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Posts posted by KadeDev

  1. breaches are fun, its not fair to have scp's locked away forever. That might be lore friendly but this is an rp server ment to be fun.

    I do agree that its better if its like around 10 - 20 mins a breach because 4 mins between breaches are pretty annyoing, but still thats probably only happening because of a ci raid, or an event.

  2. 4 hours ago, th3 said:

    I don’t think it necessarily would work the way you might have intended it to. This seems a little too much like 106’s recontainment strategy.

    Also in rp 682 can be sedated.


  3. Name on roster: Kade II

    Rank on roster: SM

    How active are you: Active

    Who should be the next Major? A lot of people do, so it would not be fair to say someone.

    What can Security improve on? Probably closing doors behind them.

    Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words) Because i'm active and i'm nice, I know the rules and i don't break them. And i'm not a minge, and i feel like that i can help the security team a lot.

    1. What is your in-game name?: Security JFTO SM Kade II 1S03

    2. What is your steam name?: Kade

    3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:38626776

    4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes i used to own a server, not any more.

    5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 12/28/18.

    6. What date did you make your forums account? 12/30/18.

    7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Member/User

    8. How many warns do you have on the server? 0

    9. Have you donated? Nope

    10. What rank are you applying for? Trial mod

    11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Nope, im no longer staff on any server.

    12. Have you read the staff guidelines at

      ? You will be tested on it: Yes

    13. Timezone: PST (GMT-8)

    14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I believe that i should get Trail Moderator because, I play on this server daily and i love to get on. Everyone is so nice and just amazing people. All the staff are nice as well, and i know they got a few more staff. But i really think that i could help as i'm quite known now as of today. I'm a nice and understanding person and i feel like i could bring some skill sets to the team. Such as experince on the server, knowlege of rules and just being there to help! I feel like I just need to help people, even when i'm not staff, i'm trying to help and enforce rules. That's why i think i should be Trial Moderator.

    16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Warn and then do a Anti-Minge them for 300 seconds (the max a t-mod can do) while start recording evidence and upload it to an admin to possibly get them a strike or a demotion depending on the role.


    This is my second application link to my old one here:

    EDIT: I have droped my server, because i feel like GL deserves me more. It was a side project that i wasent intrested in, and if this edit breaks rules im sorry. I don't want my server to effect me.

  4. Security SO Poptart | LTAP, RDM on Security, Marcoing the punishment
    overcookedpoptart66  - Ban Request
    Your In-game: Security JFTO SM Kade II 1S03
    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:38626776
    The player's name in-game: Security SO Poptart
    The player's steam name (If you know it): overcookedpoptart66
    What did the player do: Refusing the punishment of closing doors first offense, then macroing the punishment, then rdming on security (warned by Razonix) and LTAP (also warned by Razonix)
    Evidence (REQUIRED): Evidence of macroing and refusing to do the punishment:   
      | No evidence of the RDM and LTAP because i was tabbed out of the game uploading the evidence, Razonix has the logs of it and warned the affending player of it.
    What do you believe should happen to the player: Demotion of Security for RDMING and LTAP of another Secuirty Member and Macroing the punishment after refusing to do it.
    Any extra information: The reason i belive he was macroing is because before he started he stoped for awhile then starting doing it.
  5. T-Moderator Called me a cunt

    AdminName - Johhny (i guess hes not an admin tho)




    Your In-game:  Secuirty FTO SGT Kade II 1S69

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:38626776  64: 76561198037519280
    The admin's name in-game: EMPEROR OF D CLASS EMPIRE 2
    The admin's steam name (If you know it): GL_snakefive3
    What did the admin do: Called me a cunt, which is breaking the staff handbook.
    What do you believe should happen to the admin: blacklisted from staff, and maybe a demotion depending on the rank.
    Any extra information: I was trying to kill him while he was saying i was body blocking while i was running into the door reloading, and generaly runing around to reload and not get hit. Then when i killed him he called body blocking then called me a cunt in dead chat.
    1. What is your in-game name?: Kade the 2nd

    2. What is your steam name?: Kade

    3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:38626776

    4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Not really.

    5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 12/28/18 i belive.

    6. What date did you make your forums account? 12/30/18

    7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Member/User

    8. How many warns do you have on the server? 0

    9. Have you donated? Nope

    10. What rank are you applying for? Trial mod

    11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? nope

    12. Have you read the staff guidelines at

      ? You will be tested on it: Yes

    13. Timezone: PST (GMT-8)

    14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): not a srmod

    15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)] This is the first time im on an SCP-RP but still its my best time, everyone is nice too me and everyone is just great. I want to give back to this community. I absoultly love hopping on, and i feel like i would be an amazing Trial Mod. As I am nice and i will understand most things. But still strict enough to get the point across. And really its a dream just to get staff on this server. And i love most staff, and some know me. And would allow me to fit in better, as all the staff in my eyes are great. I haven't been treated wrong, i know the rules. Really everything is great, and i just want to give back really. Thats really what i want to do! I just can't understand not? And thats why i think i should be Trial Moderator on the Gaming Light SCP-RP Server.

    16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First tell them to stop and calm down, if they don't i will call an higher staff to ban them, and or handle them.

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