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Posts posted by Cryolast

  1. Hi  everyone,

    I've been with security for over a year now and have seen this branch grow and evolve. Though no matter what I try to do to improve myself and this branch, it doesn't seem to be enough. I've been MAJ 4 times now and I don't see the point of trying anymore. Yes, this branch is will always be in my heart as a platform and I've met a lot of friends on but if I'm never going to progress I don't see a point. I've had such a good time on this server but I think I am going to find something else to spend my time on.

    There's been a lot of people that I have met and had fun with but these are the people who have especially made my time favorable:

    Rang: My first ever experience with you was when I was SO and you hosted a meeting as HOS and I had no clue what you were saying due to your mic quality. Going to miss you 🙂

    Matricies: you have always been a really good leader and I really hope you make it even further in this server.

    All my past HOS: (Rang, Mat, War gamer, Krafty, Twosix) You guys were so fun to get to know and even if most of you don't play on this server anymore I hope you guys are all doing well

    Killaz: I don't have a big forehead. That's you.

    JJWICK: Your uh oh stinky jokes got old really fast lol

    Jared Fogle and Canned Bread: You guys were my first close friends on this server and Im finally joining   you at the farm

    Sinnik and alpha: Good luck, you'll need it.

    Mind Stone: Woof | good bye my friend

    My command: I really hope security get's better and you guys are responsible for this. Make me proud

    All of utilty high command: Jesus christ guys

    Giovanni, Rektify, and Daedran: You guys were pretty cool mtf to minge around with

    Jack: I swear to god if you join and leave the ts one more time...

    There were lots of people that also helped me have a good time but I can't remember the rest of you all.


    Demoted DHOS Cryolast

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Dang said:


    - 2 minutes is not long to wait for NLR and you went right back to the same spot where you died.

    I went back to the last spot because people are calling out that CI are in LCZ near Medbay. Yes, I did go back to my death spot but I did with new info telling me that CI were there.

  3. First of all, yes. this shows that I died at around 0:05-10 and came back at arround 2:10. meaning I probably broke nlr by around 10-15 seconds by the speed of me getting there. But my spawn is right next to gas room and it takes litteraly less than 10 seconds to get there. I believe I broke NLR but only by 10-15 seconds. I'll be more careful in the future but I think a written warning is a little too much for such a minor offense. I don't use a timer when waiting nlr and I think it's a good idea to start using them to make sure this doesn't happen again.

  4. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! 

    What you want to see? - When you right click with the cigarette it lights a lighter which makes a sound. People like to spam this and it is very obnoxious. I would like to see Spamming right click on the cigarette swep against the rules of the SOP.

    Why should we add it? - It is very annoying to hear this sound play again and again and making it against the rules (like flashlight spamming) would allow less people to be annoyed all the time by this.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It will make less people pissed off.

    Who is it mainly for? - People who have the cigarette swep

    Links to any content -  n/a

  5. 19 minutes ago, ryan2543 NotFound.Tech said:

    What you want to see? -  the timer for adverts in d block like hands up and partial to be lowered to 3 min instead of 5

    Why should we add it? - because people that just get on the server sometimes dont know if its hands up or not and get shot 

    What are the advantages of having this? - making it so security is on the feet more and pay attention and d class know what it is at all times

    Who is it mainly for? - D class and Secruity

    Links to any content - N/A

    When trained for CPL, your trainer should be telling you how to call procedures and when to do it. I will talk to command about making sure they are doing this and the timer is already 3 minutes.

  6. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! 

    What you want to see? - The textscreen in LCZ meeting room saying that PTS is in effect and that breaking it will cause a strike/demote

    Why should we add it? - Helps let new players know in meetings that they need to be quiet during the meeting.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Less interruptions from new players during meetings

    Who is it mainly for? - Utility, Research, and Security.

    Links to any content - N/A




    Hi Justin, 

    From everything shown in the evidence it shows you player dissing as your mic is active while it happens. Even if it was proven that you were innocent, you have dealt with this issue in an extremely unprofessional way, you have blackmailed command, complained about it constantly on the discord, arguing with command, as well as player dissing people like me and mind stone to other security in-game. There is no way at this point you are getting this appealed. The punishment you were given is not a major one and you'll probably be a LCPL again by the end of the week if you improve on your behavior.

    ~ DHOS Cryolast

  8. +Support

    While someone with a knife may be beaten in a 1v1 v.s. security, when we are having 5-10 d class with this weapon at times during these riots it is utterly awful. as for terms of a nerf, I don't care much about the damage or fire rate, but more the range. No knife should have a range of like 8 feet and stab me across the room.  How are we supposed to "back up and use barricades" like y'all said when the D class doesn't even have to get close.

    Note: I know this isn't for every knife but only a few when it comes to the range

    • Like 1
  9. Lore Name: Cryolast
    Rank: Junior Researcher
    SCP: SCP 294

    Question / Idea: Will the effects of SCP 294 worsen/lessen on subjects who have certain personalities/characteristics.
    Background Research: SCP 294 can poor any feeling or knowledge into a cup no matter how hard it may be to get. Though it has a certain unknown range.
    Hypothesis: I think the drink will produce the same of amount of something no matter how much the person already has.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): Gave a D class who was extremely happy (by touching SCP 999) a cup of sadness, after drinking he was fine, not generally sad or happy. The next D class who was just fine, drank sadness and started crying saying how much remorse you feel for his victims. The final D class who was very depressed drank sadness and said he felt no effect, meaning that he couldn't be any more depressed. Next I got 3 D class who had 3 different knowledge on engineering. The first who had no knowledge drank knowledge of engineering and said he felt like he just remembered something he hasn't done in a long time. Next D class who had general knowledge (like high school knowledge) of engineering drank the drink and felt like he learned more, probably at around a college level. The Final D class had a professional knowledge of engineering and after drinking it said he knew how to build anything and said he knew the plans to make a portable elevator. I was going to take the D class to medbay for evaluation but sadly I died to a CI raid.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 
    The video is in a playlist with the rest of the interviews.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It seems that no matter the personality or the knowledge, the effect will still be improved, not set to a minimum level. Meaning that if someone is already extremely sad they cant get much worse as they have reached the cap, but a person who is generally happy will be a lot less effected by the drink as it can only take them down so much. This goes the same for engineering, unlike a personality, we are always learning new things and are very very far from reaching the peak of engineering. meaning that someone who has excellent knowledge will gain much more than they already have as the drink does not set you to a certain minimum. 

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, I thought that the drink could only get you so far, but it doesn't matter how much you feel or know something, it will still go up or down a certain amount.

    • Like 1
  10. Lore Name: Cryolast

    Rank: Junior Researcher

    SCP: SCP 500 and SCP 1025


    Question / Idea: Will SCP 500 effects cure the effects given by reading certain chapters in SCP 1025?

    Background Research: SCP 500 has been known to cure anything including SCP 008. SCP 1025 gives normal diseases but in unnatural ways. Will this effect if it can be cured?


    Hypothesis: I believe that it can be cured as after all its still just a normal disease.


    Observations (What Happened During Test): First D class read SCP 1025 and was given blindness. She took SCP 500 and it cured her blindness. Second D Class read SCP 1025 and was given fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva but was unable to move at all so could not be given SCP 500. The third D class read SCP 1025 and was unable to jump due to the pain (couldn't jump) he was given SCP 500 but he still couldn't jump without large amounts of pain.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I believe that SCP 500 has limits and when it comes to anomalous given diseases it can only cure certain ones.

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct? Kind of, while it can cure someone anomalous given diseases, it can't cure all of them.

    Conclusion: I believe that SCP 500 has limits and when it comes to anomalous given diseases it can only cure certain ones.

  11. -Support

    Honestly, even though security is a very big branch we don't have any issues updating the roster, it is updated regularly by us high command and having 6 people editing the roster would in my opinion be a nightmare.

  12. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! 

    What you want to see? -  Remove the medkit from Security Corporal

    Why should we add it? - Security shouldn't be healing themselves or others as that is medical's job.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It will unencourage security on the CPL job to heal themselves/others and more security will go to medbay.

    Who is it mainly for? - The security corporal job.

    Links to any content - N/A

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