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Posts posted by Knuckles

  1. 48 minutes ago, Jayden said:

    addition.png New "Trainee Jobs" section in F4 Menu

    • Jobs - "Maintenance Trainee", "Medical Trainee", "Research Trainee", "Security Trainee", "MTF E-11 Trainee", "MTF Delta-5 Officer",

    Ah yes my favorite Trainee job "MTF Delta-5 Officer"

    • Laughing 1
  2. ROA or LOA: LOA
    Name: Knuckles
    Rank: ETM
    Start Date: 6/8/22 (didn’t realize we had this, thought staff loa covered)
    End Date: 6/13/22
    Reason: Lots of work, family out of town have to take care of stuff

  3. 22 hours ago, Piller said:


    Clear powergaming and what we've sadly come to expect from this individual. Regarding it not being specifically mentioned in the rules, this is irrelevant as the MOTD states that not every situation can be accounted for and this is very obviously against the spirit of the MOTD.

    Normally I'm hesitant to back anything that isn't outright mentioned in an SOP or MOTD as I don't like things seeming like they're being pulled out of our asses, but this man was camping D block. Despite not being one of the "spawn locations" explicitly mentioned in the puppy guarding rule it is the only way for a large group of players to get from Point A to anywhere on the map. So yea... puppy guarding scumbag 😞

    (Unless you're on SEC. Then it's your job)

  4. 4 minutes ago, PryingTree said:

    He also pressured me to warn him, so I didn't want my rep down. It was dumb but... anything for dat rep!!

    I said I thought he deserved one during the sit. Just because I say I think he deserves one doesn't mean you make that decision. If you take the sit it's always your say and you tell them that. If you didn't think he deserved it then you say that and call it there. Don't throw me under the bus just because I said I wanted him warned when I was still annoyed he cut my torso in half with an elevator door.

  5. +Support

    My main reason for making that sit was because my internal monologue when he hit the button was "you fucking idiot" and I was annoyed because I just came off NLR

    I still stand by the fact that he was being a bozo by trying to go down the elevator right into 354 tho

  6. +Support

    * Names of (non-redacted) command members would be common knowledge. Medical command is not redacted

    * I think the real crime here is Baeto in a new life suddenly screaming "he's a fake" like dude... you got killed by that guy at least try to RP instead of jumping to conclusions

  7. Your name on the roster


    Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply)


    I understand if accepted I will have a 2 Week evaluation period where I will be closely watched and evaluated


    Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns
    The warn for power gaming is so far back I genuinely don't remember what happened outside of the fact that I was in D block at the time. The more recent warning was a simply mistake I won't repeat. I didn't know scavenger couldn't use that particular weapon, now I do.




    Why should we trust you as a Command Member?
    As a member of Nu7 I have shown nothing short of dedication to the branch. Even when it seemed I would be striked, I kept my nose to the grindstone not letting any minor setback stop me from doing my best for the branch. I should be trusted because I can work well with members of the branch. I listen to the ideas of my peers and work with them to try ideas of my own. I have shown my fellow branch members that they can depend on me to get things done whether that be through our personal interactions or the operations logs. During my time as an enlisted member I have proven to be highly effective and I intent on continuing to do so. I can be (and should be) trusted not only because of what I have said so far, but also because of something else crucial: emotional control. I know when to step away. I can tell when emotions are trying to rule my thoughts and temper myself. As a member of command this is an incredibly important trait as it will allow me to make smart decision based on the facts available instead of a misplaced sense of pride. I know when it's time to cut losses. That may sound rough, but by doing so I can spare the branch from needlessly wasting our time in an effort doomed to fail. Because of my dedication, my ability to work with others, and my ability to keep a level head I should definitely be trusted for command.


    Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it?
    I have proven several times over that I am dedicated to Nu-7. In the past couple weeks, several of my fellow members have described me as being on the "grindset" during the MTF meetings. I am currently the only enlisted member of the branch who is both in every sub branch and who has been promoted past the junior rank. Throughout my time in Nu7 I have proven myself in both general activity and all sub branch operations. I deserve this position because I can remain calm under pressure and I can act quickly and correctly when the time arises. 
    I want this position because I believe I have done all I can as an enlisted member. I've been making activity logs and sub branch operations and I train where I can, but I want to do more. Training is often something many groan about having to do, but I understand its importance. As a member of command I will be able to train for all sub branches and this is something I intend to do. I want this position not just for the responsibility to the branch but to the players themselves as well.


    Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for?
    I have proven not only that I can be an asset to the branch but that I can do it consistently. Week after week during my time in Nu7 I have been moving up because I can operate efficiently at a high standard. Whether it is killing D class and CI, completing sub branch operations, or organizing a squad to get things done I am able to do it at a high standard. I am the best option not only because of what I have said throughout this application, but because I know the time and place to mess around and when not to. This is a distinction many cannot make and it often results in the unnecessary deaths of personnel in critical situations. By appointing me to command I can help guide fellow members during important moments to ensure these easily avoidable errors aren't made and CI are left quaking in their boots.




    You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?
    This is entirely dependent on just how far the PFC takes it. If they take their disrespect to certain extremes it will be immediately out of my hands. Barring those extremes I would handle it like I handle disgruntled players in sits. I would pull them aside and give them a chance to cool off and vent their frustrations in a separated space where it likely won't disrupt anyone. After they've vented I'd talk it out with them and try to figure out what caused this and I'd tell them why they can't be acting in such a manner around their fellow players. If I can deescalate the situation I will do everything I can to do so in order to minimize disruptions. Should the player continue to cause issues after an intervention I would gather the relevant evidence and put in a report to a member of Low Command.


    You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?
    If this has not been a problem in the past I see no reason to immediately pull the proverbial trigger. Like my answer to the previous scenario, I would pull them aside so I could get a feel for their motivations and why they are feeling this way. I don't want to push people around I would rather work with them to see if we can't resolve the issue without escalating. The exception to this would be if their insubordination ends up having a larger impact on the current branch activity as a whole. In these situations following orders is key as insubordination can result in the entire activity going under. In this situation I would still sit down and talk with the player because I would want to have the civil discussion to figure out why this happened and how this could be avoided, but I would also document the incident and report it to low command due to the high impact of the issues caused.

  8. 1 hour ago, Voxial said:


    Just because the player report on you is denied does not mean your strike will automatically be uplifted.

    In my opinion you need to give better reasoning as to why your strike should be removed.

    SMT deemed I did not engage in rule breaking behavior otherwise that report likely would have been accepted or a different reasoning for its denial would have been stated. This strike was applied for said rule breaking behavior. To leave it would be absurd. I don't know what better reasoning I need besides "server leadership said I did not actually break the rule I was punished for supposedly breaking"


    I have edited the topic to better reflect that line of reasoning

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