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  1. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: JR Malzahar, MTF █████ and Security SGT ██████. Ammount of D Class personnel involved: 2 SCP: 457 Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP 457 kills both D Classes and manages to breach. Question: Will SCP 457 agree to make a deal with JR Malzahar in exchange for fuel? / How his flames works and what can make it grows larger or become smaller. Background Research: SCP 457 is always looking for fuel and is willing to kill anyone to quench his "hunger" for fuel. Hypothesis: SCP 457 will first hear the deal, and then, after both D Classes enters the CC, he will then ignore the deal I made with him and kill both of them. Observation: Before introducing the D Class Personel, I asked him a few questions. First I asked how did he feel about humans, he answered "anger", saying that he wants to kill everyone, in a very short and direct answer. Then I asked how did he feel about fuel, he answered "it burns, I like". After that, I asked what did he feel about water, he didn't see to know what it means, so MTF █████ was introduced in the CC with a water and foam fire extinguisher and instructed to use it on the SCP. After the MTF left, I then asked again how he felt about water, he didn't answer. Lastly I asked if his flames need some kind of fuel or nutrition to grow or if he was in charge of control, he responded that he manifest his flames whenever he wants, and that he could expand his flames as much as he want to. After all the questions, I tried to make a deal with him, saying that if he only killed one of the D Classes I was about to introduce to him, I was going to provide fuel for him later. He agreed, and then the subjects were introduced in the CC. They were scared, I instructed one of them to get closer, and then SCP 457 ignited the D Class, setting him on fire, while the other stayed terrified in the corner. When he finally killed one of them, he became bigger and it was possible to see an humanoid shape, but still invisible, this form can only be seem due the shape of the flames. Afterwards, he didn't kill the other one, but stayed some time looking at him, like if he wanted to kill him. Some time later he came back to the glass that was separating us, waiting for me to give him what I promised to. Whe gave him a bunch of rags, but he refused to take it. He came to the glass and said "the humam... I want". I refused to give him the other subject and he immediately became larger and more agressive towards me, saying one more time in a deep voice "HUMAN". He trusted me, and I wanted him to keep trusting on me for further research, so I had to do what was necessary to keep his trust. I took the Class D out and told the MTF and the Security Sargeant to put the rags to his body and throw some [DATA EXPUNGED] on him, and then reintroduce him in the CC. The SCP attacked the subject, and after killing him, refused to cooperate again and started searching arround for a way out of the CC. I activated the fire sprinklers and the guards were introduced in the chamber with the fire extinguishers. SCP 457 became smaller once again and stood still untill the end of the research. Analysis and Conclusion: It's unsafe to say that SCP 457 could be used as a weapon, due to his agressive behaviour, he could agree in helping the Foundation, and after he leaving his chamber, try to escape from the facility. More tests and researchs should be done with SCP 457. The test was successful and we made progress towards weaponizing SCP 457. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No, before the test I thought that he was not going to listen me first, but then I was surprised when he agreed in only killing one D Class. This showed me that besides his anger towards humanity, he can do something for us in exchange for fuel. As said before, more test should be made inside his CC to make sure he is trustful. Approved by the Director of Research and Security and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05. Secure, Contain, And Protect.
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