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Luka Hellthorn

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Posts posted by Luka Hellthorn

  1. Name: Luka Hellthorn

    Rank: LCPL

    Date of LOA Leave/Return: Leave - 01/16/2021 Return - 02/04/2021

    Reason (if private write N/A): School's starting for me over here (EU moment) and i need to get back into the rythm of working. This is to say i'll have to re-evaluate my priorities and for that i'll need time.

  2. On 3/30/2019 at 1:40 AM, October said:

    Hello Jack, 

    first may I ask what type of computer are you using. Secondly, do you have all the server addons downloaded. If you are on a Mac it is fairly common because this server is not supported well by Macs. 

    If you are on windows I recommend double checking that you have all addons, if you do then disable all your addons and connect. 

    Note, it’s generally an issue with the addon or another addon in particular that you downloaded. 

    Alright, I've tried some things. Firstly, tried joining onto the server with all mods disabled and i still crashed. I'm gonna try that thing Lava suggested, and if it doesn't work i'm going onto Indeffinate LOA until i get a better pc.

  3. Hello,


    My name is Luka Hellthorn, but most of the administration team knows me as Jack Philips. I'm a member of Nu7. Recently, specifically as of the MTF update, i have been having issues with playing on the server and have been experiencing a game breaking Issue.


    Upon loading in, if a member of the NTF squad (pretty sure the standard model does it) is present in the general direction that i am looking in (this does not matter if they are actually visible, they just have to exist in that direction.) I will instantly crash without any error message or explanation. Now i am pretty sure that this is my PC's issue and not the server, but i would still like to hear if anyone from the administration can help me. I've tried Deleting all my addons and joining, having just the server's content pack, I even tried deleting everything GMod releted and redownloading it, and it still seems to presist.


    If any of you can help me, i will be eternally greatful.

  4. 1 minute ago, Thats My Left said:




    Name on roster: Phillips

    Rank on roster: CPL

    How active are you: weekdays (when available) and weekends.

    What can Security improve on?: Aiming and organization.

    Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words): I know how to competently lead a group of Security, have prevented several possible mass breaches and have better aim than most of the security that are on the roster probbably.


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