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Posts posted by Killer.

  1. What you want to see? - The suggestion is to make it so donation ranks have an XP boost, kinda like how ImperialRP has it. Plat would get like a 3x Boost, Diamond would get a 2.5x Boost, Gold would get 2.0x, Gold would get 1.5. and staff would get like a 2.0 (kinda how Imperial does it) but the percentages can always change to however SMT feels fit.

    Why should we add it? -  SMT should add this because it would add a perk to donating, ImperialRP already has it (unless they got rid of it) but it would be a good fit since levels don't really improve anything besides new jobs that are fun to play.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It would help people level up faster and would convince some people to donate for higher ulx ranks.

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content -  N/A

  2. 23 hours ago, Don Jon said:


    -Nicest ST I've met


    -I have watched Herman lead like 10 mingy STs into cooperating with him.

    -Respects other battalions and takes care of STs that are causing problems quickly.

    -Amazing HVYAL.

    I honestly think Herman has worked hard enough for ST and I know he will continue to work hard. I can see Herman become SNR Commander someday and I hope I'm there to see it.

    Good luck man. 

    ~Squad Lead Don Jon


  3. 27 minutes ago, Max Holland said:

    + support 



    staff experience 

    overall, Soul has definitely cleaned his image up a lot and for sure deserves a spot in staff!! 

    To add onto what Max said, Soul is also Mature.

  4. -Support

    In the video, you can clearly see Tony on YOUR CAR with his gun out aiming at Raze and I had my Dragunov out then pulled out my cuffs to cuff him, Plus in the MOTD it clearly states

    "If Government has you under FearRP and goes to cuff you. (Puts gun away, pulls out cuffs and starts placing you in cuffs.) You may not attempt to harm or further evade that police officer. 

    For Example: An officer has a suspect under FearRP and right when the officer pulls out cuffs to arrest the suspect, the suspect cannot pull out a gun or run away." 

    Also with the "Bias" Claim, Frog is also a senior admin which Senior admins are clearly not bias, and if they were "bias" they would not be at a rank right before JMT. Frog also took the sit, due to no staff being on and the sit was called on "Other" not SYP Raze, as I could not find your name. He took the sit not knowing it's going to be on a SYP member so there's obviously no bias.

    Not To mention, before this warning RaZe has done the same exact thing around 2-3 times, but never clipped it. 1 Hour before RaZe did this, he also was peeking outside a gen store (his body was outside on my screen) shooting at gov. Then maybe like a hour and a half before this, Raze also deleted a car for having the SYP Skin. Which from what I've heard, SMT has said you can use the skins no matter what.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention this, but in the Sit you said "You couldn't see Tony on the car" but now looking at the screenshot that zero provided for us, you have a very far shoulder view on. In the clip from my POV you can see in the corner with only third person, and from your POV your shoulder view would go towards Tony. (Clip for reference) https://medal.tv/clips/45202368/d1337lPt2MaP [AT 15 SECONDS] You can see Tonyy on your car with his gun out, and with your shoulder view being right side and you facing me Tony would be on your right. Basically you lied to staff during the sit, saying you "couldn't see him" when obviously your shoulder view goes RIGHT Towards him...

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