people mixing up being laid-back with not having expectations and this just won't be the case if I was to be able to lead R&D. One especially important thing for me is to reduce the amount of people maining combatant sub-branches, we will always have combatant sub-branches because combat can be fun, but we have research in our branches name for a reason. When it all comes down to it I will always do everything I humanly can for our branch.

     How would you lead your branch? (High Command only, 100 words minimum): My first course of action would be to hold a state of branch meeting with all of R&D Command to get input on any current issues they might want to address and then try to discuss a resolution. The next thing on my goals would be to boost R&D's Morale by adding fun exciting updates to get people to want to flag up and have some fun! I would try to boost our current FTOs performance as well by hosting weekly FTO competitions with an award for the highest placing FTO and also handing the SFTO rank out more commonly. The last thing I'll list is that I would lean off combatant jobs and focus on researcher-style gameplay more as that's what most people want to join the branch for, to do Research RP.

     Give an example of a time where your leadership showed best on this server (100 words minimum): My leadership would have been shown best during my prime when I was an LT-COL and SF Deputy Head in CI Military. Whether it be when I was working with my peers in command on Sub-branches, special promotions (i.e. SFTO, HHS, etc), or just in a raid helping direct the raid party I feel I held a good representation. My leadership has also been shown when I have had to hand out punishments. One thing I prided myself very much in and still do to this day is Branch Relations, I always made sure to communicate and stay in touch with other branches and tried my hardest to ensure that there were no grudges against us or vice versa.

     How active would you be: I'm currently in school so if we're going off a scale I would say I can be around 7/10 on school days and 9/10 on weekends.

  3. In Game Name: Cloaker

    Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:1:461863232

    Discord Name (Bread#0001): Cloaker#7584

    If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): 12 


    When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): November 30, 2019

    Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): Uhh I want to join Nu-7 because it's been a while since I've been on the server and I wanna start playing again. When I last left my grades were dog shit along with other IRL issues but it's all been resolved so I feel I can play more stably now. I'm not sure how active I'm going to be yet which is why I'm not coming off reserves but I can insure that I'll at least hit the activity requirement.

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.):

    CI Military LT-COL

    CI R&D SVA

    Security SM

    Research LR

    E-11 CPL

    Nu7 PFC

    Alpha-1 PVT (original)

    I was also in medical but I don't remember what rank 😔

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yep

    thx for reading ❤️

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  4. This has been on my mind for a while now. Due to IRL taking up almost all my time I can't really find time to play on the server anymore. It's been fun, peace :3


    Skela - Down bad but like, in a good way.

    Enuz - Fuck your shitty music stay mad ong

    Warren - Never gonna forget how surprised I was to hear that Saudi Arabia had a McDonalds lmao

    Fiery - Bro your amazing to talk especially when it comes to the things we have in common. Continue talk to me in Discord pls

    Alexx - Didn't know what BBQ was

    Cosmic - Mozzarella Sauce

    Vindertech - Still remember when you hopped on E4 and we Order 66'd all of CI

    Deuce - Band Kid, Alto #1

    Appel - Remember RDMing you in the RDM Arena when I was a PVT

    Gar - You're doing an amazing job behind the scenes, keep it up

    LukeMario - Never seen so many questionable memes

    Frog - RCT but like also MAJ your a super chill guy best of luck!

    Lee - FTO fucking god, unofficial HFTO. Remember when you trained me for Security in 2019 lol

    Toaster - Minge

    Pills - Maintenance guy, always pissed me off when you said "chocker"

    Kieran - though you were aussie when I first heard you speak ngl, but turns out your a bruv

    Change - Headache

    Vortex - Mained HSU at one point

    New Rowphin - Voice Reveal when

    Dees - Can Deez nutz fit in yo mouth? Fellow Mississippian

    Grey - Trolling is always better when you're around lol

    Tydrix - Try Dicks

    Dick Grayson - Tarkov Addict

    Coltable - Irish accent is non existent

    • Sad 5
  5. bruh the scenario you described could be dealt with by staff


    Upon the reason thermals being activated is handled, the initial activating individual, or a team member if the initial activator has died, must then advert that thermals are being deactivated. This deactivates thermals for all personnel on their team.

    When it comes to thermals being activated only around the person that adverted it I feel this would lead to too much confusion and mistakes -Support

    Now something I would like to see is thermals deactivate after a certain time period (ex: 5/10 minutes)

  6. 7 hours ago, Toasty said:

    Job Name:  MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Apex Unit -> MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark II


    Job Description: The Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark II are units that have been handpicked from HSU: Mark I. They are designated with the task of ensuring all threats towards the facility are dealt with in a swift manner be that from hostile GOI or breached SCPs. HSU: Mark II are granted level 4 clearance in the facility.


    Add models: models/valk/H5/unsc/SPI/Spi.mdl

    Remove models: models/player/suno/hunk/hunk.mdl

    HP: 225->300

    Armor: 225->200

    Job Slots: 3->2

    New Weapons: weapon_doom3_chainsaw, tfa_csgo_nu_7_smoke, tfa_hr_swep_shotgun, tfa_hr_swep_assault_rifle, tfa_hr_swep_srs99

    Remove weapons: tfa_csgo_smoke, tfa_csgo_nova, aw_bal27, tfa_csgo_awp


    Extra Info/Notes: 

    Needs to be able to whitelist “MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark I

    (tfa_hr_swep_srs99) Increase Clip Size: 4 -> 8

    (tfa_hr_swep_assault_rifle) Buff Damage

    I see your trying to create something like Alpha Unit and that's really cool and all but we're treating the HP and Armor on this job like it's monopoly money. To make a comparison real quick Alpha Unit has 300 HP and 200 Armor, the exact amount you're requesting. It's understandable to have strong jobs when there are regulations to them an example being D4 Alpha Unit only being able to enter on a Code Red. If there are regulations put in place for the job that haven't been stated I'm more then happy to hear, but even if there were regulations in place I'd find it only fair for D4 to be able to get a buff and then E4 will need a buff of it's own and you see where the mess happens.

    7 hours ago, Toasty said:

    Job Name: SCP 7101-GL (Level 65+)


    HP: 1000->1500


    Extra Info/Notes:

    Increase Max Health Regeneration: 500 -> 750

    Things SCP-7101-GL and Dolos have in common as of before branch update:

    • 1000 HP
    • Regeneration SWEP (Dolos being worse as it requires him to be frozen vulnerable for 2 minutes to heal)
    • Ability to teleport
    • Hand Picked
    • Requires 12+ of the opposing branch to be online.

    Things SCP-7101-GL and Dolos don't have in common before and after branch update:

    • Dolos taking an hour to attempt to get again whether you win or lose and requiring a high effort raid to obtain.
    • SCP-7101-GL having 15 minute NLR and being able to flag up through without interruption.
    • Dolos having an assassin knife that insta taps but with a 1 minute cooldown after each stab (counts missing swings).
    • SCP-7101-GL having a sword it can spam doing high damage
    • Dolos requiring 85+ players online
    • SCP-7101-GL requiring 75+ players online

    I'd say 7101 has the advantage already here, unless there's something I missed I don't see a reason for a buff.

    -Support to everything mentioned in my reply everything else seems fine yet my opinion is subject to change.

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