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Posts posted by Wheat

  1. Name: Wheat

    Rank: SNR SA

    LOA Time: 1/29 - 2/6 

    Reason (Private if needed): Wont be able to be home for a week or so because i am getting my houses floors redone. Cant acess my desktop since im on vacation since the floor thing.


  2. Today, i did a test with 1 D class who was compliant on 049, 049 infected him and the newly 049-2 began attacking the blast proof glass, 049 attempted to calm him down and managed to revert the D class back but did not like to do it. The D class was Startled and had a Nervous breakdown. The D Class was acting weird when he was returned and something among the lines of: "I have seen the other side" to anyone who wanted to fight him even after being administered amnestics. I believe when people get infected and survive, they still have severe brain damage or are immune to pills.

  3. Name on roster: Chick3n

    Rank on roster: Corporal

    How active are you: I get on later in the day, 6 PM EST, i have 16 hours total but i plan to get more ?

    Who should be the next Major? Rev

    What can Security improve on? Better coordination, making it mandatory to be on the foundation staff radio frequency, assisting others, knowing when to shoot and when not to. Closing doors behind them whenever they go somewhere.

    Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words) Ive helped contain SCP 173 6+ times, I've helped contain 049 around 3 times, and i am very good at keeping D Class in D Block (MY JOB).  I RP somewhat and i try my best to stay in character.

  4. On 1/20/2019 at 4:08 PM, Josh H-Y. said:

    + Support

    The amount of RP has been decreasing on the server for over 6 months. Martial Law was a rare occurence but now it happens everyday with multiple bank robberies and mass shootings. Nobody roleplays on the server anymore and those that try will just get gun downed by CC with negevs. We need to be more harsh with punishments (dare I say like what Valk did). There was a lot of things I don't agree with Valk but he damn made sure people actually roleplayed and didn't break rules by banning them. PoliceRP is now actively mocked by it's own playerbase as a DarkRP with vehicles and contain no RP whatsoever. It's sad to see this occur but it's been happening for months now and everyone just kinda accepted it. The excuse of 'it's a semi-serious rp' doesn't mean people should get away shooting people or cops every 2 minutes. If we want the server to go back to what it used to be, back when I first joined and RP actually occured, then we need to start being much harsher with rule breakers. As wolf said the warn system is flawled and people don't care about it. I see staff give people warns for RDM/FailRP and just put them back down with a "Don't do that again". I love this server and community but it's been toxic and just constant no RP for a very long time. We need to go back to what we used to be, a server that can still have those crazy moments. But make them a rareity not the norm. A lot of people have left the community in recent months for these reasons of no more RP. It's just not fun constantly going from one shooting to another and the offenders just keep getting away with it. We need to come down hard on those that fail to even attempt to roleplay and simply minge/ban them. If we don't do something soon then I feel it will be too late to fix this problem. Then eventually the players that really do care like myself and many others will give up and leave, because it's not fun anymore.

    I agree, lockdowns are still useless to everyone so to stop crime we enforce martial law, ive seen way too many shootouts and PD cant take one CC's because they get full armor from the hospital and they spawn with a medkit, they also have a negev while PD has a P250 and or MP5/M4A1 which are terrible weapons regardless. I have only had three very RP traffic stops out of 150+ where they either pull a gun or drive away. Traffic stops either devolve into A: You stop them and once you tell them they are getting a ticket ($750 at most) they drive off resulting in a chase. B: You put a spike strip in the middle of their vehicle so they can't drive off then they whine about it being "failRP" and you get either an admin called or a person wanting you dead 24/7, C : They pull a gun and you are under fearRP. D : Its a felony traffic stop and they have 5+ guns pointed at them yet they somehow pull out a negev and spray you down resulting in a big chase/ shootout or E: They get their friend to ram their car into yours / blow it up to stop your car. Criminals somehow get away with not RPing just because the cops are their "enemies" Their is not enough passive RP or any Criminals RPing with cops. We had to get our own CC Cop to deal with CC criminals. And like the post i quoted, i do care about RP on this server and i feel that there should be a certain class/ section of classes that DO kill cops. Its very annoying to get shot only because you are a cop. Also micspam is very annoying and common.

  5. InGame Name: Wheat


    Trooper Rank & Badge #: Trooper 1T


    Question 1: Do you feel you are being treated fairly and with the correct level of respect within State? Yes or no, and please give your reasoning? No, People believed that i paid someone to mass RDM and after this accusation, i got blacklisted for a day or two. They jumped to conclusions whenever said RDMer claimed he had proof but refused to give it. I never got to share my side of the story and the proof wasn't shown. The blacklist shouldn't have ever happened and if it was someone higher ranking, they wouldn't have been blacklisted temporary or not. However, i do believe i do get respect from other state and most of us are level headed.


    Question 2: Please list 3 or more recommendations you think would improve the atmosphere of roleplay and seriousness within the Rockford State Trooper department? Allow areas where checkpoints don't need permission (I.E. High traffic areas) and designate it as such. A handheld carpusher tool would be great if we need cars off roads when the driver isn't there and your car isn't there or the vehicle is in park. A radar gun, it would be great to have a frequency thing that beeps depending on how fast they are traveling or just any radar gun will do.


    Question 3: Do you have any other issues or things you would like to mention to us? Please feel free to express your honest opinion. You start with 125 armor as a trooper, you can only gain up to 100 armor without resetting. Dealing with a negev weilding CC with a medkit while i have only at best a shotgun and normal armor that they can get as well for money from the hospital. I feel that we should be able to regain that 125 without having to get killed as it ruins RP.

  6. +Support

    Increases RP inside DOC

    Would be fun to have a custom model to differentiate people booked vs not booked

    Seems good

    Could make it spawn with just fists and a knife for riots

    DOC gets more action



  7. Your In-game: Wheat

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91171899
    The admin's name in-game: Yobo
    The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A
    What warning did you receive: No value to life
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 3721C86DB3ABA15C7B07E5D28028B144CB1FF7A9
    Why do you think this warn was false: It wasn't warn worthy, i don't see any rules about it.
    Any extra information: i was getting arrested, then my friend did a stickup so i could be free, we did a pursuit, then we had a shootout where i fled to spawn, my friend went into custody, i went up to SS HQ, Noone followed me and i figured that i wanted to get another shootout by calling 911, (there wasn't much crims on and i could've just waited 5 minutes and been a free man but i wanted to have fun (its a game afterall)) I was on the ledge but accidently moved back and fell, and i died. I got pulled to an admin sit and he told me something yada yada yada, i got warned even though he didnt explain what rule i broke (And if there is one, i would have no will to live, i am either gonna die in a shootout or get arrested) I think Yobo is overstepping his boundaries as T-Mod.Warn.PNG.2f37dc72e9e67a4ba399ea05be9b8da1.PNG
  8. Name: Wheat/Chicken Wheat/Chicken/Chick3n


    In-Game Name: MSGT Wheat 1C92/ Wheat


    How many warnings to do have: 3


    Why do you want to be EMS (150 word minimum): I want to help out even after all the action is over, i feel that being EMS would be a new experience and could let me use my pacifist skills. I am a at the least, a very decent driver so i will not hit vehicles often. I also think that i minimally know EMS rules. I am very active and can specialize in both PD and EMS if needed. (Also i think EMS needs more active people). I think that EMS could use my possible fast response to fatalities and i am fine without getting action and instead assisting. If i become EMS, i will be able to be on when others are not if needed, i typically play later (5PM-2AM is my typical times i play.) and i don't see more that 2 EMS online at a time. I like being able to heal instead of hurt and helping out PD and the people is great.



    Can you attend the meetings on Saturday at 6pm EST? (Mandatory): Most likely, but i might miss it due to it being 6pm and i might have supper early.

  9. Remember when the tazer made them flop to the ground, and you could shock them while they were down, it was also near impossible to cuff em unless you knew, or that one tazer that fired a projectile with its own physics and it made their arms flail (it was near impossible to use)

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  10. I personally got gmod because, i heard from a friend its amazing and used to watch venturiantale launch cars with boosters and stuff (I loved his lays chip bag mod review it made me laugh so much) and 4 years later, i bought it because i saw SWRP and though it was cool and after i got bored, just played singleplayer till i found MilRP then PoliceRP

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