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Posts posted by ThiccMilk

  1. In-Game Name: Swole

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:178913412

    What is your ULX Rank?: Diamond

    What is your RP Rank?: SGT(E11) .

    What is your timezone?: PDT.

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 7. I know what their characteristics, traits, and nicknames. 

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner?: No.

    How Active are you? (1/10): 7 (Depends on my workload on weekdays).

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 1. For trapping humans. Not so sure how I got it I was never pulled in or teleported to.

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: Why you should allow me to be an Event Team Member is for many reasons. I have a very decent knowledge of SCPs on this server. Knowing what is right or wrong, I have been on this server long enough to know. I main reason why I want to be in the event team is that I have seen other Event team members do great events and some with an interesting twist to the SCP lore. Example: The Area 51 event on Sep. 20th. That event was god tier, weird (but in a good way), and very, very fun. I want to do events like that where people can have fun and not be so bored all the time, standing around in their posts or staying inside base doing nothing productive. I want to make events where people can RP more, be more involved with the community, meet more people, and think that this server is fun and they will come back another day to play again. Making other people's lives not seem so boring is my intention. I have seen so many event team members do such a magnificent job at what they are doing and I want to do the same thing. I love this server and I want everyone to love the server as much as I do. It is the reason why I got a diamond rank and join E11. This server would have been very stale and boring if not for the Event team. I will be willing to help and do events and help those who need help with other events.

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): The event I have in mind is SCP-2396 a female humanoid, approximately 2.5m tall and weighing 101kg. SCP-2396 is identical to a baseline female human in appearance, with the exception of naturally occurring pink hair and irises. The words "Ms. Sweetie, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment" are tattooed along the outside of SCP-2396's left thigh. It will be contained inside temp Euclid. If not given food what contains any sugar it start feeling intimidate pain. You can RP with this since you would have to give food to the woman. Its' standard blood sugar rate is ~400 mg/dL. It is way over the normal limit for the average person, it will experience types of hyperglycemia, starting to suffer from constant headaches and blurred vision. Despite its consumption of food, SCP-2396 does not exhibit any excretory bodily functions or change in weight. The SCP can get on with the RP as well.Any male in a certain radius will slowly go away from SCP-2396 if in contact of SCP-2396 it will go into a diabetic coma. It will create SCP-2396-A sugar that is in the form of hard candy. After a while the male who has been in contact with SCP-2396 will turn into SCP-2396-B. SCP-2396-B gets an increase in blood sugar levels, sometimes exceeding 600 mg/dL, many who come into contact with SCP-2396-A are immobilized immediately by the rapid increase in blood sugar. Over a period of up to twelve hours, the individual's flesh, fluids, and bone are, through an unknown process, converted into hard candy which replicates and molds the body, causing the individual to become an instance of SCP-2396-B. SCP-2396-B instances take the form of large humanoid constructs and, rarely, unicorns. Once an SCP-2396-B entity has been fully converted, it will make way toward SCP-2396 and attempt to breach its containment. SCP-2396-B entities show a strong resistance toward blunt-force trauma and exhibit abnormal strength. SCP-2396-B entities will attack any male-identified individuals in their line of sight. SCP-2396-B entities follow any commands given by any female-identified individual, including orders to stand down, and are most easily terminated with fire, whether through incinerator or flamethrower. 2396 ceases production of SCP-2396-A and its effect on male-identified individuals when it has not ingested sugar for longer than 48 hours. At this time, its blood sugar level stays at a constant 10 mg/dL. Due to the similarity between the effects of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia as exhibited in SCP-2396, the object is unable to recognize the difference when given a similar amount of artificial sugars.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes

    What is your favorite SCP? Why? SCP-1756: At The Movies

    SCP-1756 is a DVD player that doesn’t function like your average DVD player in that instead of playing the movies on the disc you put into it, it plays the Siskel and Ebert review of the movie, as recorded for their classic TV series At The Movies. This, however, is only the beginning. If you put in a DVD of a movie that came out after the show was cancelled or Gene Siskel died, they will still sit there and talk about it as if they’ve just seen it for the programmer, even though they never did. It gets better. All the episodes shown via SCP-1756 seemingly take place during the 1990’s era of the show, ergo they will still talk about the movie as if it came out during that time period even if it came out decades later.

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