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Iron Viper

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Posts posted by Iron Viper

  1. Name -  Iron viper 

    Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:197150863

    Discord Name -Nurgle

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  - former CI,NU7,CI R&D, 

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) -  3 warns one for RDM,NLR,fail RP  

    Why do you want to join Delta-5?  D5 seem to be at the moment, relatively relaxed and more calm compared to some other branches and  ive yet to do a full D5 run

    Why should we let you into Delta-5?  the reason why you should allow me to join is, when it comes to don't as requested. when it comes to keeping a friendly relation with others im rather good at keeping people calm and on task, I'm first one in last out I would also like to use this time if allowed into the branch to focus on the FTO side of the branch, even though D-5 is a combat branch it wouldn't hurt to bring so RP elements into the branch.  to what they might be time will tell, despite that i lean more to the side of RP that dose not mean i am not able to hold my own in combat nor do i run from blood shed

  2. 1.Name: Yohan

    2. Current and former RP ranks: CI 1LT(former) RND EARCH(Former) E11 CPL(Former) NU7 MSGT Current, CI RND SIN current.

    3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197150863

    4. DiscordID: #6112

    5. What command rank are you applying for?  1LT

    6. Why do you want to be Nu7 command: I want to join NU7 command due to the fact that i enjoy the people that are in the branch and their are many times where their have been outstanding members that sadly don't get the proper praise they deserve the reason why i want to join command is so that i can say that their effort is being noticed. as well as the fact that i have never been an MTF command member and i would love the challenge that it brings as for me it's an opportunity to try something new and with the amount of time that i have on this server that's a rather hard thing for me to do as i have done most things but MTF command it's unknown to me it's a challenge i must have overall the main reason is u just want to be useful and give others a helping hand when they need it the chance to show the new members of nu7 the ropes and get them well adjusted to where things are and give them the proper information that is needed to ensure that the job is done.

    7. What can you offer as a member of Nu7 command: as a member i can offer new out of the box ideas as well as a shift in branch relations due to knowing other members of mostly all the other branches in the server my ability to help not only fix branch relations but also improve them it's an opportunity to help the branch as whole, another thing I can offer is my loyalty as many other people know im well trusted and most people know im not one for bullshit i get shit done and i dont waist time if you ask me to do something i'll get it done and i wont make a half ass shit job if you want shit done do like you are the one asking for it dont matter how small and i feel that i have more to offer if you give me the opportunity to show just how valuable i can be to NU7.

  3. In Game Name: Yohan
    Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:1:197150863
    Discord Name splatrat#6112
    If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.):
    When did you start playing on SCP-RP? 3 warns LTAP RMD FRP

    Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): i want to jon nu7 mainly because i like what NU7 do they deal with the SCP and CI they get shit done and it looks like a fun job so it would be nice to join in and help out where i can, in CI im good at killing and not fucking about (that much) dont get me wrong i enjoy a laugh but i can be serious when needed combat wise i would say that it's a perfect fit for me seeing as i know how to hold my own 

    If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.):n/a

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): CI Former mil 1LT Former RND EARCH, former E11 CPL, Former [REDACTED] current ci CPT PVT i shit you not

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: yes

    Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7?  nah

  4. Name - Steam ID -STEAM_0:1:197150863

    Discord Name-splatrat#6112

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) CI PVT CPT-yes it is look.

     -List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) 2 one for LTAP a year ago fail rp and a RDM

    -Why do you want to join Delta-5? the only MTF branch that ive not given a try and wwould be interesting to have a foundation life

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? as said above D5 is the only MTF branch that i have not try'd out and i want to know what it's like in this branch when it comes to combat i would say im more able than most seeing as i worked with [REDACTED] so i would like to think i can hold my own and when it comes to doing Actual RP i know im one of the best being in RND senior command comes in cluch once again. but yes i know the rules and do's and dont's and as many will tell you im very chill and i'll always give me assistance and opinion 

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? I do 

    If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!

  5. im just going to say this and that me done with this shit it's a waist of time and the fact that people are still going on is bothering me at most so i am just going to say this, this is my opinion so take it with some salt In the past my experience with HCMD has been less than pleasant. now dont get me wrong all RND high command have went through this phase where they are Active as fuck then slowley over time that will drop now i understand that you got roster shit to do and that but like just by talking to Senior command and low command even the enlisted it gose a long fucking way and ive only seen this be done 3 to 4 times now. so their is a lack of communication its a fucking online server thats to be expected and shit. However i will not stand for laziness and over all a complete disregard for for others who were involved now i have said my thoughts and i still stand by them like i said show me some prof that proves me wrong and ill shut up. now dont get me wrong all of the previous DDOPS and CDOPs have done some good work some more so but just because you get to that point you need to understand theirs going to be anger or just pure disrespect. and yeah i was angry i thought it was BS. but that's my opinion plain and simple    

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  6. In Game Name:  Yohan

    Steam ID (STEAM_0:1:197150863)

    Squadron you are Applying for (Analyst):

    Current RP Ranks Held: Arch CI, E11 RCT, Research AR

    If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: N/A

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logsCI R&D Arch Yohan Off Site Test Log - CI Research Projects - Gaminglight Forums - GMod Community.url


    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) no warns have been added since the taking of this photo20220128_232347.thumb.jpg.ad47c15fd8a7c4cac30e923cb6493580.jpg 

    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I Want to join RRH again due the the passion i have for what they are im intrested about learning more about them and their interactions with other foundation personnel and i also want to be able to make my test logs more in-depth when doing tests. As an CI main I almost never if rairley get the chance to test on some of the other SCPs and this is one of the reasons why i want to join RRH my fascination with doing very complex test logs

    Why should we accept you: Why should we accept you: I'm a Loyal and dedicated member of the community and and grate with others and i enjoy taking on a challenge with my time in CI I have shown my dedication. i have grate team work skills and over all i am able to work with anyone im required to I'm always looking for new ways to preform tests and get to. and being in RRH is what I need to grow as a member of this community RRH is a stepping stone for me to grow . and I would love to learn form others and the lore of RRH this would be a great chance for me and RRH and to improve myself, the main reason to why you should select me for Red Right Hand is that i have the best skills and time on this server for the job and i think you would be missing out if you were to not have me not only that i have proven my self worthy of being in E4 twice now and in general I always commit to anything I do or that I'm told to do

  7. 2 hours ago, enuz 💣 said:

    then why did the same thing happen with box and all you put reported him to site admin?

    because he wasn't on and was ghosting us and SA. and how he wasn't on the server. look i just felt like at the time it was unfair how a known minge and someone who wasn't even RND was able to get the position of DDOP it makes no sense.  "Box and Cloaker both got promoted "and we all were under the impression that box would have someone to back him up. But you know when you get left alone and you cant rely on any snr command, what do you expect. " just want to point out that both of them never held our command meetings it was senior command and who usually had to make the calls, Atlas kept the branch alive with the amount of training's that he did, so i'm going to be sticking with what i have said till i get the evidence.

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  8. im just going to say this the main reason why RND is in this state the now is due to previous high command wathin the branch and them not helping the branch now i hole harted love this branch,  and Neo chose to come back to help us but with what he had to fix it was a problem he had never had to deal with so i cant blame him he actually tryed to help but other CDOPs did nothing in the slightest to help so right now RND is not at it's best but it's no where near it's worst ive seen this branch in a very dark place and we allways bounce back this happens every year. and not even that know what fuck it ill say this when it came to that application for high command that was not a fair selection that shit was you had to be on good terms ill say that ether you were buddy with Enuz! and then we had Fiery our last CDOP who did nothing to help whats so ever so buck in short i think you have wrote of RND a bit to fast neo only just left and ngl we did fine with out neo here and i can say for a fact that we will bounce back better than ever. and see when we have a good high command we can do grate things like take the EOI back when neo was CDOP he said the EOI would never happen NEVER then we had a new CDOP and the whole branch poped of. and as much as i dont want to say this but like the way some people got high command back then was not fair in the slightest take box (no offence) his application was not the best he had a habbit of being a minge he was not in command long however he was friends with Enuz then gets it. now how the fuck that make any seance then look at senior command at the time they were in the branch the longest they har the respet of the branch at the time it was corupt as fuck and im a tad disappointed that i didnt speak out. and i think that the the main reason why we are loseing players is that the server is an RP server but it's now going to more of a fucking pure PVP with rp on the side this server. 

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  9. Hello Inferno this is JSL Death Guard here ready to make my final call to you guys and im going to be very honest with you guys, so when i first joined the imperial server i was an member of the Purge but i wanted something more and that's where you guys came in i want to thank all of you for being with me and allowing me to have this much fan will all of you i'm going to tell you guys straight up that no mater what dont stop trying till you get to where you want to be like this battalion is where i belong with RP and combat based i felt right where I belong and i just want to give a few shout outs 

    Ted- thanks man you latterly took me under your wing and showed me how to be an effective Officer of inferno so you will allways have my thanks 

    Bad Apple (Cecil) know this must be annoying having to see another resignation post from me but hay it ess what it ess  you were my boi in the SCP server and you became my boi on this one so you out of everyone you got the most respect 

    and just to pay my respect to the those that know where i came from you all ready know what im going to say "LET THEIR BE CHAOS!"

    so with that being said this is Yohan of the Inferno Squad Signing out it was an Honour to stand with all of you in battle 

    Fair well Lads and time to start my new journey into the British Army 

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