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Posts posted by Sogieeeeeee

  1. 22 hours ago, Travar said:

    +Support  This man has  proven to be mature, well in combat, good at RP, as well as having the ability to fulfill the roles of a RRH.  He clearly deserves a chance at this and would fit well into RRH.


  2. 2 minutes ago, Dragin said:

    Mike the issue is that ash was no standby at all he is responsible for posting a video that he knew was bullying and basically making fun of jeff which is bullying makes him just as responsible 

    he cant say were not hacking?

    also saying rip jeff on the title has nothing to do with bulling

  3. +/- 

    he did bully you

    but theres no proof regarding it

    ik it was terminated but theres no way of telling if he did it

    also saying we we werent hacking isnt player diss

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