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Iron Viper

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Posts posted by Iron Viper


    What is your In Game Name? Yohan 

    What is your In Current Rank? Head Agent

    What is your Agent Name? Death Guard

    How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? Month in a bit 

    Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words]  I have been an NCO and fell like it's time to take the next step in Inferno squad the reason why i want to be an officer is that i want to have more responsibility and it would allow me to make more fun Sims PT trainings happen with the position that comes with being a junior Squad lead another reason why is i want to take more members under my wig and show them the ropes of IF what not to do what to do in seitan scenarios and over all just give them the best IF experience their is to have. and when they are just idling about the ship i can give them small missions to do that will help encourage more people to see this battalion and when they see what we are doing and i just want to over all better this battalion and make it the Best battalion more popular the the 501st or what ever their is i want to give this branch a new and rich experience that no other branch has done 

    How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank?  [100+ Words] as an member of command i am more than willing to help with new ways to improve our battalion with new jobs sub branches and new ideas moving forward and im alos not botherd with doing the roster work as no offence it seams to take a while to get done so if you want just send me the required names and where they need to be moved up or down if needed also meeting notes do tend to take a few days to get posted so if you want i can start takeng them down so they get posted on time as well as i just want to introduce some new Ideas that over all could help IF grow so much with an plan i have been working on where we have a google doc type of thing and have people fill it out however first everyone will need to have a Code to put in just so we know who they are when filling out a check in or logging an try-out have it all in one place and have thing more smooth 

    How many strikes do you have? none

    Do you have any prior experience in being an officer/leading? If so explain. Im senior command in the SCP server my rank is the equivalent to a COL , i was the head of the first EOI operation, i was an RG tick 4 and im an member of echelon 4 in the SCP server C2 Bibitor   

    What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Officer Team? Dedication loyalty a calm attitude and also i can make any situation a little more relaxed when im around due to my grate skill of not allowing bullshit in my presence but the main thing i bring to the table is you wont find another IF like me for one reason im easy to get along with and the fact that i show respect to everyone my seniors those that are lower ranked than me i show respect to all    

  2. +SUPPURT 

    grate worked i've worked with him in the SCP server one of if not the best members their was i can say with a shred of hesitation you want him in NCO he can handle the work and hes Active as hell and from my time in IF hes on regular he dose as told and has common sense get this man in NCO it would be a waist to not have him

    -Head Agent Blood Raven   

  3. What is your In Game Name? Yohan

    What is your In Current Rank? Advanced Agent

    What is your Agent Name? Blood Raven

    How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? i have been in IF for about 4-5 weeks, in the past i was a Senior Agent back then i was in IF for about 2 months

    Why Do You Want To Become An NCO? [100+ Words] I want to help IF grow and by being an NCO i can help do just that from my time in IF i have only met 3 NCOs and by allowing me to join the NCO team of Inferno Squadron it will give me the opportunity to make this branch much much larger and make it more fun for agents to play on and i know as a former NCO in inferno i have the skills and requirements needed to lead the other members be that in combat or just idol in the ISD and my capability to lead is one of my best skills and over all i want to be an NCO to better my self in this branch and help others that are new to the branch

    How could you assist Inferno Squad with this rank?  [50+ Words]

    How many strikes do you have? on the imperial server 0 on the SCP one 3 warns

    Do you have any experience being an NCO/leading? If so explain. i was a NCO in IF in the past i was the rank of Senior Agent back then i was known as High Lander, with my time in RG i was a Royal Guard III which is an NCO 

    What Qualifications could you bring to the Inferno Squad NCO Team? loyalty, experience, dedication, and over all my best qualification would be the fact that i can make others feel welcome and over all i can make IF a more friendly for others that are in

  4. ok so here me out instead of him only being able to kill when his cover is about to be blown he should be allowed to assassinate high foundation members such as foundation senior command this still prevents Dr Maynard form going on a mass RDM run but allows maynard to still be able to preform chaos and give mtf something to lookout for     

  5. In Game Name: Yohan

    Steam ID (STEAM_0:1:197150863)

    Squadron you are Applying for (Analyst):

    Current RP Ranks Held:CI RND EARCH, AR foundation Research, E4 (C4) EOI (L2)

    If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: n/a

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here:


    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof)20220128_232347.jpg

    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I want to Join RRH to have an brand new Experience and to and enjoy a new rich experience

    Why should we accept you: I'm a Loyal and dedicated member of the community and and grate with others and i enjoy taking on a challenge with my time in CI I have shown my dedication. i have grate team work skills and over all i am able to work with anyone im required to I'm always looking for new ways to preform tests and get to. and being in RRH is what I need to grow as a member of this community RRH is a stepping stone for me to grow. and I would love to learn form others and the lore of RRH this would be a great chance for me and RRH and to improve myself, the main reason to why you should select me for Red Right Hand is that i have the best skills and time on this server for the job and i think you would be missing out if you were to not have me not only that i have proven my self worthy of being in E4 twice now and in general I always commit to anything I do or that I'm told to do  

    (There is not a word requirement, however a one-two sentence application will likely get denied)

  6. SCP 3008 the infinite Ikia 

    Chaos Agents involved no names shall be used only callsigns 


    Date ███████ 18th  2021, 

    Location Site-██ 

                                                  Begin Log

    we have Just launched an Attack on Containment Site-██ We have secured the Site and we are jamming all communications out the Site soon we will have killed the rest of the Site's Staff,

    3Hours have passed 

    We have just rounded up the last survivors of the assault and we will be sending them back to CI 37th Cell in new York for holding for the time being we have secured SCP 3008 and we are preparing to send a large Squad into the IKIA how ever results show that the name the infinite IKIA is no joke we are equipping the Alphas with radios and heavy weapons for every 2 we send one will be equipped with an M249 LMG R&D Agents will be sent in 2 hours after the Military Alphas have set up a Base camp USSR and Viper will lead the first squad through checkout and into the kitchen Isle meanwhile Bloodhound, Vox and Firefox will take the remaining military and R&D Agents to one of the main tribes in the Ikia they were last spotted raiding a tribe in the Hardware Isle they seam to hold a large population and have a good knowledge of where other tribes are.

    Time 5:40 the First squad have reported in they have encountered an Unknown entity inside the SCP they say that it is neutral long arms they look like employs but they had no facial features One alpha thought it would be a grate Idea to fire on the entity it was able to take multiple rounds to the head and chest before it fell to the ground when it died more entity's approached the team however they just surrounded the body before they could the alpha who shot it was ordered to take an hand from the entity for later study, when they were leaving the entity's were attracted to the alpha who had the Hand he was ordered to toss the hand in a different isle he did and the entity's were drawn to it. 

    At Base camp, we have built up the camp using anything they could find in the Isle be it washing machines dishwashers cupboards just anything they could use they did around an 20 Minutes a member from the hardware tribe came to investigate the appearance of a new tribe as they called it one of the R&D agents spoke to him at grate length the tribes man introduced himself and Dova he was given this name by his chief. he told them how the staff became hostile whenever the store shuts and that the doors to the outside world shut from the inside. 

    Closing hours, time is 8PM the Staff have become hostile all CI agents have arrived at the base camp and are all preparing for a long attack they must hold out till 7:50 when the store opens the staff have become more hostile and aggressive they were reported to be trying to tare down the fort factions to the base camp.


    time 7:50 the CI agents made it through the night however suffered mass casualties Vox bloodhound and Viper were all KIA in the hold out from the staff over all many of the staff body parts were taken as samples for R&D to research further the site was abandoned and MTF E11 moved in to secure the site no trace of our presence was left 

    End of log 

  7. Lore Name:Yohan

    Question / Idea: If a class D has no eyes and thermals will 966 be effected 
    Hypothesis: even if the class D has no eyes 966 will not be effected

    Observations (What Happened During Test):1 class D with thermal goggles was placed into SCP 966 holding cell after which the thermals were activated, during this time 966 was not visible and approximately 1 minute 30 seconds later 966 became hostile and attacked the class D Killing the d class in the prosses   

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): D class terminated by 966
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: negative 

  8. Lore Name:Yohan
    Rank: JA

    this is a follow up on the previous test on SCP 513

    A single class D was taken to med bay after ringing scp 513 when in the medbay class D was scared due to the Entity when in the medbay his Eyes were removed to see if the SCP would still effect him his eyes were removed with and ice-cream scooper. the class D was unable to see the entity so after having his his eyes removed he was free from the entity MTF then took the class D for unknown use  

  9. Lore Name:Yohan

    Question / Idea: can we stop seeing 513 after the bell is rung and how can we do it?
    Background Research: background research shows when 513 is rung scp 513-A will begin to haunt the victim 
    Hypothesis: Blindfolding or removing the vision from the subject will 513 be able to appear  

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 1 Class D rung SCP 513 he was then instructed to describe the SCP so he knew what to look out for we have been told on his appearance that SCP 513 is, he is pale has no legs extremely thins with protruding bones ,wait he has legs now, male this is how class D 7263 described the entity. a blindfold was placed over the class D's head and in doing so he was unable to see the SCP further testing will see if removing the Eyes will have the same effect 
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): in conclusion by removing site from the class D he was unable to see the entity but after the blindfold was removed the class D saw the entity acting more aggressive  
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: my hypothesis was correct and has need of further research

    Foundation Junior Researcher Yohan Signing out.

    ~~## File End##~~  

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  10. the Date is 1996 in Scotland place of birth [REDACTED] at the age of 5 Yohan was not like the other kids who would go out and start fights instead he would spend time in his late fathers study reading on bio chemistry and the abnormal by the age of 10 he had amassed a large thirst for knowledge which caused him to leave his home in [REDACTED] in search of it. his travels took him all around the country allowing him to meet other grate minded individuals when he was around the age of 15 he came in contact with his first Anomaly it was a small radio that allowed him to hear any communication on any frequency after a month had past of him finding it he found a new frequency that was in use by the foundation he spent hours listening in on them to see what they were doing and if he should be a part of them however it didn't take the foundation long to find out that they had someone listening in on them an unknown MTF Squad at the time was sent out to find the on who had hacked into their comms that what they thought they never expected a small fifteen year old to the one they were looking for it took them two years to find him and in that time he had learned everything they was to know about the SCP foundation when the MTF stormed his Home (an alleyway) they could not bilevel that this boy was the one who had got been listening in on them they took him to site 0-5 where he was interrogated by an MTF in blue armour, out of fear he had to lie about his name when they asked who he was Yohan responded with Davy when they asked about how he was able to listen in on them he told them about the radio and how it worked this radio was later taken away by MTF Epsilon 6 the village idiots. around this time the foundation allowed Davy at the time to work for Gensec the security force in the foundation however it wouldn't be long till he betrayed the foundation, 2 years after working in the foundation davy had the respect of many in the foundation but on one fateful day everything would change. Alarms begun to ring out in the site a GOI raid was spotted and they were out for blood it wouldn't take them long to get to LCZ as mtf were busy dealing with SCP 682 the GOI ran right past them letting 682 slaughter them all when they got into D block they started to gun us all down some tried to fight back but it was hopeless Davy in understanding that these men hated the foundation as much he did when they were leaving he followed them to their HQ an member of delta command came out shotgun in hand and demanded to know why he was their he said to him " I FUCKING HATE THE FOUNDATION I WAS TAKEN AGAINS MY WILL, i saw how you gunned them all down with no mercy I have been trying to get away from them for years so i want to join your GOI" the delta was baffled that a member of the foundation would revolt like this the delta took him in and asked so who are you "i was Davy but that was a fake name who am i? my name is Yohan" the delta took him in and trained him for combat as well as for how to preform un ethical tests on hostages. when word got out that a chaos insurgency cell was on the door step of site 0-5 MTF E11 nine tailed fox was sent in to kill them all many of the CI at the time were killed but as for yohan and a few others made a run for it and met up with a new Insurgency cell at site 10. his time was short their as he met some new faces their one man who he became good friends with his name was Tackie callsign ALPHA, they got along well as to the point where tackie took yohan under his wing and taught him the more advanced combat skills. their was a few people he knew from site o5 that made it out alive their was Apple and Atlas at the time they were just some guys that I had worked with but my god they were some of the best guys i could of ever met. we were at site 10 for about 4 months before it all went to shit we had sent in a raid party to get SCP 682 so we could use its skin to make better armour but it breached containment and the site was forced to use the alpha warhead to blow it all to fuck so we lost a lot of good men that day but we had to keep moving if we were to stop the MTF would find us and kill us. we were on the move for 4 weeks when we made to it our current base of operations site 50. we have been here for almost 6 months witch in a sense is a fucking record me atlas and apple claimed the ranks of RND with Apple becoming the Director of Operations and Atlas is now in senior command me well I'm just getting started my thirst for knowledge has only been wetted and i know theirs more out their for me to learn and experiment on.   

  11. Questions 
    In Game name: CI R&D ARCH Yohan Broke
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:197150863

    ULX Rank: Platinum 

    What rank are you applying for?: Deputy Director of Operations

    Why should you deserve this position? When it comes to this branch i would call it my second home i have made so many good memories and i want the opportunity to take the step where i can show everyone that im worthy of being in this branch. i love this branch and everyone that's apart of it the new enlisted the older once the new command and the retired ones all of them have made me want to push my self and prove my self and with this i know that i can safely say that i Fucking did it not only that i have come to know many of my pears and i know some of their struggles and with this position i know for a fact that i can help them. ive been in RND for about a year and a half the first run i had i got to Chef Inspector then i left for a bit and came back and moved up the ranks gaining respect and Loyalty and now with this i will have the opportunity to make things right within this branch. I have shown my ability to lead others from my last run with CI and now i have had the opportunity to lead my very own sub branch with the EOI an Idea that has been their since the Neo was the Director and even then i never gave up on an Idea even though times have been hard we have always pushed through and found greener pastures and i can say with confidence that right now R&D need a Hands on man someone who will get the nitty gritty shit done now rather than later, even with the position their will be the one thing that i feel like is the most important thing for this branch communication with Delta command it is so vital the low and senior command and with the passing of information it would allow this branch to run so much more smooth. if i was was able to have this position i would give more free range to senior command and low due to the fact that they are now in the stage where they need to make some bold moves which i would love to see them take the next big step to getting their name out in RND. the opportunities that they would have access to would be almost limitless i would want my command to have the power to make their own calls on what they think is the right course to take and i wouldn't want to rob them of the opportunity.

    How would you lead your branch? (High Command only, 100 words minimum) I would lead this branch with a calm and level head and work to get the respect of my fellow command. of course not showing any mercy to toughs who feel like they can try and destroy the branch within. but also by making sure that RND has a say in who get's moved up over all i want to lead with respect and cast aside the buddy buddy shit IDC who you are if you deserve a promotion you get what you deserve, the whole if your friends BS is over and ill end it myself if i must

    Give an example of a time where your leadership showed best on this server (100 words minimum): the time where my leader ship was the best it would have to be right around the time the EOI was introduced i was on point making it fun for players to be on this job not only that it helped get new recruits the thought of being a spy. aswell as my time in in military where i had led many successful raids i would say that i have the loyalty of those who work with me and against me i would say that my time in E11 has allowed my to game new skills a member of command and how to better help my enlisted .

    How active would you be: 10 out of 10: im on the server everyday doing my part to make sure everyone can feel included and im free 24/7  plus im GMT so im able to be on a lot more that others 

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