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Posts posted by KyleTheOne

  1. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    31st EC LTC Kyle 4554

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    31st Demolition Corps

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    Currently, i feel as though 31st is currently lacking as a battalion. This may be because of our low officer core. Or our low numbers. I want to help change this. I helped the 31st grow from one of the smallest battalions to a densely populated battalion that rivaled the numbers of 501st. I want to help 31st thrive and grow even further with the new updates and help take the workload off of the current commanders. I am and always have been very passionate about 31st and the people in the battalion are great people that I know I want to work and help them on a path to success as well. This is why i want to be the vice commander for 31st.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    I have been playing since the launch and minus a 2 month break.

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    The main purpose of a commander is to run the battalion as they see fit. Make sure it is functional and fun to be a part of. They help the officer, nco and enlisted core grow and make all the executive decisions. They represent the battalion as a whole and the person who you can always go to if everyone else arent able to help.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    You should trust me to be a commander because I have experience. I am a very trustworthy person. I have been commanders over several different communities and servers. I am also a previous 31st Commander. I have gained the respect of many different people during my time of playing and I am fairly active and dedicated to this position. This is why you should trust me to be a vice commander of 31st.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    Every weekday afternoon and every weekend unless family stuff.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
    I have 0 warnings

  2. If there is field testing invovled The Event Team would call over a few d class. Otherwise they'd have to strictly stay on the main server. I believe only one MTF unit should be called to do something on the field at a time so it would still be a challenge to escape form the facility.

  3. What you want to see? - I would like to see the addition of an SCP-RP event server. Seeing as there has been a previous server for the UK side of SCP-RP I believe there are enough resources to pull this off.

    Why should we add it? -  The current player base for SCPRP is fairly large. I understand that the Site 05 map is great and it covers a lot of areas but it doesn't fully capture the Global scale of the SCP Universe. Once SCPs escape you can't really expect them to stay on that one island. They want to be free, they want to roam. So why not have an event server which is able to capture the re containment on a larger scale. The MTF are called Mobile Task Force. I can hardly believe that three MTF units would always be confined to one site. They're Mobile which means they can be deployed anywhere. The addition of an Event server will also allow the event team to think of more creative and exciting events to attract more players to the server and community. Instead of GOC/CI/Serpents Hand raiding the facility all the time, there can be scenarios such as GOC/CI want an SCP. GOC want to destroy it while CI want to use it for their own gain. What about field agents? Researchers called to action outside of Site 05 to research a new possible SCP. There are endless possibilities with a new event server and it really gives the Event Team time to shine.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It will remove the rinse and repeat feel of a lot of events. It also gives MTF and CI more to do than just Recontain Breached SCPs/Shoot D Class and Breaching SCPs/Recruiting D Class.

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - Not currently. But there are a lot of good maps out there to use.

  4. In-Game Name: Kyle

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:209986016

    Rank: Moderator

    Reason for leaving: I don't feel like im doing much for the staff team.

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes

    Do you agree to contact your manager once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes

  5. Hey guys. Boom Boom guy here. Sadly this is the end of one hell of a wild ride for me. I have watched this tiny little server grow into quite a big one. When I started out 31st was known as the Imperial Engineering Corps. It was hella inactive and no one ever wanted to join. After I got the position of Vice Commander my Commander Ralex left us. I was there on my own without a single piece of knowledge on how to command. I then applied for Commander and got the position. I had my boys Twelves, and Motu beside me. After some serious hard work and shit EC got their own unique bunks and was changed to 31st. I made some really good friends with the other Commanders such as @Segaman456 of the Medics. He is a really kind guy and I hope he one day gets into High Command. Sadly shortly after we got our conversion update Twelves sadly left us. Now it is sadly my turn. I really hope that 31st becomes a greater battalion under the command of my Vice Commander Lemon.

    Special Thanks:

    Motu: My first Vice Commander, you inactive minge, thanks for believing in me my pal.

    Twelves: My second Vice Commander, I'm very sad about your resignation but hey I'm now part of the crew right?

    Lemon: My third Vice Commander, You were literally the most active boy in the regiment and apply for Commander already 31st needs you.

    Harrison: Literally one of the only Naval member with competence, you didn't treat us like we were under you. I really appreciated all your work for us my man get High Admiral.

    Carpenter: You SCPRP OG, you have done great service for our battalion and i hope that one day you get a Commander position.

    Hotshot: Man where do I begin, I really just want to thank you for letting me have this position. Keep working your ass off for Imperial RP because you are doing great services for it and I really appreciate that.


    And to all the boys in 31st I didnt mention. Thank you for having me as your Commander. This is Boom Boom Man Kyle, signing off one last time.

  6. Hello Justin. I myself have been part of the community since January. I have been a Moderator on two different servers. I would like to say that it's not only what the staff members say. But other members of our community. All +Supports or -Supports should have a valid reason explaining why you gave them this support and also CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism on how to improve. Whether it be Behavior, Errors in their application or other reasons. With the influx of new people wanting to be staff, we are going to have to be more strict. Thanks for taking the time to put this forward and I hope I've cleared things up with you.

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